Delray, Florida, May 1S, 1912.
Meeting called to order at 7 - 4b by Pres. MoRae.
Roll::call with the follopg3n~ present; Pres. MoRae, Aid.
eton. Waekerman and Wuepper. Absent, Ald. Cason.
Minutes of lash meeting, held April 22nd., were ree,~ end ~'
orreated ancT approved as corrected.
Clerk reed a communication from Messrs. Sohabinger sad
reen wherein the donate twenty fast on the East side of Blat-k
6 and twenty feet on the West side of Blook T4 as a perm~-
ent continuation of Gillaird Street.
Motion by Ald. Acton, seconded by Aid. Wa.ekerman, that thb-
ommunication be acoepteti~nd incorporated in the minutes.
arried. ~ _
e Clerk presented bill Prom A. J. Henry Jr. for gradeetakl~
Same was referred to Finance Committee.
A Ald. Acton oP the Ordinance Committee presented an ordltl-
sues establishing widths and grades for sidewalks and moves
that same be put on its first reading. Seconded by Ald
Wuepper and carried.
Clerk read reports of oPPicers, together wi~h,bilX Par
fees, commission, etc and same were then rePBrr~d° "~~ "`P`33T~i""
Clerk reports bills of offieera and reports apprave~t by
`;_.1 the Committee. Motion by Ald. Wackerman, seoonded by bjrd.
,~ Acton that reports be accepted and bills paid as appr~Yae~„
o Carried.
~ Motion by A1d. 7PUep~er that, owing tc a misuadersteind3n~`
~' and the Marshal not being able to understand him, one F#we
Dollar bond col Lasted from J. M. Blank be refunded. Carr3er~«`
Marshal asks permiasign to address the meeting and state~t
that he feels entitled to the One Dollar.Por every @6n'tiq$1o1!
in the Mayor's Court, as paid by other Towne, and asks t~rsfi
the matter be definitely settled.
Ald. Acton takes the chair to relieve Pres. MaRae,~
Motion by Ald. MaRae that the Ordinance Committee,bo
requested to .bring in a'revised ordinance regulating the,''
oP the Mayor, Marshal and Clerk, 3n eases before the ~~
Court to the uniform fee of One Dollar each. 8esanded
Ald. Wuepper and carried.
Moved and seoonded that we now adjourn.. Carried,
Approved the da of 1$l£~.
President Town e# r
~, ~
. ~ ~.