275-39AN ORDINANCE OF Tk~ CITY OF DELR~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE SETTLE~ENT OF DELII~iQUENT CITY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 19~6 AND PRIOR YEARS, AND FOR THE SzTTL~I~[E~T OF ALL DELIN- QUENT SPECIAL ASSESSI~EI~T LIENS 0!,? ALL PP~0PERTY IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEt. CH, FLORIDA, EXCEPT T?2AT PORTION OF SAID CITY WHICH CONSTITUTED THE FORD~R TOWE OF D~LR~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AND FOR THE SETTLE~IEI~T OF ALL DELIEQU£NT TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSL~$$EENT LIENS ON ALL PROPERTY FOR/~EPAY WITHIN THE CITY OF DELR;~Y BEACH, FL0lqIDA, OR ITS PREDECESSOR ~.~U~.i~C!PALiTIE$, V~ICH IS NOW LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE PP~SENT CITY LILiITS OF THE $~ID CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. W~HEREAS, there ~re numerous parcels of re~l prop- erty in the City of Delray Ben. ch, Florida, on which t~xes are delinquent and unpaid for tf~e years 19~6 and prior, and %~P~AS, it is the desire of the City Council that an adjustment be made on these taxes so that the same will be paid and the proioerty placed back on an active tax- payi~-~g basis, and ~ the Tax Adjustment Committee heretofore ~n~REAS, appointed by the City Council hs~s recom~L~ended a me,nod adjusting suc~ delinquent taxes, and ~¥HER/AS, an emergency exists in the City of Del- ray Beach, Florida, beck.use of ti~e non-payment of such delin- ~uent taxes and/or special assessments, and it is necessary for ti'~e im~'~edie~te preservation of public property, health or ss~.fety and for the daily operation of the various depart- ments of the municipality that such delinquent taxes and/ or special assessment liens be collected on the 0est possible b~sis and the property subject thereto placedon an active taxpaying basis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT 0PtDAI~D By the City Council of the C~ty of Delray Beach as follows: 1st. That on all property within ~ne present limits of ti~e City of Delray Beach, Florida, on which city taxes are delinquent for the year 1958 and/or prior years, the City will accept ~s ~ayr~en~ of delinquent taxes for e~ch of such years an amount wnic~ will equal fifteen percent of the 19~8 city taxes upon such ioroperty. Such t~xes can be paid ~t such reduced r~te only upon the 'payment of the full a~noun~ of the 1957 and 1958 city taxes in cash. ~nd, That in payment of all deliA, quent speci~l assessments, t~'~e City v~l±l accept in full payment tr, erefor fifteen percent (15%) of the amount of such assessments. 3rd. That on all delinquent zaxes on property heretofore locazed in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, or its predecessor municipalities, but now outside the limits of said City, ti~e City v~ill accept in settlement tl~ereffor ten percent (10%) of tae amount due on such delinquent taxes. 4th. On or after t~e passage of trois ordinance the City Clerk is authorized and directed to sell t~e tax sale certificates and/or liens representing such delinquent taxes and/or special ass~essments, to any person, firm or corporation alcplying taerei'or, upon t.,-,e payment of ts_e amount of tae adjusted tax ss hereinbefore set florin, and will execute proper aasignments of said certi£icates and/or liens to e~'fect such transfer of title ti~ereto. In the e~ent said cer':i£icates and/or liens are purm~ased by any person, firm or corporation not the owner of said property, the owner thereof st. all have the privilege of redeeming the same at any time prior to such ti~e as ne may be divested of tztle to said property by payi~g to t.~e ~urcnaser the amount paid for such certificate and/or lien, plus interest tf, ereon at the rate of three percent (3~) per annum from the date of-pur- chase to ±,i,,~. dat~ of redem~tion. 5th. This ordinance a,ppl~es only to that portion of the City off Delray Beach which was formerly t~'~e City of Delray and that porzion of ti~e old Cizy of Delray now out- side the limits of the City of Delray Beach, and does not apply to that portion of said City which was formerly the Tos~ of Delray Beach. 6th. This is an emergency ordinance and s.~%all tske effect on its .passage upon second red, ding. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading on this the _~_~ day of ~._~~~, A. D. 1939. ed: Pr Attes~