09-22-13 RegularSeptember 22nd., 1913.
Regular meeting of the Town Conneil oalled to o'~der at
seven thirty P. Iii, by Clerk. Blackmer.
There being no nuorum present the meeting w&s adjourned
mtil !"led.nesday September 24th,, at 8 P, I;.
September 2~tnd., 1913
' Adjourned meeting called to order at 8 P. I~1. by Pres.
"eRae .
Roll call with the following present, Fres. P:ic~ae, A1d.
anon, Strickland, I'arshal "?slker R~ C7.earl- Rl.ac'kmer. Abeaiit
ld. Acton and niackertpan.
I,Tinutes of meetings of September loth, and 18th, and the
pecial meeting of Sept. 18th, were res.d and approved.
* , Clerk read communication £rom ?I. '~Y. Leber inviting the
ouncil to attend the celebration and anniversary at Zake Ida
avilion on Sc~rptember 25th.
i;otion by A1d. Cason, seconded by Ald. Strickland, that
he letter be accepted <=nd that th.e clerk be instrlaeted to writb';
:r. 3eberr;, thanking him for the invitation aid sending the
est wishes of the council. Carried.
P;Iatter oP purchasing rock sufficiexit to rock the road
crossings on Atlan+,ic Avenue, to connect thc~ sidewalks now
constructed, came before the Board. After discussing the
.attex it is decided to purchase the rock and on motion tryy
seconded by Ald. Strickland, the clerk is instr-
ld. Cason
cted to write Com. Rousseau asking him to have one car of
rock shipped here as soon as possible, for the use of the
own, and advise him that a warrant to cover cost of same
ill be forwarded to him personally. Carried.
I!notion by Ald. Cason, seconded by Ald. Strickland, t3~at
he Clerk be instruoted to ~rrite R. A• Peurifoy of Jackson-
ille, advising him that P.is sidewalk i.s not complete and
+ hat he complete same at once to conform with other property.
_ Carried.
I;Ioved by Ald. Cason, seconded by 1ild, Strickland, that
the I,~iarshal be authorized to hire a team and such help as ~s
eeessary to haul and spread the rock for tl^.e road crossings
as soon as received, at prioes not above the average for suoh
ork. Carried. T-=.
~ ;
+ g
flIotion by Ald, Cason, seconded by Ald. St ickia~d, ;~.
• y.:sde1
he clerk write the proper official of the F.
ask that they construct a sidewalk of rock on their Right. of A
ay on both sides of Atlantic Avenue to conform to the c®ment
} sidewalks now laid to thos® points.- Carried.
ask that they lay heavy planks between the rails at the„~
crossing on Atlantic Avenue as it is not rough and 8ang8~+R °~
~` ous. Carried,
Resolution 1~,- J, R, Cason Jr.
"13e it resolved, by the Town .Council c~ tple Town of Del-
ray, Florida, that the Florida Bast Coast Ry, be and is hcre~
by notified and required. to build. and construct upon both
s9.des of Atlantic Avenue, Rrhere said avenue crosses th®:•
Right of ';Tay of the Florid°. East Coast Ry according to the
plat of t're Town of Delray, forr;erly Zinton, on file in the
office of the Clerk of the circuit Court of Palm 5each Gotixxt3r, ~.
Florida; a roclz crossing, said crossing to be eight (8} Pe4t
wide and might (8} inches thick. The said canssing shall bo
constructed in a first class manner and to be a eoatinxstio~ A
of the cement sidex*~alks now built on Atlantic Ave~ae: -'~hr ~-^x"
said Florida Rast Coast Py, is hereby aotified and required ~,
construct and complete the said crossing vrithin nicety (9O}
dsys from t:~€~ first day of October .6. D. 1923; otherwise ~~•'
the Town Council wvil7. causo the said crossing to be co~tstr~r T+;
acted and will pay for the cost of constructing the scale., ~`
will hold and enforce alien for such costs against the sai$ 4z
property." "~.
State of Florida,
County of Palm Beach,
Town of Delray, ~~_,:
I Tm.', .
' Pl~^ekmor, To^rn Clerl~ o" ', ho Towx3 •.c4~'DeZ
ray, do hereby certify thPt the .foregoing is a true a'hd
correct copy of a resolution adopted by the To~'~a Coxanci~• oi!
Delray, Flori da, at a meeting of said Council "~iald the•
day of September ~. 1913.
t':otion by Ald, Strickland, seconded by Ald. Casarx, ;'.
that the resolution be a~doptad as re*.ad. RoII call ~Cr~``- ,'
.ballot; Pros. r:~c'_?aca Ywe.
Ald. Cs.son Yea,..
ld., Strickland, Yea. Cµrried, •
3;r, J. i,, Troup being present was invited to addxss ,
the Board rel~tivsz to the widening of Atryu'~tvnr~ Avenue from ."
Atlantic Avenue north to the tocrn limits,
iVir. Trou~i addrss the board for some few momen~s,'r~gaxd-~
ing the matter and as2=ed that the matter be settled'd.~3'iriit,
as he had property he wanted to improve but could ffiot dq so ;~
until the lines were established, '=~~
It was decidec that the matter"was not under the comtro~
of the Council bxxt would .have to be done by the mutxxe2 -gonsl
of the parties owning the property on Boston Avenue within
the limits as stated.
J, 1'., Cason presented the following resolution aaxcY'
moves it be accepted, seconded by Ald. Stxicklaaxd
"Resolved, that, whereas it has been ca12a } h
attention of tho Town Council o£ the Town of Del ~r~r
benefits to be dorived by the Town at large by wid
Boynton Street fxom Atlalatie Avenue, ?~TOrth, to th+~ `'
limits, that we, as members of the Town Council, do he~rti2g ~',
receommpnd such action of the property sown®rs along ~oyntpn
Street and suggest that the street be so widened. ,
Roll call far ballot, Ares. B?eRae ' ,~
Ald, Strickland Yea.
Thare bain~ no further business it was moved and sec-
onded to adjourn. Carried.
approved the day of Octobar ~. -. 1913.
att t•- President, Town ouxacil.