Ord 209-38 aN ORDI~{~iC~ 0£ T~iE CITY OF DELi~aY BEn, CH, FLORIDa DESIG~TI~G TWO POLICE DISTRICTS ~¥IT~i~'~ TH~ CITY; ~O~N ~S THE "~HIT~ DISTRICT" a~D THE 0Throe K~'.~O~'d'~' AS "COLORED DISTRICT"; REGULhTI~]'G ~=~D PRESCRIBING TriE HOURS ~HEN GITILE~ Of THE "~,~hITE E~CE" ~h~L~ BE ~LLO~'~ED WITHIN THE "COLORED DISTRICT", aND ~HEN CITIZE~'~S OF "NEGRO f~CE" SH~LL BE ~LLOWED %[ITHI{ ThE '%.HITE DISTRICT"; DESIGNATING CERTAIN ~,CTS aS DISORDERLY CONDUCT a~b V~GRANCY, ~n~.=flmo FOR T~i~ VIOL~TI0~'~ OF THIS BE IT 0RDaI~,~ED BY T~iE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELHAY B~C}-±, FLORIDa. ~ECTION 1. Treat for the purpose of tais Ordinance, tae City of Delray Boach, Florida shall be ~iviaed into two police districts, one to be known ~s "T~E ~,~IT~ DISTRICT" and t~e otne~ as "T~E COLORED DISTRICT" SECTION ~. '~nat the police ~istrict ~esignated as "The Waite District" shall comprise all the territory within the City limits lying east of ~outhwest Third ~venue and Nort~west Third ~venue, an¢~west of the be~boapO Railway right-of-way, and north of Northwest Fourth Street; and soath of So:~t, hwest ~ECTION ~. That tt~e police district designated as "The Colored District" s~alk comprise all territory wit~in t~e City limits lying west of North~est Tl~i~ ~venue and ~out~west T~ird t~venue; south of Northwest Fourth Stroet, and north of ~' '~,,~t Fo~.~rth ~treet, and east of the Seaboard Railway right-of-way. SECTION 4. That between the hours of 9 P. ]~. and ? a. ~'i. following, on eac~ day of the week, excepting Saturday, and on Saturday, between ti~e hours of 10:30 _Pi M. and 7 a. ~. following, it shall be unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance for any person of the %.'~nite Race to be found upon ti~e public streets, alleys or ways within t~e above described "Colored Dis- trict'', ann t~t every such person of t~e ',white Race" found wire, in sai~ "Colored District" shall be investigated by t~e police officers, and if said person does not come within the provisions of Section $ of this ~rainance, ne shall be arrested upon the charge of vagrancy and i-~eld in ti~e City Jail, subject to trial before the i'~uff~icipal Judge, as a violator of t~e provisions of ti~is Ordinance. o~TION 5 That between the hours of 9 ?. ~I. and 7 a. ~. following, on eac~ day of the week, excepting Saturday, and on Saturday, between the hours of 10:30 following, it shall be m~iawful an~ a violation of this Ordinance for any person of t~e Negro Race to be found upon t~e ~ublic streets, alleys or ways witi~in tae above descri-0ed "~'nite Dis- trict", and ti~at every suc~ person of ti~e ~'egro Race found witii- in said "White District" shall be investigated by the police officers, and if said ~erson does not come within the provisions of Section 6 of this Ordinance, ae shall be arrested on the c~larg~, of vagrancy az~a neid in ti~e City Jail, subject to tri~! before i the Municipal Judge, as a violator of the ,~rovisions of tills 0 r~lin~nc e. SECTION 6. That the provisions of Sections 4 and 5 ~ereot shall not apply to any! person actually working, residing or occupied in a legal business; proceeding to or from work, or f~is home, or place of business, in a reasonably direc't ann expedi- tious manner, or proceedin~d directi~.., a~d expeditiously upon any lawful and necessary errand of an emergency nature, and which could not have been attended to between the hours of 9 P. of any day of the week, and 7 A. ~.,/or on Saturday between the hours 10:30 P. M. and ? ~. ~.; nor shall said sections apply to any person proceeding in a direct and reasonably expeditious manner to his domicile from any place outside t~e Cityg~limits, or to or from a railway station or bus station, or from any legal public assemblage,. . show or entertainment w~icn shall ~ot have been dismissed time for those attending to reach their respective districts within the otherwise required hours. SECTION 7. That this Ordinance shall apply to any person doing any of the things herein prohibited, whether said person shall be on foot or in any vehicle as driver or passenger, ~methe: private or public vel'~icle. SECTION 8. ~: That any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be finednot more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor imprisoned in the City Jail, or at ~ard labor upon t~e City streets, or public works of the City, not exceed ty days, or both said fine and imprisonment. ............ PASSED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, in regular session sitting, this ~ ~ day of February! Ct~ PresYd~h~',of~ ~fie Cbuncil. Attest: City -Cleffk.- ---/ -- × PASSED on second and final reading, this ~ day of [c~ Pre s~l~nt cll. Attest: City Cle~-k~- / EXAMINED AND APPROVED this ~ ~ day~ of ~~