11-24-13 RegularDelray, Fla., sov. 24, 181. ,,, The regular meeting ox tha Tovm Council was held :+: 3n the Council Chamber on the above dated and w$e ~ oa].led to order at eight o'cloc3s by Pres. J. R. Canon, `Phe Roll Call ahovred the following members preaent• • ~` ~' r Pres. Canon, Alderman ;vicHae, Bradshaw and Acton. Absent; Strickland. s Mims ea of the last ~ueeting were read and approved 6sr. Laoore appeared befora the body in referena® to the lowering Af his sidewalk in front of his store on Atlantic Ave.` A motion was made by Ald. Anton and~_seconded by Ald. YoRae that the City a11ow aia dollars tow^rd the 1ov~®ring of 'the sidewalk to conform with the ad3oining sidewalks, Carried. Alderman ~IoRae Chairman of the Ordinance 0ommittie pre~enta.an Urdinance entitled " An Ordinance Prohibitig Bicycles, Biotor Cyolea and othe vehicles using sidewalks and providing penalty Por violation thereof and mcvea that same be put.. on first reading by title onlq. `i Moved by WicRae and seconded by Bradshaw that 0rdinanoa " be referred back to Ordinance Committe®." Carried. Ordinance reported back by Grdnance Committee moved by ~daRae and seconded by Bradshaw.that rules be suspended si~d Ordinance pe placed on second reading- and final passage. Roll calk for ballotta Pres. Canon Yea Ald. lddk?se " . .n Anton " " $radehaw n '' Carried, The Ordinance reports Ordinance for c7.osing and vaasting Lawrence Street crossing and ~•soc{ommenda_, ' its,paaaage. Motion made by Brad®haw and seoond9d by M$Rae that ths.Ordinanee be put on second reading and final passage. Rcll aa11 for ballots Pres. Gaaon Yea old. Aston " " McRae " " Bradshaw " ~ Carried. Motion by Alderman ~eRue and.~c~cond®d by Bradshaw that the Clerk notify tl[tB. E. Ben Cartar that the Ordinance`pasBed without any phangas. Carr~ed._ Motion by Acton and seconded byjBradshaw that tha tax book Yor 1913 assessment be accepted, Carried The. Committ®e appointed to confer ~fith the County Commissioners in reference to--procuring rook".~' fob, At~„a,ntic' Ave. `reported progress .and was continued. s _ - -- _.` ' M Motion by Aoton and Bradshaw that the Street N~ Committee purohaes the tieaeasary til.e and have it placed and put in position an Atlantic Ave. where necessary. Carried. BQoved by MaRae and seconded. by Bradshaw that she meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved the day of !'l~A. D. 191°x. :, Attest ~. ~ ~i'Lg~c~( '^ v ~ President ~ ' Clerk. ,~ r i _~y .q - _ " <y e~ ~ C~~ ~k ~ y:.. a. ~.. ~. _~ _ "~ Y .eis !. yF Y" 'ry fl {yai n ' .. Cam} 4 h~! S~ ~. ~~ 111