12-09-12December 9th., 1917.. A'feeting called to order at 8 - 30 P. M. by Pres. McRae. ~ ~?oll call with the following present; Pres. McRae, Ald. Acton, and Strickland, Absent, Ald. Cason and wackerman. T.iinutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Clerk re€:d letter from H. J. Starling requesting that hie aie-. nature be taken off of the petition to have sidewalks plaoed 'on Atlantic Avenue from Swinton ave. to Dade Ave. Moved and .~ seconded that request be granted. Carried. :Clerk presented bills for expenses of the month of l~ovember ;together with reports of offioera. P:Soved and seconded that ~ :same be referred to the Finanoe Committee for immediate aot- tion. Carried. l Finance Committee reports all reports accepted a.nd bills for ":expenses approved and moves that they be paid as approved. 'Seconded and carried. i Ald. Acto ,providing moves that passage. n of the Ordinance Committee presents an ordinance for the appointment of a Town Health Officer and same be placed on its second reading and final Carried. An ordinance providing for the appointment of a Town Aealtlt Officer; prescribing his qualifications, compensation, powera.a duties and relating to the public health of the Town of Delrag~ Florida. Be it ordained: By the Mayor and Town Council of tar Town of Delray, H'lorida: Section I.That there shall be appointed b;* the Town Council ~~ the 'POSrn of Delray, Florida, immnediately upon the passage an$ hpproval of this ordinance, a 't'own Health Officer for said Tov~, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Connoil. ': such hero th officer shall be a registered, licensed physician'. under the laws of the State of Florida, and shall be known as Town Health Officer ". He shall be paid by the Town Council the smn of Twelve (°12.00) Dollars per annum, payable quaxterl~~ ~nd reasonable compensation for all special services. Seotion iI. The Town ,Health Officer shall have general anger vision of the public health of the Town of Delray, and shall have power to make, promulgate and enforce such rules and regulations as ha may deem neerasarg for the preservation of the a€me. He shall make regular reports to the Town Council coneerning his official duties and investigations, and shall mY~ ~uch recommendations to then Town Council concerning the pnbli¢ ealth of the Town as he shall see fit, which reports shall be pie submitted at least once every three months. Section III. It is hereby made the duty of every licensed or racticing physician od said Town, and of every person havinngg ny knowledge thereof, to report immediately to the Town Hee.'Itl~ fficer any auspioioua case of disease within said town which y come to hie or her knowledge. - ~;`' Section IV. It shall be the duty of the town health officer immediately neon his acquiring information of any suspicions ease of disease, to take measures to e~:amine and investigate ~- such case of disease, and hr. shall determine whether such dis- . ease is contagious or infections and a menace to the health of ' a the community; and he, or his agent, ahr~ll assume charge, management and control of each case of contagious or infect- ious disease, and of every suspicious else of disease; and he shall segregate and guard such infectious or suspicions case of disease, for the protection of the public health; and shall manage and control such case to such an extent as in his jud- ~? Bement ma.y'be necessary for the protection of the community, or until the State Health Officer shall take charge of such crse, or until such cese shall cease to be a menace to the health of the comtmtnit;,r. Section V.~. That the Town health O£fieer shall have the ' pot^ier to declare any point, place, person or animal suspected to be infected with any contagious or infectious disease, or ~ any person or animal that has bean exposed to any contagious p or infectious disease, or any parson or animal that ha has ~ reason to believe to have been exposed to any contagious or infectious disease, within said Totm,,n to be in quarantine. and ; to place and and all restrictions upon ine^ress, egress or '} passage or parsons or animals thereat, as in his judgement shall be necessary to prevent the spread of the disease from tho infected or suspected point, place, parson or animal; and it shall be the dut,* of said officer, when ha shall have deel- e>red my point, place, person or animal to be in guar€ntine, to so regula*,e and control the ingress, egress and passage of parsons and animals thereat and within that vicinity, and make v such disposition of the infPetnd point, place, person or animal „ as may in his judgement bast protedt the community and prevent the spread o£ the infection. Section VI. The Mar~Ehal and the police officers of the: Towne"". of Delray, ox as many o£ therm as the health officer may deem a xaeceasary, shall be under the control and at the disposal of the town health officer to enforce and carry out any and all quarantine regulations that he may prescribe; and it shall be the duty of the Mayor of Said Town, whenever called upon by the town health officer, to furnish the latter with all the ~ " requisite moans to enforce whatever. cuarantine regulations h® may proscribe, including such force o£ Holies officer as in the judgement o£ said town health officer may be required for such pur,~ose. Section VII. The town health officer shall, upon placing anq , point, place, person or animal within sztid town in quarantine, report the sFane to the ne;:t regular meeting o£ the Town Conn- Qil, together with the action taken by him; and the Town Coun- cil may, after full deliberation, modify or abrogate any and qll gnarfl.ntine regulations after they have been established by the town health officer. Section VY~b.tiny person who shall violate or disregard any `•" quarantine role or regulation made by the tovm health officer ~s a£ores€"id, or any physician or other person violation or Sailing to comply with any provision of this ordinance, shall lte arrested and tried by the Mayor o£ said Town, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding ' ne Hundred Dollars (irol0O.00) or by imprisonment not exceed- I i Ong thirty (30) dAys, or by both such fine and imprisonment. `.° I Section IX. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance, be and the stone are hereby "J repealed. Passed the 9th, day of December, A. D. 1912. Thos. TJl. 1L"cRae, President Town Couneil. Attest:- ~m. .V Blaclnner.. Town Clerk. Approved the 9th. day of December, A. D. 1912. 1 John S. Sundzr ~lAyo r. Il~ov~d AI18 seconded that the ordinance be passed as reAd, Roll cAll for ballot; Pres. IvTeRae Yae. Ald. Aoton Yae. Ald. StricklFnd YAe. CArrind unanimously. Ald. Acton of the Ord. Committee presents And ordinance requiring property owners to build sidewalks and moves that $ame be plACed on its first reading by title only. Carried. An ordinance providing for requiring property owners to construct sidewAlks upon their several lots R.nd reAl property rind keep the stone in repair; providing for the giving of not- fce requiring the construction of such sidewAlks; providing that, After due notice if such property owners do not conatrte! such sidewAlks, the Town Council may cause the same to be ~onstrueted; And may hays and enforce A lien for the cast of §ueh construction. 1iSoved by Ald. Acton, seconded by Ald. Stricklrnd that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be placed on its ~econd reading and finAl pasaAge. Roll call; Pres. I~TeRae, aP, Ald. Acton, Yae, Ald. Striokland, Yae. Carried. An ordinance providing for requiring ,vroperty owners to onstruct sidewAlks upon their several lots and reAl propert ~ ,~nd keep the same in repaid; providing•for the giving of note ice requiring the construction of such sidewAlks; providing that, After due n~tioe id such property owners do not conatrnm. ueh sidewalks, the Town Council may cause the same to be onatructed; and may hAVe And enforce A lien for the cost oi' ~uch construotion. • ~ Be it ordained, By the Tgayor and Town Council of the Tow1~' bf DelrAy, Florida. I Section I.The Town Council may Adopt a resolution requi- ~ ing the owner of Any lot within the town limits to construct didewalk, of d~aignated width, grade And materiAls, on the treat where it touches said_ownc+r's lot, the edge of the side Alk to correspond And be3 in line with the ontPr line, o£ the treat. Such resolution shall state a reasonable time within hick said work shall be completed. A copy of said resolut- on shall be prepared by the Clerk, And shall be sexved by the ~_ .,• ~' P,Iarshal upon the owner in person if the-ovmer ma; be found, ;and if not found then by rnailin~ a copy thereof to the last (known address of such owner, and by postiIIB anot"her copy ~= '.upon the aforesaid lot of such ovmer. Suction II. Should the owner fail or refrzse to comply !with the resolution rer~uiring a sidewalk to be built as spec- ified i.n'tho prec®ding section, the Towr. Council or its arth- orized went, ma; contact for such constrtretlon, and the Town , '.shall 7?ay for the same and shall h~.vo a lion for the amount so paid, which may be enforced as provided in Sections 1017 'and 10.39 of the General Statutes of the State of Florida. Passed the 9th. day of December, A. D. 1912. Attest: Wm. VP. Bla.clnner, Town Clexk. Thos. bi. TicRao f President Town Co~mcil. i Approved the 9th. day of December, A. D. 1912. John Moved and seconded that the ordinan Roll call for ballot; Pres. McRae Ald. Acton Ald. Strickland Carried unanimously. S. Sundp Mayor. ;e be passed as read,; Yt~ e. Yae. Yae. D4oved and seconded that the clerk be instructed to have..: printed suitable resolutions, in blank, reRuirin~ property owners to construct sidewalks or. their property, as presc- ribed by the Town Council; aHd have same ro~dy for the next meestin~ of the council if possiblc. Carried. Moved ftnd sooonded that tre now adjourn. Carried. Approved the ~,~.day of = , A. D. 1 ~ resid t Town Council. Attest ~ p M._~ >VJ~s.~c%i~ Clerk. ,'