Delray, Florida, Jttne ?4th., 1912.
i.Teeting called to ordar at eight o'clock by Pres.
McRae .
Roll call with the following members present; Pres.
P:Zc?'ae, Ald. Acton, Cason, '7ackermrn and '?uepper.
Minutes of last rPgnlax meeting were read and
Cleriz read a communication from "'. '". Blac'~er esk-
ing for a franchise to own, operate and maintain an
electric light, water and gr~s plant in the Town of Delray
Iir. Blrekmer was renuested to address the m?eting
in connection with his a~~»lication.
]Moved by Ald. Cason, seconded by Ald. 7nekArman, that
the Clerk write iror. Blackmer setting forth that in order
to bring the matter pro»erly before the Council it will
be necessary for him to submit an ordinance regttla~ly '
dravm un and sating in detail what hP nro o4PS to d
p ~ o,
and what rights he expects from~the Town Council. Carried.
Ald. Acton of the Ordinance Comuittee »resents an
ordinance on establishing the widths of streets and. side-
walks and asks that same be put on its second reading and `~"`,`
final »assa.~e. Seconded and carried and carried. '"
Ald ORDIidAi1CP fining ~tn8 establishing the widths
and grades of .sidewalks hereafter to be constructed within `6
the Tovrn of Delray, Florida; establishing the distances of ~"+,;
the Curb from the edge of ttte street; and prescribing the. <~
materials of which such sidewalks shall be constructed,
D~;T.RAY, Florida:
Sec. 1. That all sidewalks constructed, laid or
placed within the Town of Delra,~,T, Florida, subsenuent to
the enactment of this ordinance rha11 be constructed of
sand and cement, in the nro»ortion of not less than one
part of cement to five parts of sand for the first three
inches and not less than one part of cement to one part
of sand for the top of dressing of one inch.
Sec. 2. All curbs of or for such sidewalks shall be
of ttnifoxm distance, on any pt~rticuler street, from thg
edge of i;he street, and the following are hereby establi~'~ed ``"
as the distances for such curbs for all streets within the
said Town of Delray,
On streets sixty feet wide or more than sixty feet
wide, the curb shall be laid twelve feet from the edge of
the stxe,et; on streets fifty feet wide and less then sixty
feet wide, the curb ehall be laid eight feet from the ed~,e
of the. street; on streets leas than fifty feet wide the curb
shall be laid six feet froYn the edge of the street.
See. .3. The following widths are hereby made and estab-
lished as the widths for sidewalks anon the respective
streets in the Town of Delray, Florida; and alJ. sidewalks
hereafter constrixeted v/ithin said Town o~ Delra~T, Florida,
shall conform thereto, and all sidewalks neon any particu-
lar street shall be of uniform width, to wit:
Upon streets sixty feet or. more than sixty feet wide,
the sidewalk shall be cor_stracted and paved a ~,idth of ei~:
feet; upon streets fifty feet wide and less than sixty feet:
wicl.e, the sidewalk shall he constructed and paved a width
of si:c feet; and upon streets less than fifty .feet. wide, the°'
sidewPlk shall be constructed and paved a width of five lea
The edge of the sidewalk shall correspond with the >j
pronexty line, and the sidewalk shall extend into and upon „a
the street, as shovm upon the plat, for the width of the
sidewalk as above prescribed. ,.
Sec. 4. A11 sidwwalks shall be constructed according
to grades established by the Town Engineer; and axty person,
firm or fornoration shall, before commencing work anon any
sidaw~lk, procure the grades therefor from the street
corunittee of the Council, or from t:he Town Engineer.
Sec. ~. A1). sidewalks shall be constructed ender the
direction and supervision of the street committee of the :'?
Town Council, who shall have authority to inspect said ~'
work and require the same to be done in a first-class
manner and in accordance with the provisions of this ord ~~
Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation that shall
violate or neglect to comply with any provision of thll's
ordinance shall be punished brr a fine o3 not more thin
fifty dollars or imprisonment for not more than thirty
flict with
7. All ordinances or parts of ord
the provisions of this ordinance
Passed the 24th.
John S. Study ;~
day of June,
Thos. Dd. IdeRae.
President Town Council.
~7m. 57. Blackmer
Approved the 25th. day of June, A. D. 1912
4 •~~i
Roll call, Pres. McRae Yea.
~ AId. Acton, Yea,
. Cason Yea,
flackerman Yea.
~lneppor Yea.
Carried unanimously.
Moved and sec nded that bill of A. J. Henry Jr., for
establishing grades £or sidewalks on Gilliard Street, as
approved by finance Committee, be nail, Carried.
` _ blr. J. Iu. Cromer addressed the meeting regarding the
laying of sidewalks on and the paving of Atlantic Avenue
from Swinton Avenue to Dade; Street.
Moved and seconded that we now adjourn. Carried,
Approved the day of _~ A.D.1912.
i ~ i ~~~
esident Town Council.
Attest; ~,f
3 ~UU
r.~. F.x.