11-25-12November 25th., 1912. Meeting called to order at eight forty five by Clerk. Fic11ca11 with Ald. Acton, Cason and Strickland present, Absent tildermen McRae and Wackerman. Loved and seoonded that Ald. Acton act as preaient pro tem. ,~ Carried. Pfiinutes of last regular and adjourned meeting read and approved' Loved and seconded that the clerk be instructed to order cop- ies of the Aota of the Degislature of the State of Florida c for the years 1909 and 1911, same to have good binding. ':r Carried. s Ald. Cason of the Ord. Com. presents an ordinance relating w to the tagging of dogs and mouse that same be referred to Ord. Com. for reference. Carried. Ordinance Com. presents ordinance for tagging of dogs and moves:` that same be put on its first reading by title only. Carried. An ordinance requiring all doge running• at large within the Town limits to be tagged; providing for the impounding of doge not tagged; and prescribing penalties for violations thereof. ffiotion by Ald. Cason, seconded bg Ald. Strickland, that the ~ rules be suspended and the ordinance be put on its second `j read~6ng and final passage. Carried. An ordinance requiring all dole running at large within ;j the Town limits to be tagged; providing for the impounding of '-- ®11 dogs not tagged; and providing penalties for $iolationa thereof. BIB. IT ORDAINED BY TFiF. MAYOR AND TOF4N COUNCI7 of the Town • of Delray, Florida. Sec.l. That it shall be unlawful for ang person owning m~ harboring ariy animal of the dog kind, to suffer or permit any ' such animal to run at large in ang street, highway, alley, paw" or other public place within the Town of Delray. until a permit is obtained therefor from the Town Clerk, as hereinafter prov+ ided. Sec. 2. That the Town Clerk shall, Orior to the first ~ of Januarg of each gear, pxocnre small tags of tin, copper oT brass, and have stamped thereon the words Delray, and the year for which the license is issued ". Any person desiring g ;~u peririt licensing his ~r her dog to run at large within said Town, shall make application therefor to the Town Clerk, an$ shall pay to the Town Clerk the sum of X1.50, together with a fee of 25~ to be retained bg the clerk, and thereupon the Towi~k-> clerk will issue to such person one of the tags above prov (ided for. "'~ Seo. 3. That ang person to whom a tag is issued as pr®; hided for in the preceeding section shall cause the same to be ` securelg fastened, bg a chain or other substantial device. abe `Lthe neck of such do$. find no dog shall be permitted to run at ~ d ithi ar ~e w n any public place within said Town, without aicsh d ~ ~ i I Sec. 4. That any person owning ox harboring any dog or perm- itting such dog to run at large in any public place within said down limflts in violation of any provision of the thxee proc- eeding sections, shall be punished by fine no t.exoeeding ten ~ dollars or imprisoned not exceeding ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. That the Town Clerk shall keep a record of all persons purchasing the tags above provided for. If any person shill counterfeit a tag or use one not purchased as prescribed by this ordinance, he or she shall be fined not exceeding ten dollars or imprisoned not exceeding ten days or both so fined end imprisoned. Sec. 6. That any dog found running at large within said Town in violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be taken up and impounded by the Marshal. C~henever a dog is so impounded, the marshal shall notify the owener at once, 1Y he can be found. The owner may have such dog released upon pur- ~ phasing a tag at the price harein~efore mentioned, and by pay ing fifty cents for each twenty-four hours, or fraction thereo! that such dog shall have been impounded, together with a fee pf one dollar to be paid to the marshal for impounding such clog. If the dog shall not be released by the owner or his agent within forty eight hours from the time such dog is impo- unded, the marshal shall oYfer the dodo for sale at public auction before the door of the town council chamber, and shall' sell the same to the higest bidder. Out of the proceeds he ghall first retain his fee of one dollar and the sum of fifty i cents for each twenty four hours, ~~r fraction thereof, that hft shall have kept such dog impounded, and shall pay to the Town the sum of ~ 1.50. He shall thou pay the balance to the owners _ if he can be found, otherwise to the Town Treasurer. If no bid is obtained for such dog, the marshal shall forthwith kill such dog. i °h v a i ~: Sec. 7, That the marshal shall receive the sum of fifty cents for impounding any dog in accordance with the proviaiont-, of this ordinance, and the sum of twenty five cents for each twenty four hpnrs or Exaction thereof, that he shall keep the said dod impounded if same is paid by the Town and not by the -` owner. Sea. 8. That all ordinanoea or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be, and the same are, hereby 'repealed That this ordinance shall Hecember, A. D. 1912. Attest ~9m. W. Ble.ekmer Clerk. is-ke effect on the 1st. day o~ J. VJ. Baton Pro T resident Town Con Approved the 27th. day of November, A. D. 1912. John S. Sand yor. , S ., NYoved and seconded that the ordinance be passed as read, Roll call for ballot, Pres. Acton Yae. Ald. Cason Yae. Ald. Strickland, Yae. Qarried unanimously. Ald. Cason presents an ordinance providing for the appointment of a town health officer and moves that it be rei'- arred to the Ordinance Committee. Seconded and carried. The Ordinance committee presents an ordinance an ordin- n.nce praviding for the Appointment of a Town hefllth officer. prescribing his qualifications, compensation, powers and dnt ies and xelating to the public health o3 the Town of Delray, and moves that it be put on its first reading. Carried. Clerk reads the ordinance. Special Committee appointed to purchase a town lot far bite for a town jail or other use reports having purchased from J. W. French, Lot 15 of Block 100 at a coat of ~ lOb.00 which can be paid ~- down and ~ do ninety days and reports hav- ~.ng paid 10.00 to bind the bargain. Motion by Ald. Cason, seconded by Al d. Strickland, that the report be accepted and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants to the amount of ~5b.00 for the first payment and have the necessary papers drawn up and signed. Carried. Clerk read a petition, signed by a number of pro ert folders on Atlantic Avenue, requesting that the Council order '? Cement sidewalks constructed on both sides of Atlantic Avenue,. ~xcording to the town ordinances. fxom Swinton Avenue, east to Dade Avenue. Moved and seconded that Clerk write Atty. Bussey and have him draw up a resalution,to be acted on by the Counoil at a ; F netting to be held Monday, December 2nd, 1912. requesting the property owners in the above described limits. to build the Sidewalks according to ordinance and within a specified time. '' '`% Carried. Moved and seconded that we adjourn until Monday Deoember '' Znd. 1912, at 8 o'clock P. M. Carried. December 2nd., 1912. ~, P+Tootin~* called to order at 8 P. Pd. by Clerk. There being no quarum present the meeting was adj- purned. J/~ p President Clerk. Approved the~day of Decomber, A. D. 1912,.