01-08-12Delray, Florida, Jaanary 8th., 1912. 0 o. a r.. h7 Nesting csalled t• order at 8 P. ~. by Clerk Blao]mlor. Bdered by Ald. Cason, aeooaded by dld. 1Paeppor, that A1d. Aatea aat as Proaidsnt Pre Tem. Carried. '' Rsll call •i •ffioo~a with folUwing preasnt, Ald. beton, Casea and t9uepper. Miantea: •f meeting •f Doosmber 11th. and Dooember SSth. read and apprs~ed. Clerk read a oemmnxicatioa from Agsat ei BeZtth~ra Eapaeoo Cempaay regard~.ag the paying their oooapaliiea tan, McTed and seoeaded that letter be acoopted and f#loll ter itiirther rsfereACSe. Carried. Ald. Cason, Chairman •f Committee oa 3tree`~i, Samba;• i~oli~aad Impro~smeats, mode a few remarks on the adrfsabfly ith •f eilargiag the Tewa by iao~rposating •ae half m!1• farther South and o>se hall mils farther Berth. Csmmitts• oa Ruloa and Ordiaamcos introdwoo~l s7t s• iaaaoe Uryiag as oooupatiea ta: oa fioaeral Co>4iCtaMt~; and reoemmomd iir paaaago. M~rsd and aeoonded that the •rdaiamo•sb• pat. •7t i'~ .iaecosd reading aad final passage. Qarrisd. BB IT ORDAII~FD BY THE TOIB CQUSC~I'i. !>t THE '$OV-B OD' DBLRAY'! FTARZZLL• -°- That eTery bnildor •r general aoatraotsr« reaidiag withla or without .:the Tows. bo taSUrt ~~^rtrt lara. The tern Go:o~a~ Ooxtraotors as 7ta+~l 314 t;;-~ M aeotio$ shall. b• wastruo8 to iaala4da atl¢ $,~ bsr; paiator •r ether peraea, firm or aorpotro~^t„ traot#ag,t• oroot or repair ant baiidiag or efLotr tore; er who taken a oo>ttraot to do a ~sb •f p~ er painting, er who takit+t nay oo>4traot or ~ tMt any other pisoe of work,,regnirisg aaxeal ism Ire' furaish3~g of nay materiel, •r wLo eha13. oaS~gs 3m +tar mgaago the bneiisasa-or •®onpatioa iotwa b~ tDe 6~'Mr term " oeatraetiag "; pro~idod this tern ge4MAUe~, ceatraater " shall not apply t• nay t~olissiet et1' a^ person who Solis Daly his labosf at a fizet day or hour,: sad why door not furtstsh~ "M!" ae• any moneyed Qap$tal is ooaaooldeit with hits asswea enpl~ymet~ Mered and seooadod that the Ordiaaseo ba adt41-~or!! nit road;. Roll pall, AId. Aetoa Ylia. A1d. Case~a. Yea, i Aid. wneppor Yoa~°~;:OarriaQ b7 a uassiaoaa veto. .s ~. O a a S ~ ~,. Clerk preaemtsd reports et •riieers amd bills Ser fees •Y same. B~e~ed amd seoemded that same be retsrrsd t• Fiaamcse Cemmitte~. Carried. Mewed that bill •f Herald Primtl>$ Ce.~ $ 38.~D; '~ paid. S~eemde8 aad enrried. Clerk reperta that Fimamee Ceasaitte• has nppate~re~l1_ . bills amd reperta •t •Yfiears. .: MoTed smd peamd'd that reports b• aQeepted amd b~t~3s paid as approved. Carried. J. M. Walker, Marshal & ColUeter ~ 14.46 ;, J. S. Snmd~ 7[aF~r 1$.60 W>r. W. Blnakmer, Clerk Uo Asaasser 16.66 Witaosaes, .?8 ~ ~8.7~i Ald. Casom ad~iseq that Altl. Wackormam doarss sat sa~remaiom om his leaT~ •t abasmea for 60 dqi, aa-6 ws*., here Deasmber 26th., 1911, t• recseit~ same. Moved amd sesemded that the eatemsiom b• graat'Hd t+ Aldermam Waakermas. Cnrritd. `' Mood amd soeomded that the Clerk be lauta:R+ttsd '- s~ purahas• sash Dotks as ara mooosaarT ter as~N#11tg Carried. 5 :: Mowed amd seoomdod that w• ><ow adjonr>t. Garriot; ,; .`~~