02-12-12Delray, Florida, February 12th., 1912.
Meeting oelled to order by Clerk Blaokmer.
Roll call with the following present; Ald. Acton,
saon and Wuepper.
Motion by Alderman Cason, seconded by Ald. Wnepper that
ld. Acton cot as Pres. Pro Tem. Carried.
Minutes of last meeting, held Janna~ry 8th., were read.
nd approved.
4 Ald, IIason reported receiving a letter from W. 11. Blsa~••
er concerning the bad oondition of Atlantic Avenue famadia~r2y'
n front of the Poat Office. A1d. Cason announced that;s371e!_
eceiving the. letter the street had been repaired and ie`AOw
is good shape. Moved and seconded that cotmnniaetion be laid'
~~' on table. Carried.
Clerk instraoted to write Mr. Blackmer, aeknewlsdg;
eceipt of the communication and inform him of the preee~-
oondition of Atlantic Avenue.
Ald. Wuepper reported receiv3i~g a letter frees Dbr. 1f, w`,
.ekmer regarding the amount of loose paper sad trash e~,owid
blow away from the Delray Market, stating that it wee dr
~tinuel nuisance to persons living in that iooality.
Moved and seconded that-the Marshal be inatrt~tsd ;
the Delray Market and see that the ordinance regdr'
owing out of trash and rubbish of any description'Qo
idly enforced.. Carried.
Clerk instructed to write Mr. Blackmer and ini!orm bier
the action taken in the matter.
Clerk read communication from Atty, Hussey r,ls~~
..assessment and collection of tease on real snd ;-eraem~t
perty. ~ ,
Moved and seconded that matter be referred to CesalLtei
Ordinances. Carried.
Clerk presented an ordinance granting a ahsrter t® the
West .Palm Beach Telephone Co.
Moved-and seconded that.. same be referred to th~:C@aeetL~as.,
on Ordinanoea.+ Carried.
Clerk presented the reports of tY~e-officers, for t~
oath of January, together with bi31e 'or foeec~ cemmi,es3oml,
~ Moved. and seconded that same be re~rred to the Fins3les+r
' Committee. Carried.
Clerk reports approval of reports of Officers and bills
for fees, etc., by the Finance Committee.
~ Moved and seconded that reports be accepted and bills
(paid as approved. Carried.
Clerk reports that the Ordinanoe Committee has approved
the ordinance governing the aevying and oollection oP tasea
on real and personal property and recommends its passage,
Motion by Ald, Cason,. sec@nded by Ald. Wuepper that the
ordinance on taxes be pnt on its Pirat reading, by title
only Carried.
Mr. Elliott. of the Standard Zight Co. of JacksRnville,
'having been granted permiseien to address the Couacil, pres.
anted plans and outs of a gasoline lighting system for t}te
use of the Towm.
Motion by Ald. Wuepper, $eoonded by Ald. Eason that tAe
matter be referred to the Committee on Improvements said tlta~
they confer with Mr. Elliett and get all neoessarq data 1A
connection with the system and report at the neat'meeti~«
Ald. Cason regneste that the olerk get eaplioit di;eo~+
ions from Atty. Bnssey concerning the License Tax on tra1re21Ag;,
shows, circuses eta.
Clerk also instracted to confer with Atty. Bnaesq abo'~at
drafting an ordinance enfereing the laws oP the State iios~l
of Health, about the appointing of a Boasd of $q~talisatimn
and also about simplifing the ordinance regarding t2ye
impounding oP stray dogs and other animals.
Moved and seoonded that we adjourn. Carried.
Approved. ~- A. D. 1912.
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