09-23-12- ~ Delra37, .^lorida, Septa mb?r ~,T(,.. , ]_ tik ~ ~i:.eetinV cal}_ed to ordF:r at 9 P, b;. bs- °res, I:.C;t~ e. '_toil Dell .v; t'r_ th ~ fol l o~-r~.r.~. mer:h~?rs „resent; Rr*?s T`.efiae s'.1(l c'M:,r::n FiCt03: ~;.nd ~-ill°rper, a}]:ient nldr'I'!r?i". r:-:+CCn £=.rd ~.~1 ('.kerTna }4inutes of last rneetil~ rer-d and ~rnroved. ClEYK re~.d 2 COilf^ilni_CatiOrt _'x'orn t}.e ;'. ,.. C, re~ard* g; I+heir ^ol~aa Tavns. Clerk read petition<ss from the fellovaing parti>~, each '~ signed hdr t~aent~s five or more qualified voters of tnr? Town of ~elra~', t0 ha?re t'f_~? r"12-.e•S >rt"]'~'C'1 aS C!".r ~1.1dY'tr S feT' Of_'i.Ce at ~ -the coming election <,ncl r~ nl estirg thI>+, their I~~ Ines be placed !On 1; }1i; Off iC i<^..l ballOtT ..??S f01101'V6:- ~'Or 1:_t',T,rOr, aTohn :> llnd~s, ;fi ifor aldermen, ?,iessr_s. v. '". Anton, J, t?. Crom??r, "r. J.~Green, Geo. G. St^es ^.nd Geo. J a_~ickland, _^or P•.arehal, Geo. 'Keith, J. Ti. Talker and ,.obt. "ah.en, for Cl, rh, "'ra ';. Bl^ekme: t".otion 'rhf veld. .4eton, ;P,GOn~~cCl bps Fad. ',llc.pper, t]'!,:t the ~~~tit'ions b~? ~?ecented anc? placed on file. ^r~rri~>d. I3otion h;F Ald. c ton., s~aconded. b? r.ld. '.?lleppc?r, +,},<<t ,: a !Col~nitt~:e of three, inclndin~ the cnairman, l.; r• ~l,.noini,~?d to f. fcrlaulate the officjt?1 ballot for the corning totrn ~leetion ~.nd have se~me printed. C€-rrieci. Pres. Mc~e then ~,rmointed I.}essrs, Cason and "'uepper serve on the committee. Foved ~~nd su~;portod the t the Registration moo}: to 'Test to cor!~,a.rF ~.nd che.ek sr Iar? grit report to, the col°rn Counr'.i1 at 30th. Carried. the clerk be insi;rncted to take Pa11n Pe.^ch, .Tonda~-, Sopt. 30th,,; 1 the poll '"<av Record. in or•d~r to 7 - 30 P. I1. the ev,^nin~; o f the L4oved end sllpporte.d that ~~re do now adjourn to meet again r?ptemb~'r 30t}!. 1912, at sev':.n ±hirt~r P. I''.. Carried. Sertembf;r .;0th. , 1912. i.: i?et171>? C'r.11F',d t0 Clrt'?~:•:r "± e7. r'Tht p. l"' ~3•~'.<;. 7':CR~. E?. Y.oll call 47ith the foliolrin~- pr~~ser,t, pros. ?ic~.ae, Ald. ton and Cason. Clerk rf?ad the foilov,/ir.~; petitions which ~:rere e~?= Inincd, •fonnd correct ~,rd order.od placed on file ,~:nd the narles of the candidates ^laced on thy? or icial ballot "or she notnir.~ elect- ~ ion• r+.aJor ~, o. Sund-7 I < rs_ al , '~• , T r ~ , h , J. 1 "al;{E'r, rlt r'C, '"I1. r ~r '~ J. " Actor. J. Ta. rrcr7 r~'7. J, Green ? Oeo. 0. Sta.c,T and G. J. StricLl~.nd. . . ~s .. ~~~ . , Committee of three, consisting of Pres. McRae, Ald. Gason and Wuepper, appointed to draw up the official ballot an¢ have same prihted in form and number eocording to law. Moved and seconded that we adjourn until Monday. Oct- obe~t the 7th. at seven thirty P. 2d. Carried. October 7th.. 1912. Adj, meeting called to order at seven thirty by Pres. Mcrae. Roll oall with the Following present. Ald. Acton, ~; 94ackerman and Wuepper. " Clerk presents a certlFied list of the registered votes!! of the Town of Delray, qualified to vote in the msicipal ~- election. Same was duly checked over, Found correct and aooptea~ ' w. @V. Blackmer presents a letter dated September 28tk, ; asking for an estenaion of silty days on his aooeptance of the water and electric light Franchises. Moved and seconded that same be granted. Carried. ', . There being no farther business it was moved and seo- onded that we adjourn. Carxied. , "Attest President. Town Council Clerk. ;: - w ~: x