01-13-13Delray*, Florida., January 1,3th., 1913. P~leeting called to order at C P. i+l. by Pres. P~TeRae. Roll call with the following present; Pres. T1eRae, Ald. f~ r".c ton, Cason and Strickland. Abesnt, Ald. ~ackerm~n. .uinutes of last regular meeting, held December 9th., 1912.''! read and ap,xrovPd. Clerk presents reports of officers for the month of Dec- -'' ember together will bills and accounts. Pioved and seconded a that sane be referred to the Finance Com. for imr2ediate actio~~'' Carried. { Clerk reports all bills approved and reports accepted by the Finance Comznittee. A3oved and seconded that reports be a accepted and bills paid as approved by Com. Carried. Clerk read a resolution, in blank, requiring propert;,i owners to construct, and keep in repair, sidewalks on their property within the Town Limits whenever required to do so by the Town Council. i.oved and seconded that property owners owning property on Atlantic Avenue between Swinton Avenne and Dade Street be required to construct sidewalks in accordance with the ordinance governing same, and that the7,r be allowed ninety (90) days after the first day of February, A. D. 1913, in which to complete same. Roll call for ballot; Pres. P4eRae Yae. ' Ald. Acton Yae. Ald. Cason Xae. A1d. Strickland Yae. Carried unanimously. Clerk ther. read the following resolution; BE IT RESOT.VED, by the Town Council of the Town of Delray 'lorida, that Ii. P. McC,inley bn and is hereby notified and ~^equixed to build and construct upon Atlantic Avenue adjoining dot One ( 1 ) of Block Sixty 2Pine ( 69 ), of the Town of • Delray, Florida., according to the Plat of the Town of Delray (formerly Linton] on file in the public records of Pblm Beach. (County, Florida; the said sidewalk to be eight (fi) feet in wid ' b~rith an eight (f3) inch face, to bo constructed of concre~he, composed of sand and cement, the foundation to be at least 3 inches thick and consisting of not less than one part of cemen to five parts of sand, and the surface or top dressing to be txt least 1 inches thick and consisting of not less than one ,~ ;Harts of cement "eo two parts of sand. The said R. P. McGirF ~s fxxrthor notified and required to construct and complete th9 aid sidewalk within 90 days from the 1st. dad of February A. D. 1913; otherwise the Town Council will cause the srid . Sidewalk to be constructed and will padT for the cost of cons ~ueting tha same, and will hold and enforce a lien for such ~coats against the slid property. { $tat~,of Florida, pounty of Palm Beach, ~ ~Pown of Delray D J I, ~9m. tiI„ Blackmer, Town Clerk of the Town of Delray, ',Florida, 8o hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and ';correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Town Connell of Delray, Florida, at a meeting of the said Town Council held jon the 9th. day of December A. D. 1912. In witness whereof, I have hereunto my hand and the seal of the said Town of Delray, Florida, this the 13th. day of iJanuary, A. D. 1913. ~7m. W. Blac}nner Town Clerk of Delray, --= Moved and seconded that resolution be adopted as read, Roll call for ballot; Pres. r4eRae Yae. Ald. dcton Yae. Ald. Cason Yae. Ald. Strickland Yae. Carried unanimously. t Clerk, then read resolutions requiring the following 'property owners to construct sidewalks on their Atlantic Ave. !property, in accordance with the ordinance governing same; Palm Beach County School Boaxd, Sterling and Cathcart, F. 7,. ~Tonbrook, H. J. Sterling, Mrs. Id. E. Sterling, T. C. F. O'Brien, G. '.^. Harvey, Anna M. McRae, Egerton Fc Co, R. A. Peurifoy, Mrs. A. Smith, idra. M. Cahn, b.. VP. Milton, Adolf Hofman, Ladies Imp. Assn., J. S. ~nepper, J, °I. French, 47. ~9. B1ac}user, De1ra;T Pllerc. Co.$ Jno. L. '1,311 Sr. Duly moved and seconded that sFme be same be adopted as .read. Roll call for ballot; Prea. hTeRae Yae. ' Ald. Acton 3'ae. Ald. Cason Yae. - Ald. Strickland Yae. P I4lotion by Ald. Acton that the Chair appoint a committee of two (2) to conf~xr with surveyors and have grade stakes established on Atlantic Avenue from Swinton Aven~le to Dade Street for the benefit of those required to build si.dewalka. Seconded and carried. Chair then a»pointed F:7essrs. Acton and Cason as the committee. The Ord. Com. presents an ordinance providing for the ', publication of the Electric Light and ti9ater Franchises and (moves than same be put on its foret reading.~b'y titld.onlg. ',Carried. AN ORDINANCE to provide for the manner in which ;the Electric Light and Grater Franchises shall be published."' I:Ioved and seconded that the rules be suspended and the .ordinance be pt~ on its second reading and final passflge; i Roll call or ballot, Pres. McRae Yae. j AId. Acton Yae. I Ald. Strickland Yae. Carried unanimously. " AN ORDINANCE to provide for the mannor in which the 'Electric Light and C7ater Fxanchises shall be »nblished. BE IT ORDAINEd by the Mayor and. the Town Council of the Town of Delray, Florida:- That the Electxio Light and !later Franchises, granted W. 1V. Blackmer, his heirs and assigns, D be published by posting in the manner set forth in an ordinance made and providing for publication of ordinances. ' All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict r~ith '.this ordinance be, and .the same are, hereby repealed. Passed the 13th. day of January, A. D. 191.3. ThOS. T1. I~ICRRe. President Town Council. Attest:- ~'~m. ~. Bl~ekmPr Town Clerk. Approved the 14th. day of January, A. D. 1913. John 5. Sundt' ~_~ I~4ayor. I~ovod and seconded that vie now adjourn. Carried. "ll President. C.J ' ~tjte~st~:-,, Clerk. Corr®etiona ordered February 10th., 1913. Ald. Cason was ezcuaed and left the meeting before the closing. Roll call for ballot of Ordinance for pnblicationa of ordinance. Pres. R7eBae Yae. Alderman Acton Yae. Alderman Strickland Yae. ' Carried unanimously. Approved the 10th. day of February, A, D. 1913.