Delray; Florida, August 12th., 1912.
D4eeting called to order at fl P. M. bar Clerk Blae}nnar.
~ Roll call with the following present; Alderman Cason,
1"Taekerman and ~'luepper.
It was moved by Ald. ~7~,ckerman, seconded by Ald. ~Juepper,
that Ald. C~;son act as President Pro Tem in the place of Ald.
McRae who is Acting Maifox during the absence of Ma;ror Sundt'.
Carried and Ald. Cason declared Pres. Pro Tem.
' The T+anutes.of the Spec.+ial meeting of July 29th. and the
adjourned meetings of July 31st and August 5th and 6th. vrere
read, corrected and approved.
Mr. Frank h. Benham, representing the Sjax Fire Exting-
uishir~g Company o'_' Nsw York requested and received permission
'to address the meeting relative to purchasing a chemical fire
.engine fnr tovrn use.
I~4oved a.nd seconded that Clerk send all literfture explain-
ing the machine to Ald. ~Ycton at Bridgeton, PT. J., and ask that
he procure all the irforma.tion he can as to the practical use
','of same. Carried.
Informal discussion relative to organizing a fire brigade~~•
~ and securing the use of the chemical fire extinguishers now
in Town for the use of same. Pres. Cason appointed Al d.
VJackerman and Acting Mayor McRae as tkwo of a committee of three';
~ they to select the third member from the pnblie, to find out `
'the spirit of the citizens regarding the~fire department.
Clerk read the reports of the officers and bills for salar;
court fees, etc, for the month of July. P~ioved and seconded
that all reports, bills etc., be referred to the Finance Com.
for approval.
Finance Com. reports favorable on all reports of officers
Nand bills for court fees, salary and commission but asks to
;have bail of H. S,. Bussey and F. Z. Tenbrook returned for
b.oved and seconded that reports be accepted and filed and.
',bills be paid as approved. Carried.
Clark Blacl~!ser than read the following resolution;
Delray, Florida, August 1?., 1912.
!TO the Honorable Town Council
Town of Delray, Florida.
~I BE IT RESOTVED, That the Tovrn of Delray fix its tas
''assessment for the current _tax year at 10 mills in accord-
lance with the State 7..w i'or the government of cities find towns.
H. J. C7aekerman.
~, Novel by Ald. ~uepper, seconded by Ald. ~7ackermr.n, that
the resolution be adopted as read and spread on the minutes
of this meeting. Carried.
~ Clerk states that he has been requested by Ptir. John 7,111
to say that he will answer, thro' the columns of the Delray
Progress, the resolutions tendered himself F.nd family by the
Town Cottnei2 and officers of the Town of Delray.
Moved a.nd seconded that we novr adjourn. Carried.
Approved the ~,.,,,;,,, ,~ day of --~J` A. D. 1912.
~ V
President Town Council
Attest:(y~L/~~. ~¢ /~ //
° /' / ter.. / /' ~ / +L.~Ca .r-~f~i~-, ~