12-29-14 RegularDelray, Florida. Dec 2~th 191x. Tha red ul.:+,r meeting of the city council ',~~a:- held on the above d~.te c=.,,;d way ce.llod to order at 7, O,Clock by Ares" ;,'m, lr'.Blackn!er Roll call sho~ad the folio'-°ring n_otrbers pree ent. ztr!.'s~ .Blackrer ) T.1.D;cCr^.~: ) t~bsent J.R.Cason ,, ._..Bell ) L..~.Br~+,de?i~.i+r ) The ^inutes of the 1-~ meetir_;- here recd caaui ,.-~rrov:~d ac raz.d. The Ord9.n:.r_ce Prohibiting- t]ie int~rforence ':itn the ~'lec~ic Lir~',ht .nd ~u!.ter linos ',-._ then brought up ~.nd discussed and order°ed i;c be l~xid over uraill ti-!e ne_~t r~eetin~; °;ith the request that Coi~ncihn~n bell try to get ome d^.ta from Falco beach pertaining; to ~,.n Ordinance of this izir-d. 'r Ch:?,tfiel.d t~~:er a,d.dreras;ed the meeting in reference 'to his Property Valu•_Ltion t~-ou^:ht. it to hi ^'h cor~?...red with othars after discuN~ ing th!s r.!a,tter it v ~~ laid. over untill neat mee,tin~-. l`r Bradsi~raiv Chairmt~,ti of the ~trost in reference to tie petition to be o~.aners a1on,,. Atl~~-rtic Ave, in reff Street, he h+,d :~ecurrd a nur!bc;r of turned. i.t oiler to .fr Spcrr y ~.r_d '.s be located it vrras l::cid over untill Cotvrcil. Coco:_ittie Stated that signed by the propert- ~rence to paving the Signers and h^.d then it :perry could not t~.e next r?eotinr; of lett.r eras t-^:e res~.d fro:- tho F._-.C .P,.Y. in reference to t'_;e. Cit~r signing an Ordin~~.nce ;;r,znti.ng the City tho privilege to use the Cor:r!,ny's Ri~d~t-of- way, after di_soil' ~ing t =i_s ~:atter 4r i'ic F e made the follot~rinr* _aotien <~vu s~ conded by r~~r Bell that the C~ ~~?^k be ins- tructed to r~rr.ite t'zo F.Y?.C;.E.FZ. in reply to their coniun- ic_at_on of llec 24tYr 191.4, thwt the only mr~.tter that they can cons,i.der in t~~e ire:~.i •e€a i> their incroactrent by the To. r_ on their sight-of-;'+~,y Cerri,ed. "r J.C.Iiro'm thou ~,dri;: ;,? tie ~:-e^.ting ,~tatinp tit^t a nur~:ber of people goir:g tc~ a=e Electric Light v;anted iseters ir.st+-tiled I;ioved by 3..:r i`cCr:~e and soconded by '_'r Bell that J.C.Y,ro~:+n be p;i~ren :.ut_hi,^zuty to in: tr_.11 to^ropert3- o~;mer t'~i.t re,^uested_ ther!,~Dtu~csn z`Ft~=rs, subject to th.e approval of~the Boy+.rd of under;vriterc. _-rice to be!:8.00. Carried.