0Bl~=Lmu T~-~ 0I~f BUILDING I~'~oz ~o ~ 0~
CiTY 2NGIiiER B~' On~ ~-~l:Y e~uI~ .~, P~v II~O, t~, I~,
~ ~" .... .... ~ ~ ~ CITY ;:' D~Y BiglCH ~I~LL ~"' _
i:i~O~fLi.~ICTS, J~:iD PkOV'IDING FOI.: ~ z ~: ~i .0~ 0~T
z ~:~ !T ";R POi~ '~ ~ ViOLATIOL OF
~ ~z:~z~ T'H~ ONDili~fCE.
~,~~) s.n e!leF~(:~noy exists ~n the Ci&y of ~elray 8e
FloPita, due ~o the ~
~o~ ~h.e~ oc{.F~eiR '~eFson., or persoN, s, 8Fe
~8king i~kerov~:u, en~s i~ the s~z'ee~s, hi{hRv.mys, avenues, lenes,
alleys and other public prof)erty i~ said city in such a ma~er
that th.e surface rain-v;ater does not pro[oerly drain therefrom,
and ~'>lacing trees and shrubbery thereon v~thout reg~rd to the
' '" ~ avenues lanes
safety of traffic upon, said streets, nm~3m=~ys, ,
and alleys and
bliEREA~ such condition is unsanitary, unhealthy and dangerous,
~.:~v.~.~,i~A_~=.~ '~, there is no ordinance of t!~e Git~,~ of Deiray Beach
properly reg,alating the ~:u?king of such imErove~:~ents, and it is
necessary for the ~reservstion of ,~uolic health and property that
such an ordinance be -passed,
~ 0ouncml of the
~'r~:~:"~:~o.~:', be it ~a~Y'ed by t~ City " '
_ ~ 2 !orlda ~ ~ s
0ity of De!raY oe,~ch, :
~. o~.mo~;s -
!. That no u~erson or ~ter2ons shall cause any of the public
streets, highways, awmues, lanes, alleys or other oublic prof}erty
iN the City of Detray Beach, Florida, or any 2art thereof to be
gr.~'ded, 'oav~d.. , repaved, surfaced or re-surfaced, or cause any
side-5~slks to be constructed thereon, or cause ~,,~ curbs or ~'utters
to be constructed thereon, or cause any sanitary ...... rs, ~
_ ~mr~t obtain-
or drains to be co~structed thereon or thereunder, without
ing fron the buildings' ' ~-~
zn~: ~ector or the city engineer o~ the City
of Delray Beach, Florida, a peP2;it for such work.
2. Before the Bui].diP~ Inspector or City EnLineer of said
city shall is ue a i~errAt for such v,ork, he she. il first cause the
or seeking to r:mke such irip!~ow~c-:~ents to file in his
office plans and specifications 'of such proposed improvements and
a written st.~'te:xent from the City En~i'~neer that he has examined
said_'~lans and ~,,~-2~cm'fications for such pro~osed
approved the same.
3. Before the C~ty Lnf in::er of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, shall approve such clans and specific~tiona he ~_:aall be
satisfied that the fol].owin~:~ re%uirements and condition, s are bemna' ~'
n~et and como!led with'-
(a) No street shs!] be constructed which shall be of
a less thicknes than 6'' of co.l:~e~oed rock after
the same has been conpressed by a standard five ton
(or lar-er) roller t~sed for street construction work.
(b) The grade of rock used in al! street construction
otate Road Depart-
ir~ this city shall meet Florida.
nent specification No. 2 or shall meet such speci-
fic{:'tion as si!al! be s':2:~roved by the City Council.
(c) 'Arhere, in the opinion of the Cit}~ An:L'i}':::~er, the
sub-soil under a pro~:osed street is not suitable for
a foundation for such a street, he
such sub-soil to be removed to a sufficient de.-th,
and said street to be refilled with such material
ss in his ooinions, ~ill result i~ 1'.h~ construction
of a sound ~nd ade%uate'street.
(d) The City En iNeer shall est~01ish grades for ~11
construction before a perr~it s:a~ il be iasued ii,ere-
for. ·
(e) In the construction of all concrete curbs, gutters,
str~cts smd aid~,,,~k~ the ~-inirmna ce~nent content
shall be as set forth in the fo!to'-ingl svecificetions
sh~owing the proportion of cement to ~he fine and
coarse aggref?te'
1. Concrete street and ol].eys.
Ce:':c.~:t, - One part
Fin~ aggregate - two and one-half parts
Coarse ~ ..... -'~'
ad~:~ea:.te - four and one-half uarts
2. One course side,?alk
Cement - One part
Fine a6gre~cte - three .parts
Coarse aggref]ate - five carts
i~:?. S e 0o~2rse
Ce-~ent - o~-e ~,ert
Fine aL;{,}re6ate .- tkree 2arts
0oarse a{!.cre:ate - five ~arts
0e:ie~it - o~e Ntt
Fine a{:;{;.z'e.~-~.te - three
construoted under ver~it authorized 'oy the
City Council, the ~uini~-~um t.kicknes: t~ereof
saa~l ~e 6". The m~nmm~ tnicEness off ail
or~e co~:rse concrete r::idevmixs si:all be
concrete side~alks skall be
5. in the construction }f all concrete side~',??lks,
which sidev~'Iks ~djoin the-;}~'ved ~}rt, ion of
any ~ublic street, that -,ortion of said :~ide-
walk v~hich , ox,~s ~h~:, abuttin~ ed~e of said
of tlc street a ais%~} ce of not less tl.~{'.N
and s~iali extend 'beak froll the e06e of s~id
street a distance of not less than e" and.
b~ e0. equa~oe!y reinforc~,'.
m,.~s a sider,talk a!readv
oonstPucted a}~d in place, an ade%uate cu. rb
shall, be ~n~'~t,:_L!ei so so to ,to ~e~lv c~rotect
~. ~!! such ~,~,~.rov,..,,~e~.t~ as e'bDve desc?ibed shall be
per~/ons constructinc snr? shall s.t:~'9 u~ork on said i¥lp:?ovsments
~' ~ m~ !near if said en?iReee eJ..vds thgt
upon orders fPox% the el.t: ~
said irlprove}:uents ?.re Not beii~.: '"fade '+'ocordi~.,C +o ..,~_,~ }lens end
specifi ,*'
5. No ~r:~es or shrubbery ~L~,lls'~ be -~leoe4 o~, or rtctoved from
a~y street, hi~2hv.fay, avenue, lane, s. lley OF oo_ler zth}llO pro-
perty rithout ~ -:}er it first bain~_ o'o~:~ined .... .~r.o:~'~ the~ City
6. Any and r~i! tr?es ,:'~nd s rubbery '.-~ ccd .on .~. streets,
~i~~-r~-~,~s avenues, lanes, a~!evs or o~-~h~r >~!'bl~ ,:~ro:~erty of the
r~i.~0 ..... f['O}i u'on ra~:uest of the .~ity .~, un. cji.,
if suc~" r~:; o~ml is a~*~"::~.=c:~ desl. raole b~ ...... ~.~,= .... .~o:~,cJ].. If such
.~,xz'n five a~vs :-~ftar ~..oti. ce
trees and shrubbery ~'re not re~oved 'v'~ .... '
to r~r:~ove ,.,~e s'~'ue ~ been .~ivr~n, the "'~' ~,.~ ~cil is ~utho-~ized
t ':'~ "~ 9, V ~ S e,"le ]P '7- i0 V e'l ·
~. UE, op the re:'~zsal or f~:ilure of the ~3u:!,~irq Inspector
or the City~:~'~ '-~=n.~r ..... to i:s~~,e ....~ ,~e-c'.:t for any of the above im-
-orovenents the '~e?son or ':,e~-sons ::---pl,~-: ~:-, -:h~raeor !lay
! ulon
the Council to order the ~ ~e ~ ~ ", .... ~ ~ounc:.l
:.:suaNce t~r~:o~, ,:~.~ z:. the ~ '
-e~:ds that all condi'~' ~ ...... n ~.. '' .
.... blOIl~ have l-,,~- coux~ii~-! with, or shat there
T ~ '
is a {food end ~a~u~..d reoson or r~::~;-7ons for ~,,aiving ~ se not com-
q, liea v.ziti], the Jo~.:.~cil, ;'ta~r~ in its discre~,...on, order
n lneer
in{~i InspectoP or CityZto issue ~ '~ . '
, , ouch: ,er. ilt.
shall, b~ i'-~~',: ~e~a~' by .... ~ze. ~I!' ' Idi~'~'t. ili}_':eot;O~. _ or City~ Ex~'ineer Y/it]l-
out ' ~
c?~.rge, however, if i_tz their o~inion, Lizere is reasor~.able
ground for .... ici atin. ,:
.-~u ~; _.. ossib!e d l~6e 1.,o ~ity p~:'o.: erty, a
suffici,~n% ......index:mi'by bond ~rmy be recuired ~},~"'or~ the issuance of
such {~
9. Any person or ,:.ers;ohs L:akin~~,,-~x-of the._ above im-
prow~r.tents ~,,ithout ~irst cbt?~''~,~zn~''- a '~er:-it ..... fror~ ~-'zne City 3uild-
i '~ IN~-~.~. ' in any er
. n~ ~..~ .... ~oz, or .: nam: ~;iolet'~n{,~ th~:. ~ro,r~_sion of t. his
ordiz~ance, sh, ll be -unished by a fine of not excee:iin[.' one
hundred ([jlO0.O0) Dollars, or by item,.rlsion tent in the City Jail
......... . :~rty (SO) us.~ rs, or ,~2,r ,~otn su.c~. 'fine an~ i~.r-',rision-
~2ent in the discPetion oe_ - ~,-~..~_~,: ~
!,. r uh~ ir:w':lediate
preservation of }-ub!ic ~
· .......,. second %nd fin~'] .... ~,.~h{~ on t;~is 'tile
~es[dent'of~Ci~y Council
~,t u,:~t ed by:
City u!erk I
~pproved b~: ~ / '