02-21-13 Special-~ ;~ February 21st., 1913. Special meeting, called by order oP Prea. be?iae, called to order at three forty five P. ?. Roll call, Prea. D~cRae, Ald, Acton, 8nd Cason; also Ifayor Srindy ;and Eis»bal Walker. Dr. Cason, Town Health Officer, read eztracta from medical works :and a treatise on dipttheria and stated that he considered it to the ibeat interests of the town and residents to maintain a striot quar- ~ antine on all places and persona in a~ way ezpoaed to the disease; !to place guards at all such points to see that the orders are enforced a "and endeavor to stamp out the disease. Lotion by Ald. Acton, seconded by Ald. Cason, that b'.ayor Sandy !be requested to assist Health Officer Cason in carrying out the ;quarantine rules and orders that he may see fit to make and to instruct the marshal to deputize such men as are necessary tb asaiat him in enforcing the quarantine regulations. Carried, BSOVed and seconded that we do now adjourn. Carried. ~ - Att - President, Town Covnoil. ~~~ f Approved the day of February, A. D. 1913.