11-17-14 Delay Florida, i8otr l7th 1914.
!' t~ called moetin„ off' the City Covs;cil was held nn ±he ~a,bove
date and •.ras called to Dreier at , B. P.P<i.~ by President
G'`iu.':; .Blackmer .
~ ~~
; Ro11 call showed the folloi^tin~; members presont 4,'m S9.Blac- ~
kmer,'''. E. Bell, L.1r.B'rac~^hacr, J.R.Oa,sen, T. x : ,. Rae.
J.R. Cason statadt that tiro r,!eeting had bean called
for t?'e purpose of sottlin-;, certai.t~ ma±,ters p2rta,inir~ to
the l'Jater ~': Light progect.
The que t,ion of paying for tae Pine Horeb aed f om X1-0
J.B._JCCrarg 60• rras the brougl;_t un and disco-:,ed. a ,'otion
j '.:as t'_?en made by J.R.Casen Jr. and secon~'ed by ~id.l•,.Bell
that ti-e Clerk Issue an lnte-re.st bearing '~9arrent to the
a , J.B.I~_cCrary Co, for t;':e APiOUnI, of °a30~.47,~said tvarrent
~ to be~a.r interest at t;:e rate oro~. to cover payment of
abo;~a ment.ionad '~`='ater Pipe,
tie Cuestion of T ippi_nf tre '~+at.er mains u^as flier. brougla
up ar_ci thoroughly discussed,
i By J.R.Cason, Jr
A motion vas i~iade and secondoCl by L.II.Bradshava that
the price of making connections on all galvanized zpater
mains stall be ?'t3.00 to every person t^ranting water
connections thia charge~includec-haying pipe to the curb
• line.
and for maiin_ connections on the cast iron nkpe
shall be F:5.00, this to lay pipe to the curb lire,
and the Electric light cennection~ to be „~'1.80
'for each
J.R.Ca.son then reque:=fed tl:a Chair to appoint a ma31 to ti
assist kr Brown in securing Patrons for Ytater and Light 1
in the To~vn of Delray. The chair then ar_pointed J.A. '~
t7alkar to assist h`r Brown.
Tho s.ngine proposition ~~rras next taken up after discus<;ing 1
this question thoroughly u.r llc Rae Made the fcllo~ring mot~n 1
that tt?e board inform l.;r J.C.Brosan representative of the
J.B.1xicCrary Co that it is much to t7?eir regret- that there'
has been any delay in the delivery of the De Lavergne
engine, and they u;ill do all in ti:eir po^*er to hasten the
delivery and overcome this inconver_ience and tl?a,t a Committi
be appointed to draft a Telegram to the DeLavergne liachine
Co sitting forth the fact that the town of Delray is being
seriously inconvenienced 8;damaged by this .~.elay.
Carried. '
= committie was then appointed composed of J.R.Casor, and
h :
. Blaclsr.,er to draft a Telegram to T
re -DeLavergne engine ~
co whic~l was as folloti~^s. '
November 18th,1C14. I'ielray, Florida.
y' DoLa`Tergne Engine Co,
Foot of 133th St,
lde~=~ York City', N.Y.
Toc;n being seriously inconvenienced and dams,ged b}* delay
ir_ delivery of Fn~ine, Date of Agreement as per a~reerient.
it~as October 1st, what shall rre expect. anse;or ir~meciiately•
J.R.Cason, Jr
Oh- a~ irn;an tira,ter ~~ Light Com;-"
There bei_n~ no further business: meeting adjourne~-~.
7 ! Approved this the 1~~clay oi' i7ov ~ ber A.D . 1°14.
s ~residera of City Council 1
{ City Clerk.