D+?11"E.y', ~loxi.d~, OCtobr::z° "Ifjt}..,
i'ueetinu called to order as ~ P, u;. b;~ ;layor S'uniy•
i i:.3.dermen Acton, Casor,, "?cP.as. "'ac:urrna'n,
`' Clexk Bla.c~uer took the oath of afficg, beir6g
~ti@ppgr Fand
;s>fioxn. in Izy
.+IO,rgd »rfd ~•-°•econdrd that thra ?/oaxd proceea -rith eleatien
oa Pre;,=idc:r+'. Pdation oarried.
ilcxrii3~s;ti.ana; A1d, ;,ICr;ae. :;Iotiar, that nomin"',tiona l:e dec
l.az•f3d C`1.7f~a@. Duly seconded. and. cnr~~ied, Nazrizlatians ~:°lose
''±ate tfi.}en arad !~ldo :.:^,'i8.e deClar>id y;iE'^ted PresiC°_nt' ^~ rhg
~n}t'r rl,
.?otiar. b,:~ gild. C~:son, supparted. by ~.ld. '-7txepper, t}gat
Pce,.rd aivi.drt: itself into two c3.assgs, one of three members to
F~:old oi':fiae fox ttivo yews .a,nd one of t:~vo rraembgrs to ho7..d ofAia~
arze yer:r, s~ni± pro=.r~rd to determine by lot wha s>tnll ~er•~ae t}zo.
lane an,i ~;k;ort +t3rma.
Res;alt a£ a',.1otzRgnt: Ald. C::son 2 Xerzx•s.
ld» TaIcree 2 yeaxs.
Ald.« I?a.ckgrman ?.. ;;gars.
x13.d. Aston 1 year<
Ald. 67uopper 1 year.
}~loti.on that Clerk be instructed to order a Town Seal in
.~ecord,arce with the resolution adopted at the meeting held
9th. Diataleter of face of Seal to be t*;.o l23 inches. Duly
seconded axzd carried.
L?axed and supported that the 1tayor be x•erluested to cam-
nRini.cato with the Secxetary of State and. procuro a Copy of
Revised Statixtes. Motion carried.
Pres, rrleRag ~nrzouncgd th..g Com. an Ordinances f.s follows
Ald. Acton, Cason and Wackgx•man, the first named to sexve a
chairnt~ri. The Coz~zeittee to report their. progress at this a
Darned ?reetir~,
:~:oved and supparted that vre xaaw gd joux•zl 7~.nti1 Thursday,
October 1?,th., at ,3-30 o'clock P. }~I, 1,'otion ce.xried.
October 's`'.th.a 1911.
Adjeurn.ed mooting aalloc to oxdor at 3-30 P.11I, by Pres.
Ro11 Cf~ll with t.ha following members prPSent; ald. i~cton,'
Cason., ^~ickerznan ar~r "'y?.eppsx.
Cor,. on Ox•dine~nE;e:s rgrcrtf,c} b;~ 3rtroduciug ri.tty. Dn.sey,
flfte,x' j~"r~'Y";T:%' '1~~C12E>~i~~r. it VJF~.S PiaG*ffr,7 .°.:n~~ S1~Ti~f.;T+~':l1 t}:8t i~r•
°~l~ie?J fi E: rfsto-.inE'~:?. i':.CCOx'C'tinP' to ~ Tirv^pC~Sitl aTa T!?~: r~. E3 b~> i'.'~Tn~
nrhiC=1 ~ ~~:'. ~'i7. C'.e t,, Tlt":t +'•r> Fv x.41 fcbrmUlate £L trancC2•:l.pt Of'
,the proceed3gs, dive s~YCh legal ~8v~iee as necessary on 0cr:up-
J 'anon taFes r;nd Hass on our ordinances, far tho sum of T:,,,~t,nty-
'fi.ve Dolle.rs. with an s~zditiora2 charge for r;ll stenag:r«p}°,io
R~x~M:, ':otiar ~;7xrrieci.
I~~a.yo:r uundy snorts havinx sworn in P,larsha]. ~~Jallze.rw
October 16thw, 191x.
~ldjou.rYlad meattng ,~a11ed to order by P:resw ItrcRae, 6 P.I.
:,,eyed Find supported that i4ir
'af tho Ceunci.l for his valuable
Pdoved and supported tYYat Lee
iday, October 13th., Carried.
Bnssey be te~?c~ered thfr `hanks
serviet:s this ;:~~+etin~w *?coon
adjourn until. 6-.30 r. I;:. Pri-
OctObax 33th., 1911.
hdja~-~~n,-+i ;n~:et3.ng nal.lod. to orr?r~r at 7 F..ri, b;;r rxf~H.
'~eRs.e .
8011 r.all witY!. fo1lo~,vin~ members prosant; old. ;i;Rae,
rcton, Cason, ~ackarman and4iuueppexw
Clembars 0f 9aa-ru engaged in infa:~°tru2 discussion re~Z<;~.tiwe
to o.rrl.inanoc;s to be dravm up.
Moved and supported to adjourn. until 6 P.hlw, :.:onday,
'Cctober 16th> rlntion carried.
Roll calf witkz tha following members present; Pies. I~:eRa.o
.11ciw rlrto~,, Gason, 4Jackerma.;Y and `"uepper.
nation by ~1d. Cason that :re accept the transoript as
presented by the clerk and. that same be approved a.nd file;l
xi, 4:h t1Ye CZerk of the Cixcu3_t Gourt. luotion seconded. and
x~Ioved and saconded that the clerk be instructed to mako
this transr:ript the initial entry in his minute book.
.roved aYYd carried that tiYe clack be ir~vtructed to ,writs
to two ax more firms for prices on blanks and stationery.
Eioved and harried that old. Acton be instruoted to have
painted susli blanks as a.re necessary fnr iu,mediate use, if
priC+_?:? aY'e s5,ti5faC4:Oryw
inf0rr,.al 33enssion on or;iin9nees,
1.".OV ~•r~. end u~rr°~~3'~. that WC nnYd ad ~'1?Urn t0 T'@G''1: a2'P in i'''.;t'.S- -
i~.a,;j, ~')r t!?be'r :E..7 t:CI.w fi °~: 'f°31~ ". ;:. -.