09-23-12- ~ Delra37, .^lorida, Septa mb?r ~,T(,.. , ]_
~ ~i:.eetinV cal}_ed to ordF:r at 9 P, b;. bs- °res, I:.C;t~ e.
'_toil Dell .v; t'r_ th ~ fol l o~-r~.r.~. mer:h~?rs „resent; Rr*?s T`.efiae
s'.1(l c'M:,r::n FiCt03: ~;.nd ~-ill°rper, a}]:ient nldr'I'!r?i". r:-:+CCn £=.rd ~.~1 ('.kerTna
}4inutes of last rneetil~ rer-d and ~rnroved.
ClEYK re~.d 2 COilf^ilni_CatiOrt _'x'orn t}.e ;'. ,.. C, re~ard* g;
I+heir ^ol~aa Tavns.
Clerk read petition<ss from the fellovaing parti>~, each
'~ signed hdr t~aent~s five or more qualified voters of tnr? Town of
~elra~', t0 ha?re t'f_~? r"12-.e•S >rt"]'~'C'1 aS C!".r ~1.1dY'tr S feT' Of_'i.Ce at
~ -the coming election <,ncl r~ nl estirg thI>+, their I~~ Ines be placed
!On 1; }1i; Off iC i<^..l ballOtT ..??S f01101'V6:- ~'Or 1:_t',T,rOr, aTohn :> llnd~s, ;fi
ifor aldermen, ?,iessr_s. v. '". Anton, J, t?. Crom??r, "r. J.~Green,
Geo. G. St^es ^.nd Geo. J a_~ickland, _^or P•.arehal, Geo.
'Keith, J. Ti. Talker and ,.obt. "ah.en, for Cl, rh, "'ra ';. Bl^ekme:
t".otion 'rhf veld. .4eton, ;P,GOn~~cCl bps Fad. ',llc.pper, t]'!,:t the
~~~tit'ions b~? ~?ecented anc? placed on file. ^r~rri~>d.
I3otion h;F Ald. c ton., s~aconded. b? r.ld. '.?lleppc?r, +,},<<t ,: a
!Col~nitt~:e of three, inclndin~ the cnairman, l.; r• ~l,.noini,~?d to
f. fcrlaulate the officjt?1 ballot for the corning totrn ~leetion
~.nd have se~me printed. C€-rrieci.
Pres. Mc~e then ~,rmointed I.}essrs, Cason and "'uepper
serve on the committee.
Foved ~~nd su~;portod the t
the Registration moo}: to 'Test
to cor!~,a.rF ~.nd che.ek sr Iar? grit
report to, the col°rn Counr'.i1 at
30th. Carried.
the clerk be insi;rncted to take
Pa11n Pe.^ch, .Tonda~-, Sopt. 30th,,;
1 the poll '"<av Record. in or•d~r to
7 - 30 P. I1. the ev,^nin~; o f the
L4oved end sllpporte.d that ~~re do now adjourn to meet again
r?ptemb~'r 30t}!. 1912, at sev':.n ±hirt~r P. I''.. Carried.
Sertembf;r .;0th. , 1912.
i.: i?et171>? C'r.11F',d t0 Clrt'?~:•:r "± e7. r'Tht p. l"' ~3•~'.<;. 7':CR~. E?.
Y.oll call 47ith the foliolrin~- pr~~ser,t, pros. ?ic~.ae, Ald.
ton and Cason.
Clerk rf?ad the foilov,/ir.~; petitions which ~:rere e~?= Inincd,
•fonnd correct ~,rd order.od placed on file ,~:nd the narles of the
candidates ^laced on thy? or icial ballot "or she notnir.~ elect-
~ ion• r+.aJor ~, o. Sund-7 I < rs_ al
, '~• , T r ~ , h , J. 1 "al;{E'r, rlt r'C, '"I1.
r ~r '~ J. " Actor. J. Ta. rrcr7 r~'7. J, Green
? Oeo. 0. Sta.c,T and G. J. StricLl~.nd. .
. ~s
~~~ . ,
Committee of three, consisting of Pres. McRae, Ald.
Gason and Wuepper, appointed to draw up the official ballot
an¢ have same prihted in form and number eocording to law.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn until Monday. Oct-
obe~t the 7th. at seven thirty P. 2d. Carried.
October 7th.. 1912.
Adj, meeting called to order at seven thirty by Pres.
Roll oall with the Following present. Ald. Acton, ~;
94ackerman and Wuepper. "
Clerk presents a certlFied list of the registered votes!!
of the Town of Delray, qualified to vote in the msicipal ~-
Same was duly checked over, Found correct and aooptea~ '
w. @V. Blackmer presents a letter dated September 28tk, ;
asking for an estenaion of silty days on his aooeptance
of the water and electric light Franchises. Moved and
seconded that same be granted. Carried. ',
There being no farther business it was moved and seo-
onded that we adjourn. Carxied. ,
President. Town Council
- w