02-10-13Delray, Flori3a, February 10, 1913, Meeting called to order at 9 P, M, by Clerk Blackmer, Roll call with the following present, Ald, Acton, Cason and Strickland. Absent; Pres, McRae and Ald, WaCkerman. Motion by 21d. Cason, seconded by Ald. Strickland, that .41d, Acton Fact as president pro tem. Carried, and Ald. Acton takes the chair. Minntea of last regular meeting, held Jamiary 13th, were read and corrected al follows; Mention made of Ald. Cason being excused and the ballot on ordinance providing for the publication of ordinancee was ;inserted, after which the mirrutea were approved. ~ . Committee reports, none, Clerk read a communication from J. E. Ingraham regarding the 'itown offering a site for a box Yaetory, Clerk was iaetracted to write !Mr. Ingraham that the proposition was favorable and the council would be glad to hear directly from the parties interested, Clerk read letter from B.cGinley & Gorman regarding the laying of sidewalks on Atlantic Avenue opposite Block 69 and the straightening of Atlantic Avenue at that point, Moved and seconded that the matter be laid over Por future reference. "7 Clerk read latter from Mra, Jennie E. Derby, B°adrid, N. Y,, regard_ ing taxes on certain lots in Linn~a Addition to Oseaola Park. Clerk '':instructed to write to "r. Currie regarding same. Clerk preeettts reports of officers for the month of Jatruary, together !with the bills for eutrent expenses for same month. Moved and seconded jthat same be referred to Finance comaittee for immediate action. Carried, Clerk reports all reports acceptable and all bills approved by the iFinance Committee. roved and seconded that all reports be accepted and warrants drawn on treasurer for payment of bills as approved, Moved and seconded that we do now adjourn. Carried, Approved the~0,~5~y, day of A, D. 1913. Attest; ~ President, Clerk.