11-09-14 Regular ,r, Delray, Florida, ??ov Z~th l?14. ~..' The rgular meeting of the City council ar;r.s held on t?:e above"~' date and eras called tonorder by President SYm , 1`. Blackmer. 8, Oc1ocl:, Roll call slroured the follo~=rind membars present '~. .Blackmer, T.1,:.1,cRaa, J.R.C;ason, C,P:.Bell, c°; L._:.Brad.:haw absent none. nr y The minutes of the previous meeting ~rras read and approved A motion eras t},-en made by it :+_cBae and seconded by ~r Bell drat J.R.Cason Gha.irman of the hater ca Light Commitie comunicate.vrith the different parties,, that had addressel' ~s> the Council in referencf° to storage Tanks and get best terms and prices Ca,ried" Lair Troup Pres " of Board o_' trra,de t'r_..-n addressed the meeting in reference to the Streat running north o~ Atlantic Ave" and zest of the right-of-?ray of the Florida Coast Line Canal. xanted to Yno~a ii t_•iere ~=~a,s a street there and if' there ;gas ;f the Council xould have the stroet doclared open,xanted this inforiaation begore the Deep "'ater~rays convention is hold at Sto~rart on November 2.3rd. 1:'?r Sperry Ct, ;`r Johnson al,o addressed the mectin along tyre s=rr.-~e lines, ,,, A commitiie of ladies composed of hlrs Lot Smith and t;Irs J.1i.Cromer and firs Copeland repre.,enting tha Ladies improv©ment Association, then addressed the Council in refer ence to the cleaning up of tyre Torn ~ also to the sanoitary condition of the same i=[rs Smith read a paper as follo~rs. ~" ,+'- 5 Illre4s Clerk 3 Re,c2~eilly then read the Bills for the f.iontl~ of October, after which a motion teas r,:ade by ~r R^.c Rae and seconded by Pur Bradshaw that the Bills bs referred to the Finance Cod Carried. Bills reported back from. Finance committie. kiotion by Rir Be11 and ueconded by Air plc Crae that the ` clerk be instruvcted to Drarrliarrents to cover Bills approve the Bill From Geo 0 Butler. for, ~~5.85, for Transcript of `' all pavers in suit d~ to Validate Bonds for the Town of Delray was not approved to be referred to J.R.t~tnCr~r•.=_r.~ Riayor l~.F.Mi11er then addressed. t}?e Council in refferenee !to cleaning up the town and stated that he ~r~as going to i issue a procol=zmation, ratting Tuesday Nov 17th as cleaning ~<. up day. The Clerk then read several Comunications one from t~].Ben Carter in referenct to the siF;ning of hhe Ordinanc _? granting the Tovm of Delra to la water y y pipes on the ~.R. CC, ri~{ht-of way. after discussing this question a R~otion i~as made by Prr LicCrae anal seconded by I+ir Bell that the Clerk i~r C~~rtar that the Council fail to see ;=Therein it is• inc- umbent on them to sign aw~_~.y any right of Eminent Domain a.ndt therefor refuse to execute the contract submitted, but are willir_g to submit to a modified Contract as pertaining to right of gray described as 21ft ~~;est of centre line of Rlain M Y'r -zck . Carried, 4'. Rioved bye+~r ilcRae and ©econded by -,r well that' '"eeting "d~ourn. approved this th~~ &Za2:~ a ,~ ds,y of November ~1.D. 1914. _'~="~`, Presi~ont of Cotmcil. r ~. 9ttest Cit~r Clerk.