09-08-13 RegularSeptember 8th., 1913.
Regular meeting called to order at seven thirty P, Ivi,
by Clerk. Blaclrn~er.
There being no quorum present the•meeting was adjourned
until Tuesday, October 16th, at 8 P. h1,
September 16th., 1913.
Adjourned meeting called to order at 8 P, Pro. by Pres.
Roll call with the following Aresent. Pres. PaIeRae,
Ald, Cason and Strickland, Absent, Ald. Acton and j7aekerman,
P:Iayor Sandy, Pdarshal GJalker and Clerk Blackmer also present.
Clerk presents accounts of receipts and expenditures for
the months of June, Daly and August, together with reports
of officers and all bills received.
IkPoved and seconded that all bills and reports be refer-
red to finance committee, Carried,
Clerk reports all reports and bills approved with the
,xeeption of the Delray Progress bill which is incorrect,
iPottor~ by A1d. Cason, seconded by Ald. Strickland, that
the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for bills as appr-
oved by the finance committee and to pay the Progress bf11
when corrected. Carried.
Il•iotion by Ald, Cason, seconded by Ald. Strickland" that
the clerk by instructed, at the request of Prayer Sundy~ to
make a financial statement of all cash received and expended
since the. date of incorporation, October 1911, Carried,
Tdoved and seconded that the financial state~peat_ be
printed in the Delray Progress provided it will be priIIted
as a news item, otherwise .Hosted as provided by ordinano8.
R4oved and seconded that we do now adjourn. Carried.
Approved the .2, s~_~ day of ~~~~~~~~A, D. 1913.
AttestQ:-~j Presiden Town onnoi .
f 7/i.-.-. ~•