10-27-13 Regular..
a . ;.
Delray, Fla., Oot. 27th,
The regular meeting of the CITY COUNCIL was called to
order by T. M. E4cRae at 8030, Pres. Cason not being
present at the opening oP the meeting.
Roll oalled showed the following memberx present;
McRae, Strokland, Acton, Cason, Bradshaw. AbsentNone
noreo The minutes of the last meeting were read and
approved. The report of the auditing Committie was
asked.~for. Chairman Strickland asked for more time in
which to complete the work, which wax granted.
A motion be Acton and Strickland that the Clark be
instructed to order another. oar of Rack to complete the
crossings on Atlantis. Carried.
The Bond of J. P~:. !'t'alker f'r i~iarshall and Collector
with J. A._Zeder and.-J. L. Tenbrook as euritiea was
referred to .the finance Oorurittie for approval
i~oticn by Acton and Strickland that t2_e bor.da of
A. BSacNeilly and J. M. walker`be:accepted and placed ,
with Mayor A. F. Miller for safekeeping. C:~rred«~
Mr. iietler of Palm Beach representing the Standard
Oil Oo. appeared before the Council and asked that he
should be releved from paying cry license, as he was-
doing this work f e accommodation oP the Retails
and most of the slivered was orders that he ha
received at wes~,P` B~aoh. After discussing the
,matter a motacx~ra ;made and Seconded that The Standard
Oil Co be reldived Prom paying any linen®e.,
fir, Katler also Dade a,proposition to the II3tg.tk~at
if t1s7 would wire .atlant3a A~°®. he would fR't't+rs3'trll the
~Y1gHt free of all cost to the City and would also
furnish twoN~ighta for the City Council Chamber free.
,~Sotion by McRae and ~Aaton that. a ~ #5f thanks
be extended to Mr. Fietler for this mo eral offer
asrried", and the Ghair to give. it furthe onsideraton.
..r. Su~~':y read several 7,etter~ from iir, ~. B®n
Carter, Super~ratandarxt o~ ways for the F. l;, G. 8. $-.
relative. to closing-the orossir_g on Rgymond StrseL, the
contention being made that it was s priests crossing
and` not a public thoroughfare and „tY:at that' intended
tt5" aldsa it peaF~ibly;' br otherwise tf neaeesery Zn
lied of tixs erOesing tie Cou+pany agreed to Furnish
9nough rpck, about t~apnty oars, to r6Efk I1't'graharr Street
from S~~intq dec. tq Parrot. Street, then3~.north.on parrot
atreat to Lawrence street tp jlepot~ and a. o to giv® in
Dash d sum of one` hundred and fifteen dol s to helm-
a~read ,th6.;~ocY.,n view of the liberal pr sition mads
by the R. &; Co., the Council-declared tha-,crossing olosed
and the Clerk was- inatructecL to notify,;.Mr~artor that :.~
,t~al%.~~.ci ;accepted; his proposition,•~he orcii ance
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The bill of the Delray Progrefla was ordered returned as'
this bill was not autho~4ized, Also the Bill of the`Palme
printing Co, as twa thought the charges was Exceasi•®
®i3 Motion by ~1cRae ar~d Seconded.. by Strickland the Clerk
was instructed to Issue Vouchers for the Balance of the '-'
Bills approved by the Finance Committie, y„p ''
" :~
on-Motion By McRae and Seconded °y Strickland Meeting ~''
ad~~urn untill Thursday Ewe Oct l.~ith Carr~:ed. '`-
Approved the „~ day of
------------------Clerk, ,
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