265-39· ~, ~-; 265 K kE~:0L,.: I0~; ?0. BOOK 170. i ~'SOL!?IOt~ OF ~;. CITY COULCiL O? U[~Z CITY 0i,' DELf~Y B~..CH, ~ORIDA ACCE?fI2,~G ;?~?S ./t~lD St~ECiFICATIONS OF q~IE CI~ ENCIEE~R F0~I CZ~TAI~f STREET i2~,,OV.~'~EI~T ¥:0~ Ak~ THE ESTI~,~TED COST 0F SUCH I25'20V~ AS JET FOR~ I}~ SAID ?LM<S A~ ~2ECIFICATIOES. BE IT ~0LVED by the City Council of the City of Delrs¥ B~3~ch, Floride, that ?,lans ~nd sDeclfio~tion~ ':~nd esti~ted cost a~ou~t]~- to$~$$~5~-~,~- . - ~ . Dollars of tt~e pro- ~osed street i~,~.~o rove?~ent. ~rk be ~cce?ted. BE IT ?~.m,~ '~ ' ~ ....~ ...... RESOLVED that sax] plans and s?ee:tftcstlons Of the City Engi.~eer be f~led with the City Clerk of the City of Del r~y the City Euf[ineer, and that the s~me stall be of,~ned to ins{~ection by the ~.~.~,~.,~ ~.:,~0LV'~ that s~id ~:~!ans r:~nd ~:';.ecific_tions ~.,o:,~t of ~'~?o'9oTed ituprove~ent shall cover the follo~n~; v~rk, to-wit: The gradin~ ~nd ?~vt~F of Southeast ~econd Street from Southeast Seven, th Aveuu.e to Southesst Eighth Avenue. o~.~ th~ City Council of the City of Delray Beach, i<!oI:'ida, on 1939. A-:..p roved: ~yor