09-09-12<: Delray, ^1or.ida, September 9, '12. ~ ! T;eetin~ caL'_ed to order at eiPht P. T,I, bar Pres. T,c ae. oll call Frith the folloc~sin~ present; Pres. TTc=Tae, Ald. r'_cton, and '•'laeTcerrpan. T:Timxtes of last meeting recd «nd approved. ~ler~ read communication from «tty. Hussey regarding his bill for services rendered. Toved by Ald. Acton, secon- ded by 2.1d. "lackerman, that bill bs paid in lull. Carried. Ald. ~7ackerrnnn r~aTces x~~port on the firs deprrtmsnt committee. J T+ioved 'hy Ald. ~ackerman, seconded by Ald. Acton, that the Finance Comraitt.~e make arrangements c~:~ith the 73ank of ~ Delray to take cars of '_^o~ran z^~arrr=nts until. necessar~r fronds are obtained to nay them, time to be Si?StTr da~rs. Carried. Ald. Acton offers the use o£ thf~ Canning r^^actory office '~ as the official meeting place of the Torn Council. j lld. ?Tackerrdan offers i;hs following rc~solu.tion and moves it be accepted. RT~SCLV7:D, The the Council accept the offer of Ald. Acton for thF, use of the off3.ce of the Delray Canning Co. as a council chamber and that same be hereafter considered the Council Chambers of the Town Council ' of the Tawn of Delray, Florida, and the legal pl.acs for all meetings."Seconded and carried. 11Soved and seconded that the Clerk be instructed to not- ify the 6'lest Palm Beach Tel. Co. of the above resolution and request th an to install the telephone. Carried. P"iovod and seconded that cae nocJ adjourr. instil Thursday, September 12th., at two thirty P. T+i. Carried. September 12th., 1912. T4eeting called to order at two thirty- P. T~. by Clerk Blackmer. There being no quorum present the meeti?~? was adjourned until Saturday, Septembed 14th. at nine P. P+I. September 14th., 1912. T~Seeting callod to order a.t nine P. b. by Pres. TleRae. 0 . J a c Q s -- C ,~: loll call vrith the fol7.ovvin, pr?sent; Pres.TicRae, i11d. ,Acton, Cason and `'luepper. Ald. Acton of the Ordinance Com. nr.^sents an ordinance governing P.18Ct10115 in the Tovm of Delray and moves that it be put on its first reading. SecorYled by Ald. Casor. and (carried. Ordinance read by Ciark. ""' T~Zoved~by Ald. ~"uopper, seconded by Ald. ,"seton that i.ho ordinance be referred back to tho Ord. Committee. Cs~rried. i old. Acton of ;elections and moues iordinance 'oe put on ;Seconded Ald. Cason ~~ AIL nDITv'ATvTCF providing fox their the '1'owrn of DeiraTr, Bra Ii ORDAIii:D Delray, Florir'~a. the Ord. Com. pxesents the ordinance on that the roles be stzspendeci and tine ='~ its second reading and final passage. and carried, r prescribing the gnalifdcations of voters;°< registration; and governing elections in Florida. by the Tovrn Council of the ;`own of Sec. 1. iTo person shall be entitled to vote at any '; election held ir. the Touvn o:P rel raz,7 cvho shall rot have reds- "~_ tered with the Town Clerk at least ten da~rs prior to such eleoPa tion, but this shall not renuire an annual registration. "lhen~ ever. an elector sh:-:I1 have registered, his name sha.7J. remain ,' on the registration list until erased by the Council as here- inafter ~,rovid.ed for. Any person m€:y vote at r ny speci€i ; election tvho shall have registered for the r~e~t preceding elect9.on, ox who shall have registered°or such speei€l ~=lectt ;a See. II. ^h^ clerk shall open the registration books at ' least tizirty drys before any annual or speci€^,1 election, and shell keep the books open at some convenient place ~,vitnin the , town, at l,:ast throe days each week from nine o'clock A.T,i. to ++ four O'ClO ek i'.TT., up t0 ten da,~,TS pr7 Or t0 file eleCti On dc.~T. h Sec. III. Upon application for registration e€c~t elector:; sh€11 be required to ta'~e and subscribe the follovring oath cr affirmation; I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will::<' protect and defend the Constitution of the t;nited States «nd ' the State of Florida; that I am twent~r one years of age and have been a resident of. the State of ^lorida for tc!elve months €nd of this town for six c~onths; that I am a citi:;en of the United Stakes and the-t I am qualified to vote under the Const ittztion and laws of the State of Florida " The clock is her9 by authorized and required to administer this oath or affir-<? oration, and the voter shall also be required, under oath, to be administered by the el.rk, to give such description of him-" self as vrill be suf_iciont to clearly identify himself with the act of registration. i ~ Sec. IV, !.777enever any elector shall rer-ister, the C1~:rk shall issue to hire a rrr~istration certifica.t~ in substrntially the s<.rne £orrr. as that used b;;r the County Supervisor of ;'.e~is- (9 gyration. Sec, V, S1o person sh~11 be pexmitted to vote at an•r slacti on in .the '_^own o£ Delray t%rho shall hrt.ve ia.iler'_ to pPy at >! least on or before the second Saturda~r in the month pr~ceClinS• the ciar of such election, his poll taxes fo-r• the two zrears :text nr.ec~;ftinp; the year in vrhich such election shall be held: PrOVin_eCl, `l'l:n,t n0 person 511E 11 be presented f1'et!l ROtlrif?' On ? ?ccount o£ not havi7ltr raid a roll tax for any y~~a.r vrhieh shall ~ trot have been lawfully assc;ssable against himby reason o£ his dot having been of ale, or having been ov~~~x Pi£t-r Pive years 'o£ aLe, or who has lost :; limb ir. battle: Provided, Thnt no `,~:b person orho has 7iot been in the stag one ,n~:-r ni-~;vious to <.ny sucn election wall be r.equirnd to nay more thFn one gear's poll tax. Sec. Vl. 1'he Clerk shall receive as compensation for his ` • servic;ns'as registration officer a. fr:e o£ five cents for each person r«gistexed, tahich fee shall be paid. b~,r the. "'ovrn, ~;; a SeC. till. The T04Vn C0t171Ci1 Shall, ai; ].tS first r8~'111aT s m:etin~ d;H July of each year, examine and revise the regist- ration book of the term, erasing• therefrom the names o£ all voters rrho have died, reMOV~>.d from the tote7-c or a-re otheruv;se ~lisnualidied to vote and restoring the names of an-* voters whose names have been erroneously erasecl• and ira~ediatel~* jthereafte-r si1a11 be published 7$21 a nevrspa.~nnr in said town, or posted the door of the Coltncil Chamber, a list of X11 the names bf all voters whose names have be~~~n ar~.sed, alphabetically arranged. .4t any me?tin~ o£ the council held at lei st trn days;' ~rrio-r to the election the name of ari,r voter nrrononsl~r nrasedn shall be r=:stor~;d to 'she list by the council. ,~ Sec, VIII.It shall be the duty of 'she P-ia~ror tc issue his clamation annonreind every annual and speci?1 election, c~h proclamation shl7. be published at ].nest thirty days or to such election in some ne~spapn-r published in said mo~ posted .-in at least thxee public places of said. mol-err dur.inEr thixty n-a;;rs irunediately precening such =?lection, one of V eh shall be at the Council Chamber, Passed the 9th. day of _Se fittest ',7m. t7, Rl~ciune•r --- mourn Clerk. Approved the lath <'.. ?'. l9I?. Idl. P:4c`'ae. Prrsidnrt Town Counc da~r o£ Sept. A.^.'12. John S. Sunder _'y,lftgor, ~- -- T:Iovc:d bJ ..vld. Acton, aeconfted b~T Ald. "uepper, teat t;he ,ordinance be passed as read. .Roll call for vote; T?res. P.TcRe^ Yr,~. ~ Ald. Acton Y~=e. Ald. ~'aSOn Yae. Alil. "`/ueT;n?r. Yr~e. ':Carried ~-naximousl~r. T:oved and. s~:conde8. that twe nog-~ r djourn nntilmnesday ;September 17tH., 191?, at eight thi.rt~= p. Ti. September 17th.. , 1912,. c P,~Teeting called to ord-;r at nines o'clock P. T~. b~~ Press. ' 'T:cR<e. Informal discussion as to names of candidates end stYlP of tic'_~ets to be used in tov~t~ election. Ald. CaSOn moves that the reports of officers a.nd bills S 'for month of august, as approved bT~ the Finance Con?, h.' ,'accepted and paid. Seconded <<^.nd carried. a q DTovcd and seconded that ~~e nova adjourn sinedie, ('ar-rie&. t;pproveil the 23rd. daY of Sentr:mber, A. ~. 1912. i ~ ?resident - ~1§~ t, ,15~t~[JA~- i Clerk. F I ^~ a