04-21-13 Adjourned Delr~.y, .'.~loridc, dpril 21et,, 191.3. ,~ ' d djourned meeting• coaled to order by Pros, :c~^e. }2011 call Pres. Tc`-'~e, :11d, lcton, Stricklana a.nd "lackerm~~n, dbsent„ dld, Qason a.nC: Clerk }7J_^r7.;~ner, • ~11~x, '7ackerman e,npoizlted a.s clerk c~urinc, tre absence oY Clerk B1ae7~~er. Sealed bids for the conetr~~c{i.on of a to^n jz?.~.J_ were on ene:d and the followi.rig bids .,i~bm;tte~. _ Geo. !;. Stacy °: Co, ~~320,00, iron vork no{; nclr.dPCi, fi, T. Bowen ;7403.36 iron work included, ` F, J, Schrader `29^c;,00 iron word included, T~~?onion by A1d, :.cton ,seconded by ~1~. ~7trickland that ~ , the bid of or. J, Schrader by accepted a;; the lovvesf and the contract awarded. to hiM, !`armed. _~ 'otios by dl_:}. Strickland., se~con~-ed by dlu. de{,on that the jail building committee be in:?tri of,ed. to purc}?ase tr;o toilets ~~'or the jail anc; have th.e r_ecossary ~^rater connection8 put in. Curried. 7:.oved and seconder t',i~:t z;e no:-; adjourn ;;ntiJ, 'she next a re~u.lar meeting, Carn.ed. ~ ' Pres Y . In tt enUt ~~ y ~ C~ r'f~-.. /,%.~-La~rF'G2z.~-iCTlcrk. , Approved the / ?-t~~ I ;uy o r ~~ ~-~J . d. U. 191,3. ~-~` ` f