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10-17,19,20-11 Adjourned
~ dd~oux~riad meetir~F• called to ord~>r at 9-lv br Pres. T~;c: ,a. ~:c?SI call. ~*ritla Y.he follovrin~; rnarabars pi^es~~nt; Prey.. '~Ici:,a, '. 1y'] d. .'scton> Caso:•i, v~`ackr: rmr~n and '~--uepper. Bald. ~~0t;~n rare}ues report an prices obtained f0r px•int3r,~~, =uore3 r.nd se;.°onded t}a;~t cle~°k be instru~~tad to 4rrite t,a ;:~x. 4seax '~. Cankl`?n 0f Miami> a°king him tea cozr,e up `.'rida;~ te' ;tattla x,^o:ttaxs co*aoerni.ng the prir<tiza,~. Ta0ti0n r_.arri+~d. dld. dc.t0a? 3xttrodt~rnd th,a ordinane~+ on Occi.rtr.tion Taxis rend u•^~e ras r;at., on i#~s .First r;;nding. i Ptiov~d and ~,e~ronded. thet the ordinance be referred t0 the Ordinar.^e Conan#.ttAe, Carriad_, ^.1erk instsa.r;ted. to write ^rIr. Bv.ssay conc~~rnir_g ttaa li^- ~n.se t€:r on drab; or~d h.aoks. itloved r,rnl r:er•onded t'ht~.t ;va n0w adjourn until Thtiarsda~, ~yctober 19th. r,t " 2. M. Cr:rried. i October 19th., 191].. ~ ~ dd.,journad maetirig called. t0 ord~nr at 7-,3'? '.T+I. Ly Clark, >?011 call with following mambars present; Ald. dcton, C~es0ra, ?7ackerman and ~~7uepper. Moved and seo0nde3 that wa e.cl~ourn to meet again ~'ridav r40rning, 0ot0ber 20th., at 8 o'clock. Tweeting to ba held at $ha offica Uf dld. Cason. Carried. October. 20th., 1911. ddb. T4eeting caller. to order by Pxas, IvIeRae. Roll call dispensed with. Trlovad. and. soconded the.t that cue ad3ourn until ^, P.P3. ,zt Canning tactic,. Carried. October 2.Gth., 1911. 9d j~.urned meeting called to ord~.r. at 7-15 by Pres, A40Rae. Rol]. call with the following membars Fxe.sent; 'Pres. A:ir,Ra.e, d. d0t0xi, ^;.son> ~::xekerrr~r;.n and "iuepper. J C1Frk :read e~zmTM~°arication from yld. '.%ackarman asking fax e leave a" absence 'antil January first 1912. Liova:3. and. seeon- ° dad that racruest bP ~-r.allted and the comzutnieatian be filed wittl the clerk. Carried. raved and. sunpartsri that the following rules be adopted ?. ()r t'tla p_,'a'~+3rRmeiit of the TO`An Council; :s. J " F:i:'as fcr tlla govarnmerit of t;he Town Counei3. " 1. The Council shall meet at the Council Chamt:er cn the sac-.. and a.nd fourth 2uanciay of each month at 7-30 o'v`lcclr P.P,.. from -'-prig. 1.st. to Uatabea• l;;t. and at 7 o'clock F.Sv~. from October wst. to ~pr.:il 1st„ 2. Th,a :resident of the T.av~n Counr~il shall take the ellair at ;the hour appointer] far ar~y regular, oa.11E,1 or adiouxner] maet- iz:g. Fls s?lall immediately esll the members to ardor. ^.nd ar. :the appe^s°ar.ce of rt nuorum sha11 cause the minutes of the last ;previous mooting +,o ba read, and acted on. i3. $e sha11 preserve ardor. and d.ecoxum. _^na shall appoint al' ieomanitte:as unless the Council shall ot!1Q:zmise di3t, in which as~se they shall ba el.actad by ballot. °- ~4. In the sbs?nea of the President at any z•egn.lar, an.~aurned ar called maatizl~;, the Council shall choose ono of its mem- bers to r~.at as President pro term. ~5. T}la i'al..awing order of business shell be observed in the transaction ~7f business: 1 P.olt tali. 2 Ratadina~ end approval of minutss. 3 Pat'tians and calmnun:ieatians. 4 Fceparts a:£ ~?tandin~; comm:i.ttaes in this ardt:_l~, viz: ! 1 Committee on Fir~gulces, Taxes and ~.icanses. 2 Colmnittaa an Streets, 5aritatianr~nd Improvements. 3 Committee on Rv.?.es and Urdi.nanees. 5 Roi::ort o-t Special Committees. 6 Reports of Ufficars. 7 Ftesalutions. 8 1?arounts and salaries. 9 i~:i.saallaneous busiaess. 6. TO acoaunt shall be paid until examined and certified to be correct by at least two members of the rinance Cammit_ tea. 7. Evert ,^.ommittea sha].1 report upon any subject raferre: to it, at the next regular meeting, or show goad eau.se why the report is not made. 8. E~vcry ar3lnanae shall receive two aaadings in Council previous to its passage. The first reading may ba by titl~=: only, but the second reading must ba in full. The first read irg shall ba had at the meeting when introduced. Tha second reading snail take place at the next regular meeting, or at '` soma subsequent meeting of the Council. PP,O;'ID:D, however, that by unanimous aansent the said. ordinanct: may bQ ordered to its secancl x•er,ding at the meeting of its introduction. ar at any spoaial mQetirlg eFll~d to consider laid ordinance; an$= 'may at such ?reatinF be put upon its final ;:elssa-e and p2.zsad. 9. ro ordi.n<_llae sha11 L,e introd:~red e~aept at _a regular Ellseting of tll Ccur1. il., ar at se;ma spec iE;'. 7'•~'Ctin:. CRil^d. fGr t}ls puxpa:~sa rf intrn:.uca.x~- F~it$ or:ii.nfince. a J 10. ''ly YAiz}i:Jn Cs r3:^1 y.ti ari fiiiall. bi' 7"fi tA'~.'~C`,,~ trr •;x~i:3n+; • • .., •~ .. au3:E'.n ?"t3tlU.irPa ~J.~ an4 mem!EiB~" ~'f t~3.6 COUnei.t• 11. n all rra`ter; -•omi,n~: befc^:t•e the Corn^ii , ma jnrit - sr.:~.ll vove.rn. an a).l ease:; of a tie„ `he presidin~• officer shF-:: :. heave the deciding vale. 12. ';laanever. the presiding afftr,;;r shall deaire to speax ar address the Cczan+;i:? upon any matter, he shall d.esigrate some xr:tmk;f~r of th.~: Council to take the chair, an+7. hold the ssm> wh the pres.ida.rg arfioer iU speaking, - 13. T.o member. while the Council is ir_ sossion, shs~1.1 offer Any metier, ar 1'Er4=~~:~ 'an,y Tama rk8, Or spear Ors ~Lriy Sllb~gt't und,?z" d:tsCUSSian, without fi~'St rising, i+.~3.dressing acid bAin~. reoognized by the presiding officer. ~'hPn more than one mem- bar shs.ll rise atr,°r racer the sf,me time„ the pre.>iding of.f'ice shall deeid== in Favor of the an.e who shell have first attrac- ted his a.tt*ynt`.an. Tdo member shall integrant anather w.hi.la speaking, t-:.;Dept to cs.ll him to order. 14. The presiding affic~r shall decide all quests-ors of axde but an~~ member dis~~a.tisfied ;•~ith e,ny of his decisions shall have the rin•ht to appeal. to the Counr_.il. 15. A motion to reeorsi.der any of the procee?ings of the Cou cil shall rat be ent;ertair~ed unlE:ss it be mad® by a mamk~or. ~;ho previously ailed vrith the majority*, nor shall it be Inter i;±~ined at any ether ~noatixsg than the .one at srhi.ch tY.e proo- eodings vrex•~~ had, n' the meeti:ntr izoxaediatel? following. 16. ~dd.iti!~nal rules may be made Pram time to time by the Caurci.1 but nc amendment of a rule shall be made, or any new rule enacted, caithout the ccnsent of two-t2;.irds a° the member present, <s:nd upon one months notice. 17. The Clsxk shall keep a seperate book in vJhich shall be entere,i these rules and all other rules and. ordinances whioh the Council shall. pass. 18. TYo person. other than a member of the Cauneil. shall ]re allowed to address the Cauneil, unless by a majority vote ~ of the Council. 19. Tue communic,atian to the Council shall be entertained unlesa the same be in writing. 20. The presiding officer, when the Council is 3n sessicn, shall enforce parlimentary rules for its government, so fax as they are applicable to such legislative body. 21. Any of the foregoing rules may be suspended for the meeting then i.n session., by a *ananimous vote of the Cauneil. 22. T?o person sha,l.l be permitted within the bar of the Cauneil except members of the Cauneil and officers of the Tavi unless invited by the Council. 23. The yeas and .rAays may be call far on any question and shall. be ordered. whenever demanded by two of the members present. `,7henoyer the yeas and mays are ordered, the Clerk shall call tP.e ~f~ol.l of Councilmen and record the vote of each member. P?CT.- 8abert's nu3.ss of Order." a~Yales passed by unanimous vote. ^:Soved and seconded that a eammittee on painting. cons- isting of &ld. Acton and Cason, be appointed, Carried. r"_oved and s~ecanded ghat tre Committee on Pxi.rtintr he fi 4 0 ~:,lthor°ized to accept the bi3 i'rom 2,:ia.mi. Iler¢ld and ~rrd,•r neap.^-.<,rr supp].ias. Cra~~ried.. • Pres. iaaxiae a.nr,.ouncod tl~e foliavring aommi.tteas; Oor.L*aittae CiP_ Finances, TaPeS and ZiCP,n6v'G, ~lcl. `.'capper, Cason a.nd nr_ton. C^.?mmittee on Sarite.tion, Streots and. Improvements, _"'~,d. Cason, Icaton and. G7lzeuper. ~r J The Conn. On Crdinances rs:prrrtad the ordinance or. 6o,'u- pz~.tion Tries r; ~d racornmer,d i.ts passrxge. .Moved. r~.nd r~•=.conde~ tYLr~t the a•ui_es be suspendati ~,,nd th ordinar..ce on oOacpat;ior.. taxes be put on i,ts second rending a.nd f'inFl pe+ssage. Carried by cn~~ri?ro::s consµnt. " Crdinanc,: on Occ~zpation Texas " r,i': CZDINL;3Cr Ii,POSITIG ?,IC'::ISF Ttu.:c,S UP^N PF°SO.I. F S S , IR.M e?IID C!`~:~'CEhTICP'Sdoin~; business i.n the TCFsrtd Of DiZRAY, Florida providing foz• ';he paymont thereof; and uraso:cibing penalties ~a~ep• doing bu.si.nes.^, •avithout a license, o;~ ath?r fail.l:.,rr tc comply with the x:rovisions thereof, DI IT orD;:INED BY Tf TC'"Iv' CCLtiCIT~ 0~ TFIE TO"^a QF DE7.RAY Seel. PdO person, firm or corporation shall, vw•ithin the Town of Delray, Florida, engage in, manega or conduct any busines profession or occupation mentioned in this ordinance, unless ho, she or it shall have procured therefox a town. license, which shall be .ai.2ned by the Clerk, countersi~•ned by the May and 1xa11 bear the corpoxate seal of the Town of Delray. Sa lie;rnse shall be issued to such parson, firm or corpnratian clpor. iic<y-reset of t3-so amount hare3nafter sper~ifiad therefor, together with a. fee of twenty-five cents, to the Clex'~, Sec.2. In oonstruinF this ordinance, every ~~rord importing the singular numbex, may extend to and embrac*. the ~sl.ural number., and everyy vrord impoxting the plural number may be applied a,nd limited to the singulax• number; and every krOxd importing the ma.sculina gander only, n;a.y be extended to and applied to .famal.es end corporations, as ;ell as males. :7h R'. :;vex° t;he ~rOrd Oath i.s used in this ordinarLco, it may be hal to mean affirmation, and the word swaUr in this ordinance shall. be head to i.neluda sffi..rm. Sea,3. 110 license shall be issued fo-r mare t?lan one yeF,r, anc e1I 7.icenses shall ax_rire or, the last cey or Septembaa~ O:€' cash ;~ea'r; and rLo license shaall be issued -For any frictional: part Of € gear, ea<::ept th.-t an,; icensa a+at otherwise spac- ified iri th:s Ordinrane,e, may be i.~sued Or. or r~Tter the rust day ai= a~pr:l to ~•xpirc=. on the 7,sst d!:;; of SeptembRr fol'.~~cvin~ l:.por, tl?a pa;;rr,ent Of One half of t'e t~mollrit fi.s.ed in this ord• finance as the erica for suc;~: li,•ensa for One 5*ear, togathar~, kith a fee of *;renty-five cants tha-rafo.re. to be paid to the- Clark: P:~07ID~~D, That the period commencing November 1st. 1911, and ending Septembc;r ,30th. A.D. 1912, such license may' be issuad ~zpon payment of eleven twelfths of the amount fixei J .in thin together ~il°.r':e ordinance as .the oric~, for such :xicense far with the Free of taaenty-five Dents. to ba naid Sec., 4. any license n,ay be transferred °t~iith the business for which it was taken out, ;vhen there is a `,one fide sale of the property u.se3 r-.nr3. employed in the said. business; but ^urh. t,ran:sfarred licar~se sh,~ll not be Food for <~n;,* 1onEar ticif-°, or fox any other placY, tiu•".n tY,~.t 'or which it rues issued; >.nd n trt~,zisfer of £? license slza7.1. take effect .mtil such proposed transfer has been si:.bx:itted tc ^5:d ~a.rt..rcved by the ~'ayor, and su.oh aNproval must ba endoz°s:::~? u~,on such license t:~efcz•C~ ;.erne t'.hrl'. be Fail.`... Sec.5. Th<<.t th~~ fc13.o .°ing c?ntzaners.te6 individual. lic*.cnse. sha1.1 be uaid to the Town. of %elray by the perscr.s or ccrpor- ctiens nesses, "xt~?'Ft_~?'inp2' i.n, manr~"1x14' ®1• tranSn^, i;iY1(? 1;j'.22 Na ~t0r£x,'s. ?::.Y.lai- e rofes::ion.s or occianations aia•ced, to-wit: l~u.etienaers. c•-•t,gents for bicyr..las ar type.*:ritexs. t«gents for building and loan €.saociaticns. :.. Hgent.; for elairrs rind collection+>, r.rst taxed lr.~vyers and banECers. r rgents for cslothiers and tai.loz•::, not taxed merchants, Gger~ts for monuments a.ad tombstones. l~.ach agent or member of an agency for re£a7 e including rent and rent collecting. t~gents for safes, for sale or exchange. E-F_gents for sawing maohines. `.-Fersons, firms or corporations operating amusement parks, rvi.th merry-go- rounds, roller-ooasters, and other amusement places and other devices found thaz•ein, "ilrchitects a-Ovrners or iztanagers of temporary auction shop ,r Brokers dealing i.n insurance ,~ Brokers dealing in land and land options 1 Brokers dealing in merehandiae Chirop8dists Civil Engineers Lac?i palmist, clairvoyant or fortune taller, for pay ~~ Commissioners of Deeds of other States Goumissicn rnerchanta Dealers in rash registers or cash carriara I~ealars in cigars and tobacco, who pa3~ no other license ta.x Dealers in curios Dealers in dytaamite t Dealers i;~ fresh meat, za,c°.kad. or refi~Q-r~:ted 4 Dealers i.n i'larniture sol% on inst~i~.lment, under control fox nonp£syanent therec:f (Provided this shs.3.1 not appld to per- sons taxed ~s cna-x•cht.nts. ) ~~ Deaa.er:, i.n gatolina and nap°?;ha c... ?Jea:le""~a ~.a"a. &s1,l.t~lYi4?Ji.l~.S, fi'Li.tbSliOtOrs~ OY' J v ?th;'7~• 7 yj y,.., :J t'~~; V'v 5 1+"1:. ~~5.~~„0+'+.1 ~'- ja t!Fi1. P£. i'.'s. 1 i'. R7.atl$ +'tt ~ t iI),> ari+1 ? tl~r ~ ' ' ^',' ~.1=;i () j i r, ,.,;,I'f : ~r^) _ u a.. ~rn'y'T,il _J, '._;il. '. ?. i17/T l.. !'a.F?{~ -t T+.:~~.r' ;Ct ~r:):'_. ~02i.S 'C+nP. di. '..S P*t+`rt'.7iE121t',. +!~'?"hc?Y`,t+~., .~14.1.'rlhr Cpf, P.. `: +::.:i S'L:f tuTfiS .~S fc>r BLiC~: +°},"i+i t;'+}'w1E:~_Yi (',. dC:1. 1.F d".`: C+.n y.r. C~h ~. _.r£i.t"t'- ~-s."s C'° ;ne' ti'lr..-i P,.21!3. da.~FX'S of Sta ejC, of 'iB ti'alland3.Sa 5r ~ . ~Q f„ r(}pY•`~. Fa jai:=r ar p,rOpr'o =~;r~rS of eE.C<}t F'ara~+y'e fr^~r ~ x - ti :T:fsepiTlF' 93'`1't,;:i~ltiab.~]. rS i;It . ~+~ _ !?~?.1. 6'T~: 1.11 uj;~n]~ ~2,j,+.i~ + .':%ealeY'zi ira 018C7i.;.ti:r'~'arine +>i^ ~:;iitt.el;Y°illa, rrhO1P.- =P. ~. C', handl iz:~r :.~r.;: Orj.~'.'S.n2C1 p%it?j'.~.:t>ag G!'Y'l rr:±~. ~17 ')r<;:L.r7•,-, ir+ Y;i.. toll, ~:o:vi~ ~r~~i1°+~•s, Iiri~::,hOts, b,i E.1~'. ~::uckles, ux>.~°"~ )F::I, r~lrt ri f7.. rr Fi, re3Y F'+~,tix!_ r'.fles, dirl krivea ;r%5,00 ~rtY:~lers in ser~onrl hand hlothixF~, for eaoh. plat's of btasixae s ,1;12.50 DROvID~sD, thrt zrerc:hsnts p.syizl~ a ro~^ula:~ 1.icser+se ts!~: sh.al.l not be z•enu.ired to pay th:=s liccrnse. ' tealars in ~aeonr~. hand 'coats ,rnd shoes ~. 5,~0 •' Ear}t nnratist ge:3"ma^ertly lrycated :'' F, Or, r"Each t-raval.lin~* dentist ~ 5.00 ,= i:z'o'aer.s selling at auction or cthaz°wie.e •~ 5.00 ~- Paal.ers in elactri.cal. machiz:e'.ry or supplies ~, fax profit .;p 5.00 f Green Grocers and deelers i.r. fresh fruit and nuts, for ea,;h place of. business ~ 1.50 I'rofa::>~ii.¢~nal hypnotists ~v10.00 _- IIavrker•s or street 9endors oi' drugs or patent aner,~cines, far reach day they attemrt t. Peddlers and hawkers of merchandise not othar to sell 50.00 Each lau~rer ~~ 5.00 Each xhyscan, vs?.t:rinary and sur~;aan ,y, 5.00 u .:iental, he;u.l.ers„ or a.ll persons elai~min~~ to haa3 by absent traatmexit y('100.00 FnOTIii%u, that rlpthing in this clause .:hall be cons'Unted as effeetinar tha u=wmbers of any (;hristian denomination w'r~o pray for the recovery of the sick. ~"Each oculist permanently located r 5.00 >~-Each optir=i&n perinazzantly located '~ 2.50 Etch csteopath ~ 5.00 c Pawnbrokers, for aaoh place of business 50.00 urn.: a sper.ifically enuraeratad herain j~50.00 r Peddlert~ of stoves, ranees and eloskc, sal8. f~rozri uragons X25.00 ,, Ov~•ners, ope.ratoa-s or mana~rors of ea.^h boat, lased. wholly or. i.n paxt for peddling, of Ions thazd forty feet ~ F.00 +~f. more t,1ar. _orty feet - •~7_~,.00 r Faoh :iarYa lunar ' ~ 1,b0 a Each -ohotographEr, ~rmanently loca.tad ~~ r...•0 Mach. itinerant ph~Pgrapher 5.00 F" r^~ac:r1 pr:rson selling any gatert :ei5'ht, or ~_ any s•i~-ht to sell patent rights 1S n ','~1~~.50 4 - a't%i'}] r ~ "'Vt~?t 4'~.,)ata tr '~ ~.:~ti Wit, t?er cLXi~7 1l~:tYa- e.a"~+i?.t ~AOYv.}0~`a" p (' }!riV ~_razF=, t?'inti.?lEYtt r)r E=r,.1.i$YiC+e of F_r.;y kint's irtez'~ded for tha t}^r:Ltr.,ent of an;~ diSPast2 or injury ax d?focnr>:it~ , }a;~ any d.xx°lz~>, rostruTn, me.n- 2_p7:ilF+ti4S! a5.' alt}'i..!^,i P.:~CS:,B~~.t.ent, S~"i:~l:,. pf3y fi i{:h?nail tF..''. hi1 C?nd_ert,r}~~~z°^ aiat c=.rcbf~lare2rs •.. u27 t}.fix"t L?{:8 ~>,.~; fin+~ embSJ l.: tkiE'.:rw ,-,td~, r,r..t .;x: F,.xid :ra7`s.i:,-res of ,~~c~~fea.xy 3 N w;9r.nil %.50 !f . f'+~ . 5(1' ,....~.rn r.i~unP,2` , "GFLara~e;rs, ax' F3.g8ntS of Pi;.l'.}7 u'ff the fall.f,51r- ,an` 8Ia5T,yk,P,.rF.t15c3 :~r,;titlzt).aa2S, r'St;Ftb~i.lE}aYklBxitu, appi.l.aX1Ct'.£i F22'~7. E'j.,~.7.",!.r FttSe. fat' .~+ii' `~',~2,n11?mow f.Cti an Gf IillE i.lik?58 fJi t}i@ ,:ntnrtA7.il- 'men#i a'r 'rt;fa:lad.atia"tl +Jf t}it? p2"t}1]..iC :f'Or -trr fit sht11} `&.,~* t}?+3 {td1R Y1 1. .-.p OT; rt,?Si +3 }:8 •n ~s;t" { rt n5 C?'t ' 2~. 21P.~e :8t ~ t t 7.r 2. Sp.., 1.VE 3.AS:ign~ i.0 ~wefinit~ ,nf~ :fa,~~„ptiaiz,t?, to writ , ` ~~dk: A7 ~~ 6 ~'I'.+tr ~"'}2u ;1 `itt"?17A, rii'}t e`he?:'1'ii:"e ta~c:zc} a3 mart }?r,nts ~ 1. b0 ':AT. H',Y a y z. t~P r. Tn, not atherS'iise tsa :S",8 ~. F.t atld?TC}l.f'Zlt Sfi. 5.00 ~'.':?=',T:i}?';~, bkxn~er8, pe3r3anS, fi rlnS or Ca Ppar~tianS .. ~ ar bz•okexs, doing business, wliethe-r. incar- nc.rated or not, Grit}: ^n.p'S.tfz:a t-:tk~•cY of ~SUi(tt'fi,TiV or aver k75.00 Tc,:ss to r-n ~r~50,000.CiC s'.nd not Ynore than ~~ IOO , O~iO.00 ?` ~~5.oa Tess tht>zz w100,000.^,G and not Ycoxe #;hQn tir 50,000.00 21~ .50 Lr>ss thtzn w 50,000.00 ar~c2 not anore then ~ r, is . y~, liv v 7~.., a ~(~ V~r' t'. 5O ~'Fierber chaps running one chair ~~, 1.00 ^ar aa.ch. additional chair ,r .?5 +- BiI}.in,rr7. ox gaol fables, kept for pzzbl.ic izse ar xar ,~x`ofit, fox a:=..a table v ^ar efzc}z addl.tianal table ~otzrding• houses, lodging houses ox }~atels h.av- ine ziceozrlr?dati.ons far 7.5 tc 100 boarders or ladders -'as 5,0 to 75 F~oardere or lodgers .^:.5 to 50 boe.rders ar lodgers 15 to ?5 boardexs ar ]aod~•ers IO to 15 }aoFd,sc?.+~x°s or i.odgers • railer and anaehine shags and faund.r•?es C GYi"tlPCted + rottling vraxks end soda. ct•a.ter fFZetaries }hick gt~.xd arld factories r~a.ilding rind loan }tssociatians } Carri~,g«; and :*r.gGn faetaries, including reo- ai1'in~' (; &,"r'l.S~E: repOSitari°9, ]lOt COnneated svit}7 faei;arie° ^oIc}. .tc,~rage plants, ant Gannacted with :tr;e fa~e2tnri_es a• Lleotxic powver plF+.nts, canlpanies, firms; ar MaMrare.tions,.t;rith capital. Staak a° T'~ `~ `, Ayn^ nn 4, ~.,>.~ 1zFln ~,~~.._:O,v,~0.00 tend more ,.fi,,z ~;, . r' °.50 t.nr 00 µµY a~• A6 yy~~, ~ . 50 ~4`-". 50 ~' S.OQ n y; r..50 `~`' "r.50 x%20.00 ~` 5.00 w~12.50 ,~ 5'v 2.50:„ N_. yr x.00`, w 5.00 100. a> ~ •;r 0. Ci J l+. ~ r. ^ _. , 1 f~i~ b i ~l~ !S ~ R u r,l."~'~b'~~. ' 1.1,11=;1.^ib)i) ~~ f r 1 ~.I "1 `' , rsi) h w 50 c byiy ~~ ~")s fo i~, [ ^ G(~ l: ~•^ 6 ti •.. Z['.: t1 S'. ~. 'S t!?r".:. r:: ei, .'..71 W11L'~.1..:`tN. !'Old. ~r :.•C...~g X}l Elnts !' ~~7.''rer°;tf3 i t}Ar T P:4 :St}1, ii"f`a t} t}: r'_ a`iF}tt tO S°_~i ~. i x: ,.. v!c1c1+':c'.le ~a.;tt r•e 2:is, c itF: .~: ,;,`Pzac:ity OP .... 821.E TR4.i r~ ~ T_„`ta ~,c~!?. _r j, ,; ~?~^. }"<'.t Y'+,j&l;t:i ~1i.1"111i3hE~A7Y }'iCtP' ~;fl'e7a?x, `,:ilt 1 ~ T1-`tt ^~}'7._..,11 }r5 Y".?C!Li~.r (~. j. t'~p~~~ '41'~e<: . ~r+7i '2 r':2, ~}PZ':i t1T1 ;7r Cf.J'"GC%f)£iti. C;n tYTi tr K~vr?(L in _- _. +,,fl t„is~.r. :.?s a a:. ;iT3.~..7..n~_; f~.sh b~.:ycrs~ i:},. t Y. i.~~„> +/f f;[7.'f.~ ~?~riitC', far r!r3.C}i plar~ Of ~_ ~,~ f;.L,3'r;> a-;Nr day rr lr ,s ~';?:+ ''? tons par ri,BY ..,7 i:L` 30 tons _oez° cyan +' i, t'~+}t `~ _'E'~~ st. t, i_pi~ ~n£i i7':!7.n P <-.1-?':?.'t1t ^:1T.i r,t/7. ~.•:4 j. eCr.l' ~. i)b00 ?b5~~ •~'1 %3 b 50 ~`'2~ .00 ~' 5,00 <<50 4~ 4b ~0 A> r. ,~~ + i,s'P°!ih ,? +)i ' C. ;''a.eyF, i?it}xea Ylarw CnE+y ir'ITii (t 2' ~.ai,Yl I+>cal rr surant e rtEent t :7}:t K + _i']t illr" Of fiC'c i, I°uranin~ br pOti6k; Y' ~-'.+2','x.7.71+;,'Yit.~:, ' tf;''aYL, electric Or ne~7}'°~i}'?J3, I'.Or }i.. 1.:!'t tier ntt>?lifi tta P. t.,. ..~;•y.:,.7:iri.l=tii, Steam Z,€?1.172i'a.r i.O E:, !;}'1.:t..r. t3:>a `..C1`T,C!"C ^.ti6'!1s, C?' th.+::r aP ents , nGt tCk.X6'd .. i?t?'ti kLHr;a, (3.O irlf" ~1JA'~P int3ss !?S 18T3.ak.12ip; Or :i..'J+.).1:c ing I:lO22a~', for Y/}1 f.Ci1 ~.nt ErPSt, .n.:}-- Y71 s't7.On TeeS', C'7' 4>1-J7nr 2.'emu`3Rrt?.t'~Ori is ~ rt,,r~°~, 7.,k1. P'Yn t.S "' Cf 1~?' t)..+~r s7 nartlm, ReL',.. wr-ii'a, a,~, 371::,'f°i:;ter~i~~, t,i17.s of s~~.1.e, power of !:+.tt4:rnf:'GJ, Ot' Ot}l.er legs' tr8Tls far of pard- orxsl propextg ns seo~arity for ts.ny such 1oa27 p:l' =advances, or rtne persons, °i:rms Qr Qorp- t)xr.t3.ors r~r associations do3_ng the 'husiness o" sacurin~; these leans ox advances fOr bor- ro~:rers 1zpc~r anyt such seevrities end. charg- i71g such bc;:rrQwexs commissions, inspections said otha:r fea for their services X50.00 I,ivex~, salt or feed stt7ble, }eepin~• :for hire, ~Fe'~:i}. or public t1.se, not more thfl.n five horses or mules ° 2.50 ?..^.ora than five and less than 10 'nr,rses and r.;ules ~" '°.b75 Tin to t^i+'72tbT,r horses and Hulas ~ 6.25 'here than 2C ~i.rid not more than 25 }~.c~rses a.-zd mules F,. ~`i C11 d:Cfy:~ , Vti-;,~`On .,r C&.rri aga t3.Se~ fCY' dTtiyin>~', oY° %:~itlirg pr+ssangers, drawn. b~, one an_ 21ri1, "~C-_ ocQ}i TTe}1iClP r%~,^ran I;T animals, for ~~c}1 vr~hici~ v ':?. VC'... .::, u, ~Gi:it7bile Cr rfiC tOT v F'}"i.1C}.e fOT }lire 20. :~; ;; VV ~, F /:ziii~-tester, , ~trik_3.ng-mach#nrs, :r`ri ~ ':111E''- ,~~:='.V >;'. a Y'f>; + ( ':'i,T~':~, ~'l ::L1hC]~~': {-nr: ~' ...:~Ll°°.i1'- ' ] '`. "' ;.;",'j.y] tr~, n$ ;lia.^, ?'?.i t? a'~ n ~ 7 r,- ' * t YfiQ U1. i.. Jl;~_TnL ~~ n.r ~'~if 7:10.#' T ft'[.i T_•f'S, Fr'~7C-.'7'. Q7,i t':7`tlt8d. rC;;-• •eif?# ".54 r20 ,..i. t+(~ t"lr`i: l,, i C. ;:'7"1^:i4 Til;y C:."Z1P., t?. Ar 3aenn, 4, 3.(> ctl £tma~+*ren#. T,F~.rlors, ii,~v- ~` c, -~ .~1~r _';er ;r '":ti_~es t~p :ix•?i7-Fr z ?1 it r he ut!cvn in l.iau of s.l~ t'ti•:=. 1,.tf, L'iT] l..ll ttr; •.-' i;'.}: tY!e SUS'! of r. ~ r1 n':=rz.fa.o.'-Txrp rv G:° ;; ?; 5'!7, d.,ior] nTtd plini-s 'tt;l;;. ~p i vll_£inU f:xC•. i%?1'i"H 7`u Of ,!Qr ~T. Lxr6 stT/C'~, topac+v0 ~~ F•, ().7 'esta~ar'+ltt,~+ .t:rl nubl.iti+ +~r=?t3.n~ salooTls, having e.i!(.`O:u(;~C~f).t1.DX14 i~•,;it c.rn~}~i w;,. nc ~n+ `inv T:'r ~'-.. ~ t tl~ T., "•' ~e;rs,sal.^~ ri,00 i'JT3.r'T .sT_i' i 1 1lE.~C'Y°.,°3 of sh!a v^tiYig ~ fl.leT°i e8 ~' ^y FQ t. /+ Y^:.17.i!Y' ~ tiTt+J }rr<i pl at`~, s'?'- O:~ £'la"C?~'k1tBT p2n:7 ~. 7„ FQ ~hevJ^ nr r~.i~r~TZSes exili.pitir~g or giving per~fr_tr- • fl:'.Il!'e f?;, S~.~y'+'i~~.. i'4. t2Ftt:~, ti "t1F9 ~, z1~:r r.3":+~/t?Tt3~ Qr' Z~.T:covexol, c;it,., or° aitllout hOx°ses ~1'„5Q Dog or pond nc~;lJS, charging ''.5 cents ol° loss gldmission, and usiYlg no ether animal. and r,iviTlg no othex• kind of perfoTxnance ~"' 5.00 Ch.*,.rgirlg more than 2v eents admission X35.00 /Skatin~• rinks or bioyr,'s.e rn]?s or powl3.Tlgallo~s 5.00 " v' :atreet sho:vs, perfonr7F~T;ces or carnivals, for each, teTit car othor :'!.ruoi.:ure t=.l~d far eac}1 clay ~~ 2.~0 v'Lill smr11 s?7.c~P~, ot'jxex° t2x<7T7 circuses, theat- xical oT,° vau~t.evill given ?xnder w tent 3i~z11 pnY a ~ ict+>TTye `=x r:° ". r -• yr __x.>~~: /•Sor3~ Hater or rnint~rr•1 tiv ~*er ~fexr.Tltains, net i, :? aYl s;n l;Btl LVi'tt1 Otll r'r ~a`i1.7.8 iY1 E3:<R pt1.~j.T`_P a a CeTlBe tF?X ",, (;O '.~.. !^ ~e ~ ~'elE't];f On:,l S'JSteYl7.f3 ~t: ;+, K,~ Then±e,i. tizzildinrs fitted v:ith sceTieT~?r £.rd i:ept for thertrical aT3c1 athor esllih° ~ir,liS '.: x.07 t~°:,tir"ling' pictx?re rgents "' ..QO v r~te'r com;flnies ,'~r.~~p r Sl; f' Tt,i' E, m!"Itl~ F~~_l C'l If `~-, 7`M.1?I'; i'..r.1 Si%~71 t'~`,' ~'f J'..•C l.~i~S y. T. r.~~1 . Ja!-.1. !' n~ P'! :2±:<r_ i!i.~1C3 5.1.x.'1.:. t)„ ..A l.tO r^+3,1 t0 ~qr~;]>., i,; t~?Oli# T_ . y, i y,~~° S ~l':.y J, A 1'.c enG lam, i~+5 d.ll"r' the~l. T. f di'i. '..'%4p 3. ~.F71 O~.J y ~?!7t in PVtjpgC of :'iV2 [ll;;^. Li T^t Ct %!Cil if!rS~~itlt S7.iC}. @3tf 72li. t]OT°t 4_Y;s~ ~ n°:)t ~i l; P-1.110'ii+S tY 77.iil F; "w~".°, it ;~'fi £+~i !1#iVp, pct t; T.! T_ire~T ~, t,. t{gl+y E~~ 3 ~S^ad 'f117 ', In •7 V vCll'li;'y" s•5,it~':f7 T`.t'5.~4 '.n YilY+.nner l)rt~V} [l. t.'!?:. 7',T .F:47• SeQo7• Tu :1j1F ~.] ~?8 th8 i:ilxtf Ci.e .~.'np h1 z. + + i,~l i? T;::I Tlg '.'~ l1C'8i'.~,P ... s. t. Ci"i ... rtroperty° 'FFS173 s!t-A r"'~1,, ~Y.' r^/'iXl d.tF~]. fitOC'. Y,-, . ?._.71F%,ci t'Lz E}~°( L^7 flhji.('±_ i~Cn (?+~ -. t' , r~ S i+ , - - ~ n'r P~1 .a i. t{zr t.^•xi , td '°r'ntl.r_r9 ~. Y1 P, t.~ar tV s ~ tr-"i. rsc ;Gr STlCll 1.IryCia.nSe i.Cy a°11P t1"'i.il far ns,.t}1 C'~i]l~* aZ1. u]2-. Pl. +lvat<'f~ 1. 4'~-`~,t (':x.<nt n;' I~lxr? V~.1,;<@ ':f the ~17'f.%Tt r+rt7i !1r g:IT.Ollllt .~ .., ~. 1~ ~ ,l.~..l1 r -D1,;%- S "nrv a' a>p (+apaC].t a. ,• t~ ,• ; ~?+' • ' rthit~li .St .t -- - 3'<r~ ,•~''i s ~',:._''>i ^,teel. .3,r-il In _ ._r't'>ti ';~J ~ ,.t.J.': :riYt'+" "J~t}': t ; x ~ ail+:ft.2J..~ ";TJtiI"ti i:l ~. 1. (.. Pja¢l i; 7frr:'.ii_~ li (3 v7?'_ t. sl].iiL`~~.~. ~ ~ yat• 8. 'T r ':~ a: tfi Car si t12""•t7._'Nr,t GY: Ui tes C~~>.?L'~'~. Y?T i-.i i.~:'. ... i'lYl~, E. ' 7C!"'s shall carry is . G'P C"+ Tit~:zCt O• ,!`'.?t1, ~;v z'. v ~)l1Sl? r ~. Gi, 'u pri `4. 3'.- .C?F~ t'' ', (r°i" l7 C:Cl+~'~'. t•_'lOYr Gry 1" Vsi t-C'i:. r^^~ it i'..1?71SS i_c. rl~n1Y .l°f.ft Z7n(le~" t~lli ~ Li .~ ;t_w:,<;:, a;~.t,^La€,:i~ fora`. oat, aY,,_rfi' ~+.ci~ 17,.;er..:~c, shna.l 7i,-.~, xi °' : file 7>`(L_1.9 S2r_.'.. i:; ~°7. t", r? rJ :'_' Sin 1. tt?Ca 7"E? tT'1 d1T1. ': ~. i?:.r1;'`1C,`Y_ ?:ii r3 t`eOF , : , r °i'F.i~? {' ".;.C!. e_ ?i:.•e~9a.11~:.) :C n2;.] -Y'afe ,_h':g'.' (- i r.i '__~.Tt'. TfS? y n. il('1 ;sF Tl f':~?, i .+.5'e jt)tit;~T L~17..C!S °i, Y^xp p].Yl. ). '. C)i3 °. ~ 47E ~n e")1;iY`t, .s Rall b*"' t'. r37+tT^iitted 4:+,, _i f1 r?~^:?.21 '-:.'i.l `.S ~- i'OlYtpE+?l,b{,_ t(i 1'.`0 r'~ t1?2'i, „LC ~'; x11'ie? ,__s?.d ^C~~ ... .:7 "'?s',G 1'i tt...: 2T.1,';.~:!:L c. () 't!(:.'i .. C=:° tha:s i"•f?~x r±, i]tid.!'s the (air. rz (?t1f?'l7, r)f" i ..` ~. S'tr: Y'Y 'E? 7'+r ''t ft5 ' Cents L}E Y' ti&~ : YxQV ~.::. @'] , it 1121E :~..~ ' t21+' mi+/7Y3 . ~ .., that Y1CF c"~1.C S'. to S'LR <7 ~' 112RTeY'SBC:!tiTleY'I i ;"_,~)all °vCa(?d t}1,F tE?Y.7ft •'?" ~'.=„sed tYte ^.C)tll. (cr;,I Y,*' ~ntlYl+F,r, ;;. D ~91Ta jjj~ T`aa. ;,, >~c13e.e. ~ Presi~.ient of T,~n Co?wl:ra^:il +t ~.'E is •: 9u i ~ Clem. 5.~ AX;pro~leic. tYae ^lst. day fl:i 4ctpbex, L'. D. 1911. =;+3hn S. Sundt. Pdayor. Sw.oved an:i seconded that the ordinance be v°dGpted as °~:ad :col.e or111, lies. P,:c:?ae Yao. tad. beton Yae, Ald. Cason Yaa. Gld. ~+7ackexzizan Ya©. Ald, dllep~ex Yae. gassed b~, uY+.animcus vo te. "1n?ltes read fi+~?° cora~°ectica?.. T.~"sued anf3 s?canded. t1-iat vie row adjourn. Carried.. s Approved October 23rd., 1911. Attes(t~~ ('~~ President Town Connci2 ~~i,~, ~. ;~~ctia°~~~,z, c„~ Clerk. '.a