07-25-12 AdjournedDelray, Florida, July 25th., 1912. a Ad~otu red meeting called to order at 8 P. M. by Prea. McRae. *, Roll gall with the following present; Prea. McRae, Ald. Cason, wackerman and wttepper. Minutes of meetings of July 8th., 9th. and 22nd. were read and approved as corrected. Special Street Commnittee report that Ald. Cason and wueppez met with the citizens of Gilliard Street and believe that they ' have arranged the matter of the sidewalk grade to the satis- faction of all concerned. Moved and seconded that the Marshall be requested to see that the property owners on Gilliard Street, who have set their fence posts outside their property lines, proceed to e~.ear the street of all obstructions so as not to interfere with any ;railing or other work that may be done. Carried. Moved and seconded that the report of the Special Street committee be accepted. Carried. Special committee appointed to look into the McGinley do .osaman matter report that by accepting their proposition, the 'own will be giving them, McGinley k Goasman, about five hand- ^ed square feet more of land than the town world receive. Moved ~i~d"seconded that report be accepted and that the matter be laid on the table until a future date. Carried. Ald. Cason, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reports that the draft of francshise submitted by G7. ~1. Blackmer are in the hands of the Towns ~ttnri-8y for legal advice and that the Attorney will be some few days looking them over, they there- fore eak forfvrther time bdfore making a report. .« ~-. Moved and";aeoonded that report be accept and that further ' time be granted the Ordinance.Committee. Carried. Moved and seconded that we do now adjourn. Carried. Approved thls the /day of ~..,~ rye ,~-ti AD. 191" Attest ('"'/~~~ /y,~/ O 0~~~rn~ President, Clerk.