296-39ORDINANCE BOOK AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEMENT, ALTERATION, REPAIR, MOVING, RE~IOVAL, DE~0LITION, CONVERSION, OCCUPANCY, EQUIP~ENT, USE, HEIGHT, AREA AND ~INTENANCE OF ALL BUILDINGS AND/OR STRUC- TURES II~ THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF FES THEREFOR; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONES, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN C0h~FLICT THEREWITH. The City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, does ordain as follows: SECTION 0~E: That, a certain document, three (3) copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, being marked and designated as "Uniform Building Code,1937 Edition, published April, 1937, by Pacific Coast Building Officials'Conference," be and the same is hereby adopted as the building code of the City of Delray Beach for regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equip- ment, use, height, area and maintenance of all buildings and/or structures in the City of Delray Beach, Florida; providing for issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; providing penalties for violation of such code; declaring and establishing fire zones, and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of such "Uniform Building Code, 1937 Edition, published April, 1937, by the Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference," on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this ordinance. That the said three ~3) copies of said document designated as "Uniform Building Code, 1937 Edition," have been changed and modified from the original printed copies by certain changes in the follow-lng enumerated Sections, to-v~it: Sections 203, 304, 305, 504 (Table II), 802, 903, 1003, ll03, 1203, 1303, 1603, 2204, 2205, 2211, 2307, and are adopted and made a part of this ordinance as fully as if set forth herein in ha ec verba. SECTION TWO: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION ~Pa~E: That the entire incorporated area of the City of Delray Beach is hereby declared to be and is hereby established as a Fire District and said fire district shall be known and designated as Fire Zones l, 2 and 3, and each such zone shall include such territory or portions of said city as illustrated, outlined and designated on a certain map on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach being marked and designated as "Fire Zones of the City of Delray Beach", which is hereby adopted as the fire zoning map of the City of Delray Beach for the application of the regulations in- cluded in the "Uniform Building Code, 1937 Edition, published April, 1937, by Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference." SECTION FOUR: This ordinance shall take effect thirty days from the date of its passage on second and final reading. PASSED in regular session on this the _ _~ ..day of J~,~ A. D. 1939. B~e~iden~t F CitY CounCii dity Clerk / ~la~o r ORDINANCE 296 BOOK 4 f"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY: OF DELRAY BEACH, ' FLORIDA, REGULATING TlqE ERECTION, CON- STRUCTION, ENLARGEMENT, ~ 2;ERATION~ REPAIR, MOVING, IMOVAL DEMOLITION CONVER-~ ~, SION, OCCUPANCY, EQUIPMENT, ~,USE, HEIGHT, AREA AND ~- ] 'PENANCE OF ALL BUILDINGS ]AND/OR ST~UCTURES IN THE (~i~'Y OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA; i PROVIDING FOR ,.THE ISSUANCE OF ,PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF -FEES THEREFOR; PROVIDING PEN- ALTIES FOR THE V]~OLATION THER,EOF;. D~CLARING AND ES- ~. TABLISHING FIRE ZONES, AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND I PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- I FLICT THEREWITH." I ,,The above ordinance is published by c~l~tion only copy of same, in full be- !lng on file in the City ,Clerk's 'Off~ce I for inspection of interested parties. Same was passed by the City Council, at its regular meeting, August 28, 1938. MAE' W, CRAMP, City Clerk.