284-39Delray Be:::cl:, as follows:
1. ~nat the control, :mna~;;e:.~e~$ ~::~ operation of the
~{~lol.yal (~lf ,,,o~:.!'se is hereby ~Ul'nOd over to the
2. That there is he~'e~)y ap~:.,7op~'ia~ed ou~ of the
general f~ld the s~% of T~.o Thousanc ~llars
to be expended under the direction of the C~lf
for fo~,tilize~ a;:'~,:~ neoe::~,;, e uii':,,"~cnt at the ~icipal
3. That 'the su~:% of Two i'ho:~sand Five l{~dred Dollars
(~,;.:00,00) ce ~-~Dpr<)pri:~ ~;ed fo~ :;:.~:ti:'~ton~ce ;.~.~d opel-:Lion
gib'ming gm]e 1st, 19~9, .~n,'.i ':;hat this s'~ be expended raider
the ~il~'oction Of ~he Golf
Co,~ee ~h::.~ll m~e a report ~o tl:e
City Council a% 'the end of the fiscui year sh,,wi~
~1 resolutions of this Council in coni'lio~ .herev~ :L th
are hereby ,.~,:pe,~l~,~..~ a.~td r~::z~claded,
:~ in soecial ~,~,:~.,,~,jn on this the 16th. day of
A, D. 1939.
R!<~;OLUTIO~-I NOo -~ ~OOK
~,~ 500,00) FOJi
1. ~a~ the control, ::~ana~e:'len~ ~,i opera~;ioa of the
~/i~lcipal ~lf uo~s~ Is hereoy t~irned over to t]'~e ~aif
Oom~:~lt%e as ~a~c,,oiore ~)~'o.znSed by this Co'~cil for
pc~iod of cfm ye~r bejinnin~!~ on ,~u~e 1st,
B. i~at there is hez~e~)y apJropriatod out of ~he
. '~ ~ ~o Thousand ~llars
~o be expended under ~ ~
for fertilizer ....... ; ·
~at ~hc SL~ of Two 2ho:~sund Five Ill, tired Dollars
the ~,ireation of ~}t.e Ootf ,;~J~aittae.
City ~om,c.~l at '~h¢ mzd of ~c,
z'eceiots t.~d ~isOui'~;c~e:~s al' the ~im~ic~.~':al Go.f
~1 ~esolutioas of this Couacil in conflict
are hereby .~..pa.,l~.,~ a~:~d ~..=~ci
A. D. lg39.
A~ ~ c~ ~: Approve d:
~t~' ~i-e~ ......... ~ ~'- ......... ~JOr'~-~ .............