11-17-13Delray, ~'la., Nov. 37, 1818". ,
~~;• .
The meeting on Monday Nov. 17th waa'~`ealled to ordar~;=''~
7 t 8.30 by Prea. Cason. Roll Dell ,a"k~tWed the "~'"
ollowing members present; Cason, MoRa,~'Str3okland .
end Acton: Absent, Br2adahaw.
Motion by MoRae and Strickland that the Clerk
e inatruated toaend 50¢ to the Attorney General for
abpy of the speoisl Acta of the last Legislature
noluding the apeoial oharter for the Town o~ Delray.
' Motion by Acton °and Mak~ae- that--the GYarb" poet ° ~- °•°
otiose at the different pisses in the town. that the'
ounail :could sit as an equalization Board at the
ounail Chamber on Monday the 8th day of Deeember from
.00 to •8.00 o'alook.
A. motion by MaRae and Aston that the 01erk take
he Ordinanoe to bir.-Bus®y personally and prevail
n.h~.m to attend to this matter at onae. '.
ldotion by ffiaRae and Strickland thst the Olerk
otify the outgoing Clerk to turn alI books and papers
elonging to the City immediately.
Mourn by MaHae and 5triakland ghat the Clerik
;eke the assessors book up to the County Assessor's and
sheok it up by Yi® book. Carried,
There being no further buaine s t#e meeteing
lpproved the day of --~6~~ _~i. D.' x93
Pres dent:
k, . .
I~ ~...`