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10-23,25,27,30,31-11 & 11-01-11 Adjourned
~ I ~',~'e 1-1 r-~L C&I..1 rs ti tL' ^:1 rd E'f ~:i'~: '"-,•s, (} _.. byr j':i•~?f~a i_G.:,r."'« .1 ., ^.79 ...• ~. ~ i'~:+iI C.fl.,.l tr :1 t}'? thf- ~C11 1.01'7'127 ~' a r'~ E'. x1t, pT..s. 1~t1 tl`ya, i1,i. Luton, ~'F ~C7n, vvS78l7 j;era F'X'r.b. 1'ti(,rt "iti ~:Ydnt)LinCr; ti th£?.t i.:n them: SvaT'P x1C1 U'D,]6G.ti OY ES ~~° '~11F_' re-. ti ai"" Gf t11o ttt1Y 1fl1_:05 rL7 il'ed C7a !'iSUf~}gSaCl i*!i t'P_. ; isiOtl. C+lrt t~ai:,`i: tiles Y;'el?177.'~ 6`. 13 ~f' IN.R'.: 7L E7 E'f'.i ~1P,. I.ig L11,"~px'0~7 t?[is :v, a7'F'1. +J W:L =e~:: zx3tieri Fnd CK6rr;i.Rd.. Ccnrrzaittoa ??n CrdirranY•E~ re^c,rtt pr t~co:~s and hope to <~~,s Eti f?P;7t ,~}!c.' OI'Ei'4,nunt,',JS r. C? 0"B;,nCI.l.6.+, ehf> nexe, me C+t inf.~~ >wo~-ed. anti ~:econdcd t?t*~t tt:e O7.ox• he in¢itx'tzcted to raQt Ft ~~ trr?x. l:.re?1' fi.rd. LiSS~?;^, <i°. i?r 11xlt:i.1 3de -`''r.7 C`r11:. eye i"ifl'3 be(3x1 ~7A S:ied .. J lit}t+?` y*+....I1 k: ti3 V'^1"'.':t t110 ~'tv dr ~l t'.7f s "F1:2"L`.. fade i,'o~ fl~3 s..rld. sEZtxoxlcied t11at the P~f~.x:=hs1 be irsstrtzcted f;o fi(*t ?+.:; CoI.I. E^Ct!Jr t]x^t1.;L A.11 :: 3."d.ix'r B.SIt'. E3 e11a£i been p*!.SSed. ~O~.Trk7'- -~', rS(Ft'"E?c' kind Sf:COndgd i-i£!t t?~1o ';lax'?' 7,B i,rifitrl,r';tf?ii `i,o lakarehfi„c 1000 ~ 2nd.. :beets, carbon paper and. a I.ett:er ~txici. bill fI_o for his usa. ^ar'ried, Puo•rad find. seconded thrlt v!o ~.c jnu-rn until 7 .e, tv:. ii'E:~- n~sd.Fi;,, Gctc',ber 2~t1?.; Cn'rre;i« Oc acber 25tH. , 1911. t:djo~.xrnod me-et:ing rfllled. to ordflx• at 7-15 by ^lerk ~18.nk7;nx•. iioll call di.~.ersed ;=~itkl. ^lerk adjourne~3 meeting until e^xidmy, Oetober 27th.., at 3 F, 1JI. Octobor ?7th., 7.911. s~d~otarr~.ed n:e•,ting called to order at ~ F. ht, by C1or},: Elar_.i~ner. Poll call cij~.pensed with. • ,Y~eeting fed jutxrnod until ? :r. u. -.ienday, Gctcber SOth. October ?0th., 1911. .~d,iolaxned mE±E'tirg oallnd. to order fit 7 F« it?. by G1ork 81ac1~,ex. a O n_a+El. f~r.11 %~. ;?Ff r"?S: ri4(t '.h, ~. .~:RE°4: j. rL~ ... lr,il"t7'Y7^Cj. 'I.ni 1. ~. rf-J~i 'S'n 1•.m ~lI £:':?~.5~.°jT :_~^~C}Jk?"(' :'u..`i ii• i vetobpx 31St., 191 t. y* ~w't~. ~'OII'3"n.E?+~ P_!t:?t7nF (',allel th ,hl"n'.Fi;(' F?t ^_;?^ kry t`X°E,?g, 1+'.:"tfi@, ^O't ~. call W'J;. all ~1?e fal.i(1Vr irk pr.::;;^erty 1?:L'P?5• v:{";£+.2, i1~ _ _.x. d , ', In $liSt?':/1+34v a:i ~19:C'.Y., A.1_dm '7u<'ppel. +t!ted 9 ix9 n71t_ ~'i"+~~,tP, R?Y.. =3. C,-m 1:Ctf?ny }l5 r.,ember of th+? ~i~. Tf]. ]. rtari!"`.e is?!7!11'li tt9~'., !, S111777ii.tt@C'1. *trz~a,ft of Or"{Z r!A.n^e2 fi, pr~+p:1rE?Ci by ittjr. i:A.^. £i P?Ty -I Yr}xw!?h 7`?r G'' LLClit an tl°r!~. r' ~~i J'~i f:: 2.'P. f-~_diS:7.~s C-; motion neetirxg ~ccl,~aiA~°zted to meet e.t tk~e of,°~ioe o:f 1n' « '%>x:-'on at ~ F. iyi. ~"aerlnes_lay, Tovc;rnUes 1St, , 1917.. .;„ S, '?nepppT, Cleric pxo tem. y ieavernl~rr 1st„ 191.1• ~djnurnad. meeting eslled to ar•elex at G-30 F. Pu, by ..ores.-`: ~ i•aRae. i ~ Full call dispensed ~.~itk_. j ~"lexk rf~ad a communie;ati.or. :fa~am att~rm 5,a5sey xel.stive t~:: the +>x•cii?;.ances prepared by Yxirn. Tataved. and suppoxi;ed that canmuni+~atian be placed or. ~ file. ^arried. i ivll~r4e~i and re.COnded that Clerk WTitB r+"rs ~iA.4$@~, thank-r, ~~ ing him for his cax•e and attention and the adviae he gave. Carried. Paved and seconded `,hat the rules be suspended and that j the dram of ar.:lir.ances, suk>mitted by old. 2etan, bo put upon it second reading and final passagem Carried. S~3I ORDII1~,i1C prescribing the powers, riuties and aompen- s~ition of the mayor, torn caunci.l, ma:rs'h.al, clerk and areas- urea cf the Tarn o£ Delray, Florida, rnd relating to tha laieyo.r's Court of sFi.d. Town. •, B 1' IT Ot:~+1.I?~`:D by the Town Cuurxeil of the Town of Delxs.y, Florida. See. 1. Any persan who is charged at the inst:^_r.,ce of anather.' ~ wit'r_ any nfferise against the ordinances of t'rxc Town of ', Delray shall be infas°med by a ~r;arrf,.ist served upon hirn, of tho Yi~ctara of tl'ie aoc~z.>~?tien, slaall barn s.olnAt7luary' .nroaees ftr7° abtall"Line' witnesses i.n rii.s hel:n_.1'.P ~;? l;xr,~ .z'_r:=:7 Rl th® *~ b y [J y I t <%#_.:? '~. LTA: f~t:+ . f.. `d:.Au i"t;!"', } n . €2." s l ..."~°+,^t i :,, ~. F; c~{tV. °.;ri °i . r.,}^,~ I '] ~(~rf'} l~1 Fr ~J,yt r~~ Y aT .L~ hA.H JF~~: eJCI ~'1' 6)~' k~ ~iM 6r~~ 11~::: Sl ~~, r~t:~2.t.7, .re e~ex` tar~+r.ten x°'itl} the :~~3.#'raS~.~vc, ~u:a~ir5'~ Yki-`n, f;nd tar t17. r~,e,.~. ~ t1tr, t.a ?7,#: ; f r ;3--era. a#nttt°~nn i ~. th,-, :rrae !; et]# 1? r+"'`e'=' 3.1 #yl.". TM?: t,^. ~U'{l ~:"tu a.:{. "~: i..:'. ~S s1t r~,t F~. ~a~ ~ ~~C , 2. -"~ ~fl" l .ye tre ??lx#'~ cf tl w~-r~ ;~ -771. f.]`as T C~llti~-' ~41'~~~f *`E , ix7 s7.'t L5 ell)- 1:3 is}L 2e Y].ndE :!' art r~r q'r` L'I i1 ~9't +~`f an n;" r. ygnlRt$an ai' x~,}' t`""t13.?a4a r<<rs Oi~ #,17i ;+ f(~`4'Sa, #,n -~z,St7+~ N VJ`°rrant rsiY C?a'~r~.i ~' #_:;,, *>pzr5~=a'i, c,r rn;' la a.., afra ~ ?° ~1 xl~e taavn co nr'.~ar,~-- , c:1~ i'ta s~ r2 t'Ir tli tv: Y3r"C'®st the e.f r'.txb",.d PYl.?? bring lYim, her t. F' it l~ft1'r '~).a Ytti.?FC7:Y`, nt ;;lzil ~:?:tti# tP:"`n1 of r"OU`['t. ll', ~.uch rrii r"r'F"~rif ` )'-;.r.1 ~::. ~' ' ~.ti.F>{: 3 .c the nttcne G1_ tllf] .`t13.te of ~'lor'#8tl ~~ o- ~a of ±he Tcvrr, a1" ],e1z`ay, =>1ka11 specify the a~fens~se f]er~ed tit]:. '::7'~ tiara >+xkd pl"r.a ®~ tt'a_il, vl'ka7.7 be :~##.~~3'tgJ. in ht5_ i~.F+.cn«. ox'. tlt!a Ynsayc~°, E1rar': signed by t':~e r.]aW~~r ox clerk rind , ~hs~.l7. n~z.e af~i.xed theroto t'r,e aaxporr:te soft e° #.;~,e "'own y Se{;. 3. ~`Wpna~e]:' the rxtter]dance of +3ny ;,i#;*+ess shall be raq- ~ it.i.9'ed i.rk t)].(3 ns„yax•'4 t>O'aaa't thN tAay6:r o'~ ^lQrk s11a11 is:,t7p a i ~;11~',ir9 >3228 ~t::'C £~'+R:"t.tj, w,`~..1~]'1°u~, W;';:.~. Cit :311 ~1~i.1 1'8 3P,rV`4+~. 1)y t11.5 _'?ii?'krs- )ti?,1 @`.' lt}';.`3 v' T,{%li.ae affi.ce'r. '!"he £3Fi "((?. u'k11~;Y+CrPrtst C.P~rlli ')£~ `.i_g- i ne'i, "1 #is:'3,:ed~~.nd bB!4.7.` tl:e Cr?Tpr1rE1¢@ i`na; an tl:e Tav+r, (}f ~a~l-. raY~, iTi #~3°_e 581ne rna.en P, :l." L3 i> ji?`^Yi.+1e fa:~ 4:~+ix Y°~F,nt'.'" 1~I] #..~1f' },re C'~fSi3]R~ `uei'.tian. .~ .:sec. 4. ':~ ,=~ yvitness wl]o has been sultpoanaed s}}~a11 not~.ttand tl,~] 1,x`ial ar ~:°enii.er tY. sat#.sfa<,tax°y <~?'{+use for hi.s f3:oser,oe, 1±e tL':,7.) L,r, T~;.Cied. t?y' the mayar in s~ szxrn r,.at e~ec.eadirg twe*xty- I`ive {!nllars--, ax 3.'nprisaneti nat exceeding ten days, ar both ..,+; fznod r~ricl ik+'<prisoned. TZ'.e mayor ar clerl~ rnUy rlso issue " ar] att'ra~.hment~ ='o'x any such ,person sa subpoenaed ss a '~.vi~tness ; ~x]d ~;vha ~ha11 fail or refuse to attend the trial a~,; which he -; is subpoenaed, requiring nim to shovr causo wh~i he slYOUld riot 1; e: pY,ni:ahed for can+„e]:,vt of caux#;. The msxshal, cr ether po7.:.ce affi_aar, sl]a11 exeo?xte such writ of nttaahment by :rr-, ur]tix]g the witness, and. holding hi_ra to te~vait tl]e sessi.an of th.e mayor's ocurt appointed for e. hearing upon the att~.e1]men Sec. 5. A eortinuanae shall be grn.nted in all cases where Sus tice sl]s~ll require it. All contimxances axe Addressed. to t?;o syo.:zrapi disrr{etian of type cacurt, under the rules govexn- irdg tha ~t°te Caurts of this State. Sea. 6. eLny pe-rsan guilty of disarderly aondnat during ark s'essicn of the mzsvor's caurt may be purkisl-ied by the zrtaycr"""~°~ for aanteY~pt b fine net exceeding fiftg dallaxs or impar3~- ea]mert r_et exceeding thirty deys, ar bet ~~.' See. 7. then any fine is imposed by the zV:ayar arbd is not pa3c1 im]nediately, the clerk shall issue an e~.ecntion instanter, ~vhiah execution shall bear toast in the nA]ne of the mayar and shall be signed 1-,J the clerk, and t•he mtk'rshal shell et ante levy' the sF_rrxe an r:ny property of the dr.-..Pennant to tie faunal within the ~rity. The marstal shall praaeed to call Braid nxep ert,y in scaaxdrxnoa with the '_aw governing s?YP~•i.i"f's sa?.e in tr.is StGate. ,~ JH+:. 8 my t 'v'=';.?n GY"S'.C tE'~ t iT f,hE? h"G.rr ka y,':.i t 7~_7•'f' i7 S+i J.- a Eot 3,:t'P~. r,}'7 +„"•C7't t1FxYS.C"E? ?.t'~ x'+77. ~: t7a`f/Pi. arxi~. '{epit?l ?ryi}1rtt :4. f~?~~C :1~1?1: 1 . IhFiVe Zl@B'.pl. :P.YC;£)G:i E?t'l, ~t'i.Y!l. `vJ}i+1 .';~'L~S.i ;r. G,t ~4aq on+~. ~STl@ An(~. :=CCE:f'1l@~ :,. CaEit.`3 15it}Ii.YS t°:va d.a,~s, :~':; ~~..Li f:)e CarCdL~ell F'd tG t^Ta r~!' t'+tit ~u8. $.tY - e'.;1.' >,.:E3.d ea:?#;#3, ?1 E°,G21 tr!e j;A`,11.4' SYOr}?:u of t'ne tawri ?ender tJl'H , o c~irect:S.ayP of tiiE; tE~vJrt r.GV.neil, rzt the rate of :fi->'tr ceT~i;s s,er d~Py 1',~`avided, '^h~?#; svhora, a-r;• such pe^~~cbn -?;All be °1*7ed ?xi allch P7.n rmcunt t17at t?PE fine and casts tvou~,d E~g~rs~'ate the :< ;sa.t.i oi' t?-iirty dall.ars or *,nore, he, sl,o or it sh;..? 1 be +iise7l- . ;zrrErnC 't:}^t~rl C11;1raiiy A.#; 1; }t E r;'??:~r i_rS,ti OP7 a:° 5ixt..~ dd;;J.S a'~ :rll~r'li lAltGr» _ .. 5 'jf^C. 9. iY:;f" v%#.*t Fa;. f•; ].n A 'Fl?~e °!n tiie lTiayOr'r3 Callrt L~klAll ~Je GAi.d ,s re,znp[l:~ntion far F,, ah Nays ut*.endvnce the sera Ofi "` ° r`~Je7.aty"-ii`ae . Aa°:r~; i+J~'it.Gfl Fat: sYPrtll aye taxed r~s coEats a~~7i.n:1t "tP.1.~ fla ~F?vPi~. £rpdt iTi ;v. Et (i ~2a Ca"l:ViC tiOn, 8.nd a€*Fx 3.:lf~t th(~ C~.t jr i11 erase of ac;~,1; ;tat: ~ ri~vt ~ r ,~t, „+ t~ d~ r , Th^1, valunta;ry itnes shA~ ~ 5 , . F rU~r;eil+e i~r7~ ceng-e:n.>~tiar.~. u?Pl~~.r: ~`rE~rE:. ;ha3.1 be a car~victi+jr.. ~" n j y O ry z o , a ~f d r ~o1~Ft ~ ~n n ~ t 1~ tt 4 ~a s vs ~ ~ 7 i, ~s ~,~ iY~ tro n3~rerx<3 e11 u-pfir~*r.A l +`]71;E,?CZ r i:ki. Ur... t.:Yl r+fi'.°9 G~ ahrg #; iM1Yln i:~7tr''.. tit. r~. ,~;3 #, ira. ? i'~t; 't7 +C .ten*:1.1Q +L r'Tti.e+a 4r '~'t+7.F. '£,.:`_`, ... !~ 3 i -. . ~:eo. 11.'~i'2T.i11€'r :"' £eG£3, a:nd. ~..'i. t!:P, Safile s'm0?int:~ 'a rP'.1) }?? C?SAr- ~~~3dy F~"Pt7. t°:"%:E`d 3fl ;,'GStS iri i;he m9.oari~'..~~. C+?^,)."."t n~ i,n ^C5131`s.3 O~ ~e'173ti?:Ei:i of 1;'he .T'E'ACe a^ t'C}E' ~tAte Gf ~la?^a.de:a. iar elk"• S'E?rU'- a°*r:s, Wrc+ept 3'r~ r,E'QS a±~~A_'u?iw>o praVided ir: this a'rd.iw2a~noBs ir.:~ srid Ta~rm !?:_' ~a,1ra,*. ~ V ~~^e+_. 12.'The m>_~yox sul`~li. ~ren~,i4e th.e sum a~ one do7_'.ar ;o':° Isar, r. env~e tried b~' hir7r iry the mAyax's court; the same to bs I taxed. r~rainst trF.e defen8ant in case of canvicti.on and ?7gtzinst Ith,e: town 3n ca~1e af. the dcfendr~nts disoharge. .oc. 13. It shall Les the dirty of the toarn caa~>zail to mAke suah by-lags a'r.d rrale:s flar its osvn governraerst And guidance as it may d.eerr, expedient, aPPd to ePPforee the same by ~inE; and pen- e1ty; aYtd it sh.All 'PPtave the pals+er tG compel the attend~7.nes at its osvxa members. Sec. 14. The ca*rr_ci.l s)PAl1 et~~blish roles acrd reglz=aticns and fiu~. 1;?zfr ~aaes -F'G2° ret~ist7Eratian of 711 voters olaal3.Ais~'. to vate ::~ ?'rxa raYlnit~ipAl ele+ Lion 1+e ld in t~'le talre`Pr• Sec.. 15.'~^he Tawx;. Calrnnci.l shall meet vrit:hitP three days weft,:=r any .:~1Pfur~l ar specia.l election, canvass the electian ret?irns, and sex°tiiy wiro ere el0otel at such glect-i.on. Sec. 16._T_f nt an;}* ',;ire the raayo'r ,::h€11 veta t~.ny ordinfanec ~rG- post~;t3 ty the calar:cil, t1)G co~rrx^il sha11 °apon .r.eceint of tc. firsti) ?aesSa,~e, prGCr',eL°I tr3 aCt open th9 .3t'.T!lt?, Sand the ry1'~E§r';1:~,,-,n to ce Trated an she11 be prrt °xs ~ri1a«v :.ha.,.l the ar3#n- a.rce p~`opas ed b;* the ~ouneil, enti.tlHc? ; Mar: iPl7ert the. t?.tlo , be x13,^,;~CL, t}t~ aato cf t~af: .nAyo~• to `he contra rp n~twitY,- . ;t1!ndin~?' 'r'J :' th? coons it s,ha].1 r.sss tht~ ar9.inr,n^e by :_ "s-;o- j''" l'.:i - ~~ Cit ~` C~ tht7 r!le'gY~:J ~e 2..J i37°e `+en`u y it Sfr'4.f.1. beC G.^..P T g; ;Si, r~ 0 f~ JF„`!?. 17..Et r .? Tl;; !-J.=. r;jrt t' ?;}° trAG ~.ouneil +rr Gu(;Yl, imp";'o";e t.1$ zY'. 1 .u ~ , .., ., s .w>" +• rPrer a. : t F'f t~. F#, ' e).9'}r;, y ri i~ ~..e P,a:a:~ f xr M'Yt;S, d..v rij, r''> T^. a.~1'It ,.. W'.A ),.:. ~"1i'lr'?M°.: .t}i f'ti?f7 .;nCl '°£?777{t z7C 0311 l: ~~•,t va 'r"c. <~ t~ ~.~ C'U.(..~ ~ , ,`iierefrU7Pi t:J rfYltt +1i?i. dr~'?lk, t3Yd £3 f?lti Ei-S'Y3 aIIi~ tC) li~_: f it.l': ~i',~, ~ r.. Yler F. t'(t. r'r'r 1.1 i<. `4: ~.. ~' tt ,?C, 9+i ~ < l.:+lk° t~lr~ 'l1:` , Ci :F t. E •, i?}~.iE~ ~ ". .S t: f'S;riT rt far lT. Si".', f?Lu'2.!:~wCo ., ._ ~:7r?G. 18. ~"lAe presida?nt of the ont:n~il shah., £tt its 'fir'st .. =,--,- ° ia^' %nert±n~; ft,er Ar £3nnxtll elEr titan, aFpo.nt tJ^.e ..°.Gllo~irg: 'sYld.i~~ n.oromitt^?es ?¢ t~lree xne)Tdbk~a°e each: 1. ~:OY~'97ilitt~>f? 3fin r:'. Z3£;YIr. F$, '.': P3 g:; :: €.A Yld ~ii?r•Yld?. C'. tt. 2. L''1_!I'.12i:ittt3 r3 Jn :~?.ni.tat30ny ~>trB E?t8 flY]'~ zY:1TyrGV!?L7P?nts.. 3. !,`QYtiM'a.t tP..e %ri itd7.lP-s F,"s12~a. ~~..rdinft:h.G r3~. ', 9'r'. 19.14d..te rC57 u7 e ~ r'' ~ ?c L• ittee on anances, sexes nd. License,, >h£J17. cy;~a;rti~ae into r3nri re>3Grt to the GounGil at the first regx.:lar •'Mgetirtg '..n e.:l.Cti Y"C~C1J"~2 '`:119 ;:on~.l.ti Gn tai' the fiY151nGE?~i ioO t?1v itra+~n, €ard tiro mr-nner in :^hiGlt £all t'rae booxs of the 1;Gwn rand tolvn Gffit;exs £?'Fe. ~arpt. Fe1'ore nny bill. £tgainst t},.e team. ~~hall be ptr,id, '.t shall tae referred to ttze ^inr,noe, TnxG~t ~t,.nd LiGOYtst>s CGmMitte>;, wh.ictx shell report thr:.reon. ^he r,~id er,%rJ~ittee sha'il also r-;~s~ri:,.~s intG c~nd report ~zr,Gn any :natter sprit X"t {!in°~.n~' t!) 'E;UIfi'%1. tE3.ras~ b91.'nr@ t~'±G Ctllln r1-11 £1t^, t:i t~~:9ry`i; ."a11 .' p«'43 Vi.dc (~., hG~xe%#11", =~~}.A` •`?'1' ~ ~~"i3.11 nGt ~`.r f' Ti P,nf r8r`a'_"~.' iA'}ik3rf! ~'k18 it r'}li.Y2r?il aGtr? of a'Y_' i1 {~'"tt31i ~~!tivan I~GaY'd. i ?g~(': 20.r'~a}g ^+7?r,)7?it',: 4?g S: ir =1d..t11. *;.;?1t7.DR, at2 f^?1.:5 LInL~. 11nprv'7 t'i~f~.ts !rnr'11 held to muting rat 1?a~;t GnGe in *mo .nont,hs, Gorsider thy. 'ir5r.stion Gf imoz°ovin~ the to`;,n, en~l Y•aport st the nowt Yneet- ~n~ c;.f tl..e Couric~I. tae ~estzlt cTf t??~i'r deliberations. :117. i- ~ordicae.nGes t3:nri :7ta.er3tiors ceoY,n,,;.onina tarn improvements shrill. Ibe &"deferred tG s~.i ('), r?ci7llr7litt''.'B br?fGre ~:r 11 r?-r.; aCtiGn is i~3~~B_ tt_c._ Gr_ by the CGIn;ail. are,o. 21.Ttle CoaunitteG on ??u3ss and Ordinances shall pa°epare rtl:ieF3 'ACrr tt'1e ~OT7r^r;m@?l.t t.1f t1'1B CGU.YIn,il Meetings a.'nd £111 n?C- essa.ry Grdi.nanoes for +,t,e gaod gov.rY3znent o.f the Town, and :tubmi.t the? same to the Co'n;:Gil. A11 ordinances Gf ;R general nftuY°e, not refert?bla to other GoMmitteGS, shrill be referred to the CGMZnittee Gr. Rules £irdd Ordinances before action i:~ "tee;ren thereon by the Cox~x,f,;l. :rec:. 22.T're Ynarsh£il, before ent;9rtng npor. the duties o£ 'zi.e GfPi~:e, shx11 give bond:, t~itll turn tar more sufficient sux•e'ti.e (or ?pith one surety Ginupany ;rnthorized to do business to the State Gf ^'lorida), ir. the penal stun of five hluYdred dollars, GGY;di.tionPd Capon has ~£c~ithflzlly performing the duties of 'nis ofSice, rzt;:iGh bend s'r,.£!11. be £ippro•ved by th'e CGUncil. Sec. 23.tTntil other:vise provided by ordinance, the duties of tax. r~nllector shill devolve *apon and tae perrormp@. by the ?:rer- shal, and for his aGta ae cGl?.ector ile shr12 tae responsible upon his bond ors xitarshal; a.nd Cass bond shrill be Gonditirned upon hi.s faithfully accounting and paging over to tk!e tr~•a-n tre£lsurar all funds Go1leGted by hian either as marshal or taper.olleGto-r., and 'r..e sns.ll res~eive for his fees the same as the County Tex CG1leetor, except ir: o:~cupatior, ta~set~ he slt3.11 r. et?eive <<"_s d fGY° each li.c;pose G ~~' leci:ed. U 4 E7 18ee,24. On thr ar;nt 1~;~~ ~?: ,r;?, a:{1~9 e,;, " z~a~r:nth, tYil ,~ .~st_;hi,l j yr_~.IL 1J°<is ti r^,.;aw'.ll `:'!ta'a~IE-T,ty 7'lca.i~.i: Q.l~fi ft1` b:E:~~.:i'IYfit'j f:l' tG . ° y, • r . ,. ..... Ai. ~t 47°fi cJ 16.'b. {~.~ iJ A i h47 Y'b ~. ~. E~ I~I:A t'~ ~ ..1~7 ~} ii t.l l'r1 =..r~~ l ~`1tr ~ ~.~7':rb '~.~~P.' II~T :, L L ~t 9.L a. t `_F~ .`.~ilfiltha Li.tJ..fi'j` f17 A~ti{Y'.~"SFr, f}i_ .Y, .F~ :°: aJ 1r: d'~vG.L` ff, i:~ ll ' '~::. r~tT`(!a3 _. sq y :. .1n Qt?4:.R11.1 l,.~r)AI ~1(}aj~n7a -1.~.~'~'7Y W.q ~.t1~ lF~ ~ilvil ~i. T:.t thf? v!nl~~ft A-.; j'tk~. - . n l y ~t117.'2X wl ~k l'~,' tG +ft. t~ 4-'~•F`'Fi tilw.:~'fyt +"'..L:i. {.l.A. e.i:1a l~a).r,~ ~}:tridni WI f:l. )r. IY.~S ~ laxa,tilfir ~Fii~211t?` '~S?3 ti"8{,,SFA7:f:i"°`~ a'ernc;lpt tiif'xdt:°G:i"a Aric'., 25. a r a.~ r~x~ x ~,7r+Z .~t,t~ i.'s . * rY ~r..-' ~ .r,;~ rnc: mr.2r` n? ~the p..e n. pp } y ~ Y ' f 't r~ ' 4)t ]{?~', a7{cJ_ a.h t,`,~~FlL1 1/~1 ni e}.b~ ..~ 1: t4J .L ~.n Fi Ylf 4 P_.S VPPd ln~ ~.l .l.ty r ~dGl~hrJ fGr rln;g n{? ~.e~i't o1 d~at'y. ,* 4 . c,6. ,. raa ~la~:,laal, r,.ll nl'• let vP f~he t rlwal zzn, tfi a i ~__zb:, ,, fi.z;st Ravine €}ppoi}lied a cieluty, fnx i$11GSe act',s he shsll l bF . ~::~7orsible; €:nd the ~bnpoin'P_:zoant ;:£ baacli c1eruty sl-a~z.ll l~tz've th€~ sc:'zrt ~°;onsent r_ru3 ~+z~i:xGVa1. of the rikyGi• and the Council. ~a ~~. fic.27. TII ~' ?'PS.Y b`11L:1 `;}'~?-1.1 ?I'3'F.?c+,,' instant P,x F?.nd sa.i ely ?i`t?f'Y~ b,~ .j r.,)nfir..3.ng in tha tncw) 7,ti1 'inY p«irson who shall be a ai.lty of ;a.3_S t1n:L'b$11F' the p8aC8, eOOd. Ord.ox Cyr d;igrxi.ty Gi t118 Toi>r1'1 G:C ~blX•z?.y, ti.r ?rzho shtill. violate r~ny oxdina.n..e o:f' the to;vxl. !'~,ec.28. The marshal. sh??11. canri_re ~iil persons axxestkzd by him iin tlae town ~e,il, pxovided thr;t he ley accept a band cond.it- ~i.onerl z~.pon t?:!e appe+~r€z.n€, c? nf' th:e accused at tl:o next s-:>sicn j ,f tze> mayor's co~xt, to ba apprGVed. by hil~, .teo.29. TIlA mr,,rs;~n'L mr,.y atccept ;{ss'rz in lieu of tz bGr_d, and. if the accused sht;.l1 not appear at the next session o£ the r)€lyox°s r,our#,, -F.hk~ G•^.sh sc°1 depofiite~'~ shall, bn foxPc?ated +o tha t+?lvl) in d.epa+z:it o:f auoil ?appeaxr~nre. 3po.30. The azzarshal shlli lr,?ep sai'ely rAl1 pex„ozls under €).x ±'s..I1 i1 Sente11C8, E:,nd shall. b8 ?-i.1loF1~:'C~{ '~grty Ck)n`vs pP.x {l.ay ~~:7:C the feel in8' r3.nd oustody ofi' tll€; st7me, or sixty cents €~ dr-y l;vili.l.P -, pxisanez~ is sexvi.r,~- ot,~t a sentence at h.axd labor® Sec.31. It shall be the dutjr of the m>irshal. to see thra.t c?ll. crrdi.nanees cGneexni.nr* the?'clee.nline>;s, health and sanitary ecnditiGns G% the town axe :5tr.ietly camplied :with. Sec.32. T?le marshal szza=i, in the absence o~' the nayor. and. cl.exk i'xlilCi the pGlice etation, administer oaths and_ affiz~ro- rt3Gns tG complaints rraacic? by person; Pamilia:~ ~~tith the viol_ :ltiol'1 O:C' any tGl^iPl r?3`dinanCBictria... i'.Cx~.~.LlCI`i C°.S8 he uht?11. z.SS119 3 4YarS'ant ~Cx tl^i8 axx8st o~ tll,t? p@r'Cn Ox pCxfi (?nE comp~la.x.zl {'. i~ ~'Fainst, Seo.33. Tha zilaxsr~al ox ~~.ny deputy marshal cx poliePmun Gf ~:ae town, while on d?zty, ecre stxictl,. 3'Gxbiddel:, t: c. entr:x any 12Gtl:ae Gi' ill.-$ame Gx garbling hGU.sey exCBpt iG Axe88r'C r: ~r`i BT, mnke °n exrest, or unless IiP, is Gn l,vsirtess of .'-~ stri,tly min's,^ipttl rt€~+~txe. Sec,34. T_~he ~?e.~^sl"ia1 sY~a7.l x`ecaive tha .;{zm G£ one dall€zr f€lr tlld? CG17Vg^.`i On G=' P.aCh dO~Fnfi~nt aT1 t~;fi Y]~+,y^C. ~`x~ CGV.'lt, tG 1?t; tfl`?:F~,i r C*slct'u iz~-ii.nst file X18=°E?nd£ilit, ~i is '1? fi:1t11.L b@ £L:ilUIYBd {i'C ""atS'.,'1.ri .~='^..~ l'k•'':?£'~ r"=Z'n~~d buT 'fl.iIt't iY Cxi^i~.Y FiI pTO.`s k?^ULitJnfi• ,~ I~ O ,', ,c.35. na..~8: t '.~2."_:~. ~. i'71 i.'Sd'd'"'-•l' ![ a: T'i:k.,,' ..:!" ,`i r.l:. j.tE? ='.__.._ "', 1'i F~. N.., iE ~~af~_ 1... s.eS'.~? w w T~! it ep, ~' te` 1 ~_.., o_ an )_,1 '@ t~:~~ii„I,.i, off' t3_,.° titr..! ~i, 1:: c" ,3i ~.' .t.t7'(=,'nU t): .~ ~.~ ;~.U.t~ ~+~ '.'C 'Ti1 a.,. TiCL'... E.:? C1` 11),7-;Y t•s [r Sln., ix r"0 F3~~, €3)1dll tlF ;tilt?:'. P'~..Ot t'O?."!i `.l,Ftn it ll. r: [A17St~1"0' dc?l~.r:'3 ' _.. 77'Cp ]'i. ;GYI.C--, ?:Gt aT01'.^ th•`. T.. `: 'c.:v't t.';.at:~ , C:'C •f::Ot t :O -`~li:.E'C9 ?%31+7. :s..:u fiY'i~Gried. r E!Cs. 36 • '.'Y"l@17 L3','cT A71' IPtf-.3:"£xb.tt~. , (i C'j,.i:.ttT TtV3?'+h.8,1 0"C i,Gl "~ C' 9t;if'll. .'. n ~7'.:'t :9 '}; (1ldki ',':l:t&l..i be 1t?.'Z. }.^i tt"#? ~..i4C. j£t 'e e:. rii i7i $7:tt Jrt ~sit:t _ _r.,.+„°t^.F?s 53v~ £a,?;;J pG?eC: 071, il'?." Fv}tt?Z19Vi'7.' sa, lldi g".LCh. G'~'{'i~°, r ;''_!'~.HZ.Z ". Y.? V& ~r?a't^Gn ti) b?~ i. Fi%f' Y:.n tV "i.'i_Z. C)r-J w;n :Ce.-i'i'i~4@(i_, h@ '?iFt,? ~. }!'7 pe :?i trYl'['?. tyT t'i.i C0T!iZ7ft T'^k t:t?"LS% 'Yl&i. !' ~.'•S7Ett3Yt=,i3 f' C'•^Te1" t'Y: E. F,i P~'n 0:r f!'G L•}lt 'E,"@T: ~Y8£iT,', tG r.tis5:~.:`Yt fit.=;;^.1 a. 7'i °:;T,i"C:1',Ut1.z`t~r ~'S1C:1i lOrt',.P.~ t;.Y4ti ]. _i_ and a;l. ~;;Y:Eti!r.i:i fol.', C^Iei.E1T?. r, CC+fil'[F~n.t3 E':.l. b~;e SuCY'. Gf_~ie°3"y `"hcZ.,. 'iiB~P,'- 'I-et; ;', ,~,^l,tse svnd-;3. ~ssitenr;n tG t're best ct his ~'t)ilit~, '.~.t8 d:its+li b@ .'f ille.`1 .`7` iFtair3.`a.GG'17.917y J)"' i~Gtb., $o pr. f?st,'Y'i t+P!: i:'i i t'"_e r_r"~3ceedine; section. '~?8C:. 3'r. h0 Pit?,rEi'11€ ~. .z:1 z+.1~. t, a3.'.;..7 r: %t:L~ tii~!Q7'E7.PI'~'J t?!~±~'+'St.~i~.. i. k'zt tG ,li .,.-,_ ez, ynd. 'l:pGn t~}e ;~e:Cu.>>_~ x. ,, :° r ny r~~rt3.cip~lr.,t, G:r. F~er~r3n ~' 1 r ,'; r+l'0. ti fet z..i,:fAj• :~..i:iPT`C7.C":rl~T & s@Yt1bZ~ s tit 3. ~'. f-..VE E`,41G4}:l S .t". @L1Z'i, ~~~2 °'.t Gy,;,!?r• :a.p•w']1. t}yari3,Y1'~ ~)_~ t}i F+ >7F ~-F,31=!l v :Q9 a h8.1 ~. i7 Y't:'t'.Y'Ti th 1:)d3 ... . ,Abp.:.,#.ti Sk1+~ ll.pG7 Oedrt4':7.. CYt?. {r,a b+~' .~L71pC! 11'2t e'r.G Ey 8r3iYt ~2; tv' : ~. 4~~. 1. `i!'ES, {; 7` 7a '.,ut}31.E?:~. 12#:iu tJ~(?e. J.l rlv sfii lt~* +i.:~.~i,~, 47' h0'dii •ti .3:1 .4 i._ a +?F'°c.38. `~ll.;~ L~.. f'T~iS'. £)_12±.'..1 'Q f'~177"r. Ep^,~ Yi ti B:Y'111~~; 1~.pGn ti1:? q~~1t7. E;S t]-f' l; i.s !7'fj't. , r. ~iVe bG7}.l?, S~; ]. t~Xl tY1r 43 Vl,' 1TtGZ'e sR1:C.iicierit .. ."+:"etieS ft,, d" ~i. t:h 0~9 F. i7.1'C?t;y' S. U`i~T~Ily tiilt'_")?'.7.eik tG t~.. Ci bue,in@`~.> 7.T, t: i'.@ t,3t ++',, ,'::`- G:r ^i01`'). li?::.%t Ski, the i.r.?:":#,~. Yal';. C=.O. 1'i$'E' i17,:ia~Ct:'~! j{: '_Z.~".?."r";_~s + l,i"l i., tT.. iii k'i! i.1. 71TdGri h3.t ~,: t'.ifAl_~.~ F'?!'x':f T'Tfd.i n<2 th@ i:2ltif'° :'s'i' i e..., rte-. i..~,+7y 1+ . f.'.3). 1: t)73.!:, ;::7:.^17.. i:i f-' ..:F'r%rrj'q'•CC ~Ct,~,T the i%t:t"t)YtC i.l ~,<::=ct~'39, i7nt,i.7, f~tY?f.z~-.*rise ?a~•dez`ed by the ^ourcil, tkkW s3.zlt'iec { t: t~~"<S. stc+:;a}4F3 t)T' EiA:i'l. ; 7'f:!$5'I:C f_T° f~iTF,3.Z,i ~. t3V0a,V@ 0:1 E.itCi. ik@ T_1E13:- 1 ~'6ti 1';Y t:"i@ cli3 Y'~+.. :L?k~.'. OUn+ti f? ~ t??.@ t*,~ E: J"X. ltrlli? "' !i@ ~.:> LCt-" b +"1i; £17 trrv, xt:>Fl f+:t£i01" u.YiC~. t7'BU:U]`°, T' S$+91:}. b@ f'A'S'ti?t'2" COYlti i.t-• 7.+.^, 7i@d upGP hiFi :f:t t'`i tez"211.7 'N C'.'~"f'G:L"k?l nF~, t,7:; t3 Cj.'llt . +5u 0:° ts. Y. £?::>:?Fv 02' :3.Jlt ":;f°r?r{, s"tl;['@T`.. t21'lti. fdG S'tlF.ll rtGt b@ <'09.T1p @?lC°a. t;,~ #'7.V9 ct 11 '+. tl. t~,'i.. A-~:~. t~`'t,.£~i. ~`i G11C't :.as tub n0.l. ~.eCtGT" u?id. t:C'F'. P.>1i.1.°er. `Pi:,a4~• ''r9 OIFS'7'~c s;1Hll ].°eC; r__'iV@ {'t13.' his .S`@2'fiit~.Y@:°.~ Ao C,~.HYi'- tri!~,:iln'.7.3.],. SE'1.€.Y'~ 0:~ i:~'tjr cOlle?^s, rZlia~ }li.E :fe@~ i:07' 1+?F'.S-° t:~t?3'"_~, Ti0te1'F~ E2Xi ti i`C?T` hiw yC; _TVfi C@8 $:? tN~."!: D-SSe:~F1 Ci 1° &nti. ~.':^FP.RR A?'el' t'~.@ ilrlll T.'f?•OB]..VC' tYif? u2:TltB ~e@s !io th0:";r. ';C t}ln (`,CStIYI.t ~r t2+~ zJ.i:;@SSOl" i'. Y:'d tSE3 fl:d17.r@A iG~ liK@ @8T'riGCS.. .°.l1_ Gt'e).3' _f@s B£?.-i`710=_'f. ~,.' hllu Siix~,+a.l b@ Y'@ taiYl@C;. Ji@ S~1~. 1.. H.'1_'~-". t,i '!'E'ne iii t-.' ^r.a taf ''.%?,~0 fGr each cancictiGn t,@fo:re the ;',°~.vorts CGA~T't; t17hic,'xi s}lc+1l ';3@ taxed as cGSts r~g~iinst the Defendant. vo x@fp ,,, dA..ty- ~e.1.41. It shall. be the drty Gf the Cslf~xk '- '~'1@ fo'~n ill,." bGCI}rU- ~a ii bEOy C,'w ileAt ?.71ti t_d. #:GU'i"Fzt° kxtinlltf!S Gf thG '%f)}.?Ys. G olanci7.. ?. bOG:h: Gi rizs@s <:nd d,rdins-aces. ~x =i ,0!}i?'E.'.t Fnii byl Gi+: CJ'P I11X1ilt fP:: Ls~ V x,.,:,.42 'i°Y r± i.t.>-..~ .ir .,~ _, ,.:,.+-t,i,> -~ tea+? " - R ~ t ~.? 7, ~..~.. ii c ~ ~ y. _ t r (1:X."Q. '', (j. {i~~ tint r?_l ° r i•, :_li ~ °~i a P '~ tl 6 ~(}1 ~- li. t E R7 < < u c.7.1 ,- a r -...xY ~ ?J ~'Pr ~ i nr~~ t r'r? t , T.'r1l s7#, tYl" n°"±~"~, 5t« .-i- L r x^,~J ~.~i.~.` 4a(~7 >Yt ~1 br. r+, "_.'1 f'.1~1r. ~_7%i °Y'QvdC Ct> - ~ Z °i•~ •'~r-Y:fi ~ t , _ . . . .. r _ '-Y ~ xit is r, (°~, ,, •'t rki du c. Y `L. is ~.p ty .. AY. _: Z.... ctrl. el .^~x ~~ .~'. r! 7 L;-~v ~ f+ a- d .. a ~ -., ., ~rl(:.43. ~ nF. e ~ cry, sk!a:,1. ? tteztel ' a. r,ncl be a°espons?bi F °;~i~ tYe .. r .. _ _ e ~ >'t }_)!~ r. i. <'~',. ~. n, .ri7'. t,, "1.Y }!~'.pu '~T} ii i'_.R 1) :1.Y).YA R'r pT PCV ,1 rx. 9)f}1i L~~? Jf'i~~ wan + .t 7(r~^+ r.F ~..I:.. F? rell 'r~_'" :~tytll is e~S~ ri '? '`ki.? i:?'T tt: of n14x.'., i~-~. *e,I~.44. .;~kae ~'.l ax'Ir s'rlall Knee E. ~~ ~ ; .:r.~A literal +xonies (}. •all i?,li',T)%;'. ('fYtir~nE. axdE'.-7.I~r'i l;c!- t!'iE; 'm CIlS'Y.7. "o„nn, :71 t4 bo .tgnt; bar kiim. ' S .-r~{311 f+,Vf'I' f_,, ~Qa tri<.: Y"j t1 l' .r`P. iY%iiit a.7 Ya. 1.u ~~Fi.ssed 41 ~I Se l7~'. ('. C+?inl~'l.~ t.:an~ .- . ~~~i°nir,~ ix: W- ~ ffic~s°., tkxel ,Z«+Y~_. _kYr a.l at ont',9 prFpare gi=n F~rc-^` <on„- tk•,err3o°, !'„ack! ~,ke.11 be served. FipoaY said offi.,•e(.+x bz,; the marslr~1 ar other nol.ica afir;er. > >ec;,45. ~ -:e , 'kF.,k: rI a ~ir.i ter ~I.=} r~f:th or ., "c ~~ } .T _ i.rYrint3, _r ,.o zind t F;T_',n #:kl t? aEith ar a: ii*'ma t'i t, ri r:F Y3ri~T pers art ChQ7°F i. Yxf anat,k!er vrtth a:r_ e:ffense b~ brexich of ~,r. ord.3.ra.nee, and maa issuc~ u ' l~rrx°x°~;r,t, to t;he xnsr:~hal to have. t~_r; accused persar~ errest~?d i ,~ nrl brc}t.fiht befc:Y`a thi> Y,aa~or 1't,r triF1. ,~Pi+ '_kie trees,}.:>'F=:?° slY€Yll z-s;E~l-- i . .-:.46. ,_.ve, kteap and tiCr,C}1}-nt ia:r a.ll ~•„ zY(_ls i~e3.oxigin5; to the tov~rrs vrhinh sh,tall al~Yne into his x}c}sso«~.at.on, Sec.47. Tk;e t.xaasureeti° 9kia11. pav all t:nh=n warrGnts lvhich kic:ve ~ I been prayderly issued :~nd si.gn.ed. by the mn.~ar, pres3~aent o= tkae ~:+o?yrn il .and. attested b~* t'r>,-, clerk: t'uaeler the ocr n,~rrlt~._ _ y J ^~.1 LJf tht; t ovTx~.. So=.48. The taeasiYxes sh~a13 makes , }.>,r;rtAly -r.~port: Lo ', he ^ati(di.i.S, ;'t 2tr first <guls3.r xYiPR'~'.1 YI`C 1n ~i-sC~1 Y1Cntk'i, `.11+'ilr7 zTl~' 7,.r_. r«>c f~zi}ts en«t d.:isbtar.5ements o£ tiie preceding mor,tn., rv3th ' the itF>nY: in detail, and- the a~:ot}.nt o.f. furd.s era :riar.(i oYxr2 t~°I}~:,~r.e dE~posited. SE>c.49. T' ar. the eleot on rxad nnalif:ic:a.t; r~ p i an of hi.s suc;co,,,,or, tlxe ol;.tgt>:~tii traasYix°er :~k:all turn cvex• to hixn ali Hands a." the taran i.n his hands, trXiY°:~: ki3.s reaeibt fox sam©, encl. deli.- ~~?• to ktri r11 heal=s t=xid pflpers :ixi hie r.xlstr,d,r bal~aAgir..s~. S ' ec.50. 'iI1ti s. othervri..e ardained by the C;,xanoib the ~uti.es of tx-c.aslzrer shrcl.l devolve npc>n and he pelrformed. bay the Cl?rk.: 1?NSSed trap fir°s t; i'ia~, of lkoremher .?. u. 111. Thal. k4?. i~,icFrae. 9 PrF;321)r;,iS!^ !;I TY C,~FNCIL. is^^~ST ?~tm. "'. B~ ankaner. TC?'+'ke OW~,P.k~. ~ 1_pr_rc~tied, ;,he 1st. clv.~ of luocembar' G. ~. i911.. ~; .-.,-: li~i "~ I l x l~ r.t c ~,_ + 81.3 r) rlr ~•.at f++S.n 1P 1~N rl+. xYj Y, '; f ~G .. (~ 71„!T: C:S ~ .1 i.~= y ~{Y7 '~?'; .t. L~~2"N t. i1: .1. Yi V ,r (!Yi£+~ ul.l~c _ ~d,t~32t, -Ih .F} r~r~?)n d:m .$S:C ~,'. L ,=!~ ,. ?7_f i:hr? 'a`4 it is Ci71S1•C<~~_~ a t}1e Ta~r'Y). Uf ':..7 f,'ty.x 1. rrnae"/fsr' wi.llfullc C'~iay t:url)S to ri B• perlGp OL iiri?y'~hf3S, })V,. ~~°,lialP.nr f;r '+.,i~~,7)aldl `~,~1!'yI7.S G::' G'f `•$n9''.'V~ ?i°Ptlf; r-tnaa"' l~+tlrx f.>.r 71t1?,r-t'tt ~~ l , . ;nA?'~Sn, T'1"C~T.~IS rj, 1-, }:r.~. JfiY.•' C, .. af:~'{.llw ~. `7 ~s 1.Rn(''tlti.r^g, ar :^t+i r. 5" ti' . Cipd_ ,.. . '}: Y:1. f.*.t (.":v et :l, c?.tP:. t(% TCT~'tl si.Er `. rrY. 71Q}: C~~ 1''l iP, pa£1i: E?, Q't' ii~y* ... ^ S~'u ~_t _ riC?,, y f•t"f :.rid. ii e`, , `;h rt?f't f: Ti3.nL 6'y I' '1 iE:}?. :: r?I13 t, E` E'.nfJ t}i?T; Cyr L i ()'x"i:'.r ,I:. r'? 1 ~)~!-r:it 4IiC': TF`a i 7 ~ ~ ( P ^~• ~ 2 y~ , z.+, ;~ , ~ .iG,3 uuon v.,:zn5 ~~ . , in 'c~S jt0~~, ~rmi)`rt, atlF `GC~~' Ci _ lYGi'1t1^Gl, sa Ii~a Gt^@'T9 $"ri 'the .. V1+„~A n1~:;Y Ea3.4y i1'.-,'ti17'Y1 t3 i}. 9.;'71ar@Y7'ej, $}7.fl 11 ~r@ ~It7 Xt.l Shen [: Zj' 8. T'].I'ir'^ inOt ug+:er--,{}. $. rit?' ]°i 3`ty ,9.O1..iEr£3 y Or Y3~03"~ GGI]P. ~~~'. nGt @~:C; E?_PC1_i n~f,* -~ :ent;~,t_ili.VO rr .'j~'1.4, Ltr ~~Gt}Lx j ~:iHUm `~. ?7~k.0 B'q""1° 3}l~.il. (i :t:tiiT'}J £171 f1 ~„•Gn~'r('FEi. t'l. t')n P1f?t fGr ~t°t l,'SV_ i1_aUS 't1Gr~.}l.;~T'i, }?f aTl~r 71i1iSE1 y Zit{7.1? Or' 'Ytfiecant: 21 f;'i'lCi. 1i C+f.'•• t, T` , s;ra f?+.n E. rY r 3f^{,2i7 3+? 1P1 L?.31y' p1.8GP o'~ :!0'{'S.}iip, aS° SO n°&'?" 'f:%1 ri:C°C't0 as to r17`at,idr}? ;'e or~Y+=z~ nnn solemnity a(' tha li~f>@tina, shcl;t r ~ .. ~;ita,. 1. 11.a!? ;, „r,=:;r r`] 'r es;:L "^, t':}~ie ra'er e(}.in.r. Esc+C t'~C)'lx a@Cx 3 '+'Iit}gWnt 3}1£~l 1'~(:- 'iliArin. iI7 ~ Stnt@ n^ }Tlta".'iiau.tiCV1 in ~any~ rt,,,uevy i~,"++ cr ath@~~ pabliG place ir, t}'szv to^r?i ;:h1~11 t;e )7Y1Tz3 She ?i _py r3!.; I'.1..he~. in SaC ti G•n One Gi t'i i.{. Orrl:t.l.'it: i; Cee, ~ SeL. 4. '1'l,oetrer rshall 1)e ~ounrl in r;. stata a:f nn,~it;~ • os' i n , , . ~r ~re:.~`u lir?` is ~:t1i7 ~'r'°~.:4~' 'i;G 't12E~ G7° j'1 f?'!• SP.g~ Gr a}]Cf.l. _~ Tt:t'{f. ss.ily' ~zn3e~fFant >-}~oaure a.f'.:ai,s cr }1F>r pers,?n, or sha_l.l i)f: gi:ilt~~ icf €in'~* 3bt?ea+~`ut a:r le,.'rcl l~e}iaroi.r; or s2ial.l sell, c,-~z•~rit r+r Y~~re 4i, n~.v a^ hea- pas;sassion and. inde,..ont hoo}., pi+-tia•e or ~~,;;tifr t,.3r;~', ~,i S}i•:.11 G-S.Y1.3. `i).t Gr T1erfG37l Ft`li} 7f Q'eCF311` , iTE1Ti_. , aT°r-.1 ni^ QY7CI. t, A.f.,~7 ?i' ^~:'t7.!?"~ rf=pr°Sv'n `a"+; ~. c'~n., :'fl ~'l 't fa }I„2; ].t ~>>G~. ' rl.s pi°e, r•~•ihef:. in ~f=r,~,Gn nT.e ,~ereofx ~~@t^« ~. :%~::tCag~o-?C Et }lE:ll, ~,l k~.fT ra'~; npi~ s~„<.~;p,n Of C'71-:n(3g ~r~T ~.+?ia77@d, r ar "r th tal ¢,?i'f n,/~ of r;' 1: t19; aI` £-3t up ar K!?@}? aln~ ~~T17illin~ if '(r.. .: xn<~ , iT~l,i r^ret~iit , =:p)r: x°n tv.s nr parE+phernwlie ~~, upcn ~r ?vi' h - 4F}ii^h r~n~ ~~.tr.;e of e}~:.*.ice -!'ar znori@;~ or at;hF?r thxnv of value slirzll. e p.t.ii~ryd; t•r 1`Troe~rer shall ?cc@p ~ plane for, Gr ~~llew, a COnS ant Or SIibT37.t to '~? :Gl.. &.C f? u2ld.ai' hi GliE;ta$~T G'r LOntral, t;nin~ riser',. .far t;}z@ E~,,~l;a.^> o£ ~t?.mbl.in~', or• va}.aerer f+l~ai.l lsr~se ar lnt to anotk•nr a I,oiae.e, boath, roar3, :zhe(i ~~ athe`r ctrv.etv.re t?x inclasure in irhi.o}i gamblin^ shall. be efirred <>n }a;j or. s,.ith t;he r~ansant or ~noYvlet'~e G' the lassos`, ,?i,,.ll. iy~ ,~,rnished. by- fine rot e:rc~P:?_in~ anus hundrad nallt+rs ar imp_ P3...+G?:^.n i2C7'~; BY^.. F'EC}.1.n(+' ~~. ~'~T S~tzyT3, a:." I}L`•'P;h• la"'X.`.B 4ffli; f:?• Il]~. c:- a 11 «, ~ ry rr„ n ,~ iriL ?;}lr~ ~ Y`rv'+{,t siili saiz ll ~arblira~ irplei.,-•nts, _ pa.r° tiffs , +~r r,a,°fl,,hertt?:Iia to bfx fGnliC at the place of ~'J~Trhlin~', a:n? if it ~ha.ll ap»r~?r ia.roon tri~+.l. t}zFt ~;alrblin~ hes been o~lrri fa!1 aii ' ~UVr rri F_ •flTis a i St.Ir ."2 ;.2Llyl1+-:?i^T2.~: -.x, C?.Y.~} l~rs'-t"118, Yon S'1'.Tfl.i?TTialjr hl' ~T~i • yy .. y g I~t.A kdL'a y11y ~~1?F] 1: q'a"!~4~1. wth~~1 y .I..,~l.~l~l ~irrn E'l..liR. ~+ ~t7.°I~I1 'F. Yl F~ , m ° 3c)^. 6. "'7'1aev -r rhaii permit persons of d~sordl-:rl~ nrlrrac^:Far +~, ~-;s~mhl.e I't ai,~ hansr.= or Gthex` piaGG und++r z, 3.s + ~~ ~~ > _ aln~ r,l ',)'.« [;:r Cat:ytr-:!ly :~^.r..?, ~,, r- 34~:r?1°.11. ~7;.i1t,7 r.f 1Pa~„f , ,.F- r ~,. tit SU>_•,,%r `^lrr }ii, ySE' , ~1'tii. .`>''fiffl 1. y`ft {;i!YtlSl_~'~. C~;Cr ,. ?'i2'.1~ ?.i. az :; _+ cied- iTl~; "ilftj ?~Ol'.:.'g y t:r $fiiy~T"t.r;r."2£:d 'P_nt cSrp8dST7c ';'!irtt ~i'.~^-•, ;uEpn, 7. ''IlO e'Y@:r S~:al' %'0~y. :'£ 1!IP1 li~~.:..:%1 £. nQ s : ":' ill "jTtl %%1C @ ~;' v . . , :t)T ,: }r r~i.c@ Ur Utll ~"; T' r. ].F.^, F, r~=v i)Tt@d '~ a', TOT "G.l?? parp GSt? t>f lz't)S- a Z>a .~.~.'.~;*7. tt )., 11^t`Yr P'r shall 1@u. £iN tU i3??C. t17.4:+T:' F }~?,+1i. a, , )'Ull %:; (ir `.e,:~ 9 + :, `: > ~ ;ir ~ ~:ortion t}le.t'eof, to oe used fur the pur- ~ :~USti +?f Y,"!:.'4~•,i '~~t g:'~Tl Q_ L"i.I i; tJtl'SEr 1@t^J~. `•^ r 1.:.. t. ~>30tTe> { i:i'zlt z°FSl '~ rug^ncse, t1:+; xI ~c~° ~4.r:~~~~i~~ = oc harin~ raason +a Ta~laev~. that y L .F=1E? +)1,3'i !°C' ii _! PI .=+:t'~. `jS to Lr P, T~.l t`!i?F'w!. 1,(Y1 x?1"'%~/ .v+'. 7%C~i~ p19 `yr"l~f1C 'F::iy -.:z a,3 ~.1 bt, p~anish4>1 ~~. prese'~~. °,ed ir. the preceding sBUtl Oil. S@c. £3 ~.'iJr :`'i;,rtF:.l" t. 'tv' <.3f pY'c<;tittztu.ox;, +~:~ %c)li;'"3ti2~ nr . ""a nttetzr•tJ ~ t,:2 ni=7 tcsit -~~r the purpose of mrostitutior.; or <' p,~zn~ ran z..rnat,3 tyf -~ klossa of prest_t,xtien, or }ioTZ,Ct ber,r- rrr ~%._ ~.Y.fat 1 rer.Ta'P t'_,-v: c~° bo-~ing house !zf p~r,,.;`Y t,:jt i.+l tl, <,~ ..r,Yr ,:.7.,~= ~,?: aota vist?r~` <~ lYO~ast; a;f pTOStitiatioa2 cs• ~, !house bi.:;rin~ tl<a: b<~?)e7-*~1 roplztat3ozi of b@in.~* ~ 11P:+tl,e op :,ros- +..~~,~iu,ld>n, rt;lcss he ~}ast11 .~: t}?ere Tz or. business o:P •." '"' p .;trio 7t ,~g.'t,r.:1`> r?.ze3.r,,,f-er, hr,l1 13@ punishF+r.}_ €;~ 7r,:>c~Y`ii)el:s_ to sec t',.:,;r >~..~ }.;s'rec f: ~..>e:). 9 il,:. y°o~;TZes ux~J °;rr~~.laoYlcis; i31@ :Jnd d3ssoltxte pr.,,"sr.,rs , ':':'tf u%1},pti ,P re,W) f_.{} 19.13 (:/Tit %P+ =•°"'. ~^cv`; pP.'P .Urx ~'~°` i~v ClC. ?4i'9 ~Tagg:l. }. n`" C)Y' u'1- . ?- , ~..3Jr~tial f:.Tf~.i: ^' cr ~1':.'~r;g. r~hYt1LTld37'! pipel'S t?7' f~.~ldl @TS; ~it?Ib1.1 (?TXt , ,~'1, °1.7"13T1' :CLt.Y173~z+.~.i' nt?7i.IC ii 12(7.T'tlri''CFri1.S• ('Ut@:~O"' ?. `, ',. .:-. ~ - ,j` , . _ , c. 11 kht-7ri.l}s. P.TS; -:. jpll fU T@:t S; t1~i94@S; 1@~vd, 1"7~^IIt UIl c:.n~. 1?3SC'9. C,'I U41S g"'SPT`2 UIYZ',, ~.?"1 Isp@@cl: or bF:?ha~oir; ^<~r^;ron Y°~i~.exM ar bravrl@rs; persons ~v 12o S t F r,5, i..' Y_~ i',iy7.~ sa 3..~i. .€.;".F~ C73.` F1'tYi1 CI~Tfiit'P14, d).C e;ht: haVG ix4'?. vi iZ 511 G' ;t %t z n~ ~,g t~tp;'v "t, ter sJ}la? 1^isspend ghat trY,93r e F~.rY3, or rlo not ~I ~ ., rz;'.a "~. r tkzc=casi?lvoe? .:•~ rx'ri.lies; a,nd alt a+he2r i=; nrs. i %', c,Y-:lt Y°:..;~ x ~2'sUr%:~, .17^lt:n.a.na - t?:.05t3 PrhQ haZ;itTt_fll.l~* t%ai.ss~3;;lld _ j t'1%P, i.r ';i7'C~9 bV fr. %?:lt%nY.t.f. "~Yt;=, ?i }i;9'{2S FF pT hC+l2Sf. `,i r!f 2i.2.'^f~Fit?_,F) krr-y7y ~~" , 't, ir:a: }143Ittit=s oT tipnlin> :hops, shF11 ;n@ consid~.erecl vncY°Ft.nts , X11,1 ~~; T~cFx,. ro'riv~. ~~t .ar, of varra.ney, shall, bfl rrni:a L.nd by r± ,r.}rf? .u` r~~, es'di.n~ t'i:,'ty dol.lds~:s +•1 r. ixnpr~sanl~ert not excK~>.~3irE ~'d"llii`1, ~' 83.,y^Sy (`r bC,l tl"'• is er.•1~. 7'V~}'SiJeer@I: S'11a1.1 C3x'r~ , litJ'<,? Ur 113'(P@ in his Far ?l.;'"f pG,'w- >;ion and,- ^~'urv-::l/c't, >rith.':.n the Topvn of Delr<t;,=, s1t,11 l;a _.:!in'3. c?}inri ~. ~; praC: r•A'3-1:?F'Cl. 31I t'SP. pr8 ^_£t'S.i21~? 4~@fitiUY?.• `1@..^...11. }"ho~lr x shall. r;c+.r:r~ awns or .ar~eroTas or de~rll_,~ ~r~~t:.p'on a:~cept a. d~ormror, pGC1=_e.t lrnife, vahatly or pa-rtlir* canc'~+:1@d uror. +".T abc3izt lii.. or her verso%?, shill b@ fined ?lot e?~i;eed.i::g o'r_@ '"?13n.(i.T:: t~ i?.Ul'.,:~?"a Or ;j L'':_t)T'3 ;3012@(1. nOt E?XC:'.i~tiir~~~ fifth i']~fl~*S, UI' " 3c>tl ;+; fir~4. ^nn impro4inerl, "ec.12. '.?hce vex .-h&ll. y •r,~itl:in the ti?"r'v:: _kimity , shoo 4 y set off ~7r disrht~~rge r~.n~t °ir@-111.°rn, fix°e-cracker, torpedo, fire- =.voTs.s aiT other @.-rp1G:2i~e, .;hF~ll bo firu=.d not egceedi.n~ ti;°t;~ a Qi. ]. Fj.7"S Ur inlpx'is Un@Ci ?:Ot @;eCC C.C,~iing tl^, 82ity i'ia~'~,i6, oT bUtl"i SC =x:1.11.@d ~Yl -.:r?pTi SOn@G7.• ~~(; r.?s1J. !Ill'~+e'Ji~T 31123:A1 c)p@n. CT 3e@p t11i'='11 for buSiP@SSy a.n,y otlirn ~:)2' O`v iYe:%° p1Ei G'e O»° 13SA81n•^.3S 4n t't:!? :7c?'(ii'Rth dEtf, ?:'h""",+"'. Y)t tl"t«' `3,';.t,,': be ~erMi.tt!?~1 Tande'r the tY1 _i~~, 1F1:i'ifi of t11Fi ;~.rt'• U'C' ' d'?~~wi l}.!1y ~.i c",l,j be Yr t]ul .~e~'t t^I": tt~r' °,,}1~ 'L7°6r P~.. ;it?. ?QTiC .L lYi. _ `. e:;t. t .:,n, r~ ::i.'pC('i in SaCt On. tFs t?1VP, }lA"~~?t}1'. ' t: rxwl4. ','i4 t3'(+'t f ;i'C.;'+l..A :~k:% {'~Si.t ~-' 1~.7'B !,i ]1 +?ytsr 1f}° S4-s+ :+{i '.~.T %f}~ x,a'}: :'? 0'+213;1' 7111b1i1* 1}i r.;1 +', rit~"ia1L]t "f '.r5 t 4%it tiininF' t} f* jR'!'ii- tan pnm~'~1 ~. sior_ off` t2x ~:;:;,1,z,1, s'1h11. i~-~ pur,is}i,s.3 as r c3C-;~._ "~>r,.15. ,i'YkF)etie:r 7Yisli. vzi Ll~ully i1.7° znaiici4lasly d.i?.tf'og oa.' ittnm?_`t IC] [i. c: -x S:1•A} it ~ ;,i-'' ? ''" i g- y, ] , enutila..a, d_sfi~°]]re er d# plftoa e7 M~7 1}li.Tll~ eC, it pF77't~ pf ?ny iLi nth, n&ttlr0 Cr C}'i8r8Cte Y' ..., ~. ~. Ixa$„o4aVer, %:F33.Cn`,i.n~_ ;; ti tY~tE? 'QYJn Cf ~iel:k'L?3%, Qr propE+rty L]Sad by any 4"Tf"~.CAY , +.],?£?nt, <~I~p'L Qyr'P9 03" Sr'4 Y''t4T1tiY7 Qf S7id t^FTl ~ r• '.ti.`", +7fel.~^. 1. Lei. L{a '.t?ityy ~dtt~:y, aa]]pl4ymarit Qr G"JOrk, hf!li. %)e 2.+ttn- ~iUhd Ly :f:~.hF.] ]lot PirceedinS fifty dollars, or impr3sor;mF:nt rot @:,".(. E'.9(iinrv. thl. ."''.:;T d9~I". .: G'z b4t}} SQ fin!: Ct %=.nd :i.T!]iQriSt"!IlE'ii.s '~ .y pi' L eui.,~, reaping, maintaining c p~rm- it#~iri{~ ~ ._ hi.s c?van prf ~r t:v y ;,•,,~ Qn &ny Fa"ciparty untie! 7-i..s rir :: ,: c" '.'.ont 1`ol, ar,y ri`~.'t jH.Y:1 C.+? ti-f}:i C't: $}'iC1.11 t°nt'?. t0 ElnTi.4'„J t}lf.! !', 0.".!?_ ;ry~ ante, +]r ;. portion tYerf:o_`", o.r v:hieh sh.al.l tents to injur(; tiLe '.t .F'iiltll Ci ]." Iii t?P8-'t3 ui t~.nJ ,~j~.,-,x:87! G°> thl.S tQGit21, .~,11ft 1.1 GF; J?.:2'~- 'Z°}]'~L. by fina C? "x10# rC(}2":; j:}'l:xY: r~.°tj :}.43'. .T"iy fr' iPtA~T3.SC]l:<?.nt 'n"':tt C:?'}:.c, yin/%'i.. TIFF., tsi.j..2't~u dd~TS, G''7~ b+"Yt}7 St1C}1 iin6 $nC~. ~tC:~:3'iS4n)7(E''Yit. «>{;»17» v4 per.scr. s}].ail p'arrti.t or suffer tras;}, f#.l.th or thitr mat tax" va2:.ioh may e-ouse di:sea8e or effa_:r_,t tlla 'tle=-l.th a:P nyr C'..t7. ,yen Ci` ':2i? t4Z4rA, t4 c.C C'amtilvte up4]] }'ii.S` r1r filar pr arc-- €Seti y or LLpon ps~a]rfi.ses ;~~ •;;:]3.ch he '::•a° 7ha may° ha~a the cust4dg QssEesi4A: ,}r vaL:ttretl, o-' up{ln the pvb'!ic stL'aats r,r r,.ll~vs df;~r;nt t+^. ut;h pr{~mi.sas,» !!n.y person Vi4lzatin° arty pa•ovision .,. t11a.S 13 P. f1t14ra 5ha1, ], l)E? pLtri 1. Shed. S!.S pra SCri.b P. d. in the T'r8C- dir.~ section. F,ec»18. The Qxrosx` of e]ny ?,ot or lots, as G9e11 nn4ccupied r~s o:^,cupipd, 'r;#.'thin the iocvx, o~ rell•ay, shall k?ep d4vvn by cut- tir~, an{% xn:,_oVi.nr therFafxcrt rill. P,x_Ce88itre gro(vth of '.ve9ds, ii _'.'iaS}t ~n1'< n9:C].411 plants; $ne? if, upon tan. dr;.;~7„e-`, nOt ~.CB Ertl [!i t}ie ra$rsu:sal <~r othar p4lica offic,r of srid t4~?TCi, e.,ny sneh O:7:CI9r ShrLll fr},il Or reftasF t4 Gttt and reIIlO Vfi SLLC}7 v48E'f}S, bl•Ltsh r.rd nozl.otts plants ,r".rom •an~r sucPi lot, he or sha sha.i b nuni.s}lad. by fine of not anore than fift? dollars, or impxis4n- ,liant r.4t exc:eed.3n~* thirtc days, or by both. such fine and in]prisonxaent» , Sec»19. A.ny parson ag'ari.o~red by the eristance of any such nvieanee ~;> Fiase.rit:ed i]} sacti ons ~i~teen and sevanteen cf t'ais o:r.'dinance, ma4r .fi7.f° a complaint, duly sLVOrn to, ciith t'rre ]fiA~,'Qr, at&tl..n~; t}".a exi StaYiCG Cf S11C11 rilLiBanCa £tnd: its 1(]C Fa.t i.4n :end wf the, ccmplftintant sL^.£:11 know ~-ho is resnor,:tib7.e :£Qa• <naeh rnis~}:]co, t21a name oy sucks parson shall.. ba str.ted in such -aom=. ~,l:aiLlt» tir,4n the fixin; (}f Sritsh con^,plaint, t}°ie ma;ror }_x,,11 iSStaP ;t :'11]nT^.Qn t4 '~;}lg TnrirS}la.l, v'4'tl7]nandin:% tlla ]]i'iTShal tC ],,,;:c,n t'~aale3 honsehr'ldar.; of tkir,' tot'm, to meet at t%,:_• ply'.{!e '7. s+' _ :id, n]:'i.sanCe is S^.1.(~ ti1 ax„Sty r1#: a ti]1'i@ `C ba spac- 7A7.G'i~. lC~. ;21 :' c'?T't"fi4M.i• "hE~ 3ti8.~t7r :;:1¢3.%.i t?%.SQ i`?a;t7 ~! L~ .ilt.1^_C7?1S ~ i.. .c .,,.. ., °i ".:}~N"Piri.l~ty..a11P;T,-(3 ,.y be ipx ,-~~i?":`i 7.2'.l.l.a ~.;e ti7.4 1^.. ~.:^F'r^•i-y ~QIi:- .~ ) iT :I i. rk. 1~~1 ii: 'i"L i.T;'~`!" ;' ^.` '' }:;mac , d`!}iti t+. '`].: ~~:: n. T.. .. '.,'. ~.`; - Li 9- 5 A 1 1'Y ~r : / f l~' (x(t ! Id}ri]l d F1 l~. "f •aV ~' s ''haz°r» ) r -- 1 , ;'s'itu ~:.;; r f ,r 4 n.> , s• ;rte ;,~ ~,, e.(. ~)t ~, ~ J._•2.1a .. ~.}1 1'..h \J'-ylti'. LSIf Y.T.:~I a.~.. v'y 4~ h) .~~4J ~! :()9,i.~(~. h.t?l !` 1. a Yt:,'. V,~ ~ } t ~f.'r t y _..'~dd 4 .'t x A1'.. ~' :7i(}.i 611'.. ) i rJt 1~r A~ .1"`. f Z. f~ lt~ } ;ttl to 4:,E~!^a d,v„ '1•Yea ',.,e thir+r. eor,,.tat?;*.«~.. ~, )tl(.,~.rc~, ~.u i£ ~ t} ??kry .hUa' «Z `t'"=f,~.xrle tr.a it ?c,t5s ver3ir+ th«- :~~ll ]so , _ . • ~[lt,: V2 Y'j '}'~+] ~,: f: l~c (~~ 7'.:: l a7.!n F l: . L . i!i. `• f.i i. ~V•.'1~ T V 1. (}.~y ~° f::~l. "~.`.:l -1, T`f ~~ ~ rnrn ( .!^~ y J T ' f [ 1 '. L/«- •li2j bEi za...11}4VY. 1. A.' 4}'~ ~N- /0 t~F lil r. ?A r?. Cr .i'( l-Y L~l Vld}2I l}~ C~~II}t [~'M- -~. Ai. G't: d9G!a2'3.]Jr ~. j].i' '~}'_.iit?,' ~.''_a.'2`t?ci. of :O '.;h 2 2i?k1.,Bence '.'lt . . , "-iu ', .;.. shr:::l.l '1.i `i:.,ri ~'h a r3 ,, a •: h,_ °. i~~ t~`f rl CO..i2mt??;i} 't;0 t?':6 p%=rsi,n ~ ~dE4:prl1+?!~)}.': tll(V"..r':1Ad< u rl i;1 FJ-l~ .?fYj l) 211k 7..i :.,nisei i4}a3.Y'.'. )~v~']n.'t : JT •• r. _ M 4 J r yl~l?.r' ~. ~}•1..:.•+'?, iih~..V. r s. i;'S;GLi P{S.r.:fLn(?. 5h3~11 6"r .. • 17'i (a.^.i 11 .on 4b.(~ Y _ ~_ }u,~r 01'd Oy t.R ).f~ jl"F,I. i'x i~al r,~t • 'y. •..•u t~g i+f f.i. 2]I.~~.. iS'C: i).i1i°."'iary tl, r1L}. ~.~1. C; °rl~ "' . :i Ja '.. rl?.r. J. J€II:C"'E: 1\i AJ (}A ,'. ri 5':. Jt.. ~ 1!.1. ~~ !-2~: te'.,a ti.d~1}r ug}Ef E2^17. (t+l., tT r x t AIi ~) Y: , " °'~ Z~ w~kn^iAr..l t.~<: ~r)r~r }-~.3 ii ~.Gtlt, Y.airz nLra=nce ..t on(~r; If ': t,ii r' ..=.rd 5-^~; F Rai?_ :, ~t '. t. t}l.rt tCiL ns.L1r3 ~,r ~.•}:ti? Y'r'; 2...Gr 1c .,rry~,) ~ibl 4~+ 2 ~ ff11" .7n1C1 T'?L i'7 if at r; 1S (A i}12; dd-Yl, f1~ {•~^;Flt ~?}{',h pe `"rJ 7J. :i..° Ot .7tl k"41 ~ `+i~ ~ 1i. 1;11 `,~ !1 }'t ,'t,i1 '3 r?..,.,,}i ~Ot7','.t ~Si Ex ~Ti, 1 ' 1. i.r SP18.1 :3}lt-1 ,0 '. }i @ ~a : , . ,., . . . ~ CrY,'f t?2" 1. .° ~.. tle )fl y'(i i'y2lbti _ie `~, a°. 2ii%7 -, c:.rdc't: A'1,-y:?'"'.r j,r~ -a,' i .. ,, 5 ' (° ~j E:C.2~. r.n ~f ~C1 >on. it?r?::, 7. 'lt.. p„ : ft.e. ..:in- + abntf n Yi ?'t :i,:n{.. ra }t n )~Q9; t3k?C; (} u,~ {}"x? C"ii SJmJ r ci.l. C'C'1'dF. nl? t.T]_'th '`'}'ia pS U`7?`"!t :8 ,)r ;v.%5 ,^, t p 1 sal 1 "1 sn' ~ >rv ~ z.i ,e ~Jk_~, f11~it,u1 ;, s ~ +.}ors, .r.__l z., ,..un_„Wad r xa«.. r~ Ll.~ , in . ., . j .c t.tiYan ,r.t.en 'cat'l~c`?f:. _ 4 s =3+°r.21. U2itil ., , ct1C r;. 3, i.~. ,':lc G'J « r *~.: y's;t''m F>}3.',1i. Ci«: }]rOVi.ded I n~.;2 tir~ t:,L77i O:r Jialrfi.,r, e:~P2 4sfltfr ul0>.P_t, Utl.nFal. 02' ~}xavy ~].r /*,) ?t TT.4ex fl)~-.C 1.0 ~.~ .T e!41~. f,.A 1` «: 1.>i Z.ir. ti.~»(} RS YiR F_r i tP,e rl',7 ~y •,s pa r'ik+l«ey or f t}kere ].5 no alley azi jaUant, ' Wen z7.t t}l (? e.'~"' z°t}t2Fa a °-`!3'.d ?77.i? '~?~ ~. }7.f.! ](4 ti• liT7,j' ~'i P.rS 03Y O}9ni. T1F?' 0:7' ~.'?f1V~=.. I i.rr c p`t<~m3.5r•,s ir. }lis ar }ker possession or cantrol, am elos- yt, 2Wrina.l +r privy l(:~cated or situated. irl violation cf this se«:ti.+in, -,,_^~.1. l:e Eizied not :Wore t}aan t;.Yenty dollars tsr imp- ri+i07Aed no ti L'}LCeil:=i i.^.~? tu7ant~;' nys, or both F.iO :°ined aria t:ip"f :i on i~ d i Sec.22. every pc>xsan sha"(~1, fcr tha premises v.pan ~!hici he ox she may lava, provida a bexrel ox suita.b],a raceptacle, in wvhic}i shall be pla.a:ed ail. r.arb€i~;e, trash or rell.se; an+i he er sh«> shaall .have such ~~arbage, trash or raflkse xamovad at least onr.e e-Ych Fveek, Sec, 23. The propriatar of evE?.ry hotel, boarding hOtk,'.`s@, ;rest- ~Urtint C: :!' r!1Ei r'KP,t L'r i.. t}iaY t}la mC9Jri Oi -i~elray s}1811 p'1.'07]..'i'B `°Or bis or har asr~iblishmax:t; uat~ble barrels or raceptr~cles, 'in ~a}zi^P. s}iz:l be placed a1y. sarbag,a, trash car refuse i'rom E'id astablas}anent; and he or she sha11 have such garbama, tre.sh ':. ~' 'i'6 ilia raIyO'+FBd Rt laTtt ~Wic^..8 a Pf afA}{~ :any UOrSC)ri '"7~U1S.tin~ any provision. of this 5aeticn oa' of tha pracading ee•etaon ;>i2;11 be p?+ni.si;ed ~.~ p-re.cribed s~~t• -;e ~`~ in mot, ion t. n,,,~ on hereof. e1:. 24. .1i0 persona shall pla<..? 02' C.°.,ue ~'. to bn p1.ar_+, g.:j P.'..',y tr!"?8h~ F' I.T'bfi£?8, offal, torrstP.r-She-'1.1., daF',1 ~'..~}l, :}.@^,d tlk'l.'t19, +?N^d i-.~^tars, load £iliilIIal', ?`e ihiSE', trx~.S}l Or '<"lk}'ibiSh4?'c ii]4 ??' 12. d , ,.t;:r'4~: O1 ''r.: t ~. ]~7}t_tili 'd'a' 42i ,12"ijT Yrd !: z327~ li:;!t i~/1 thZS t}?y i;UsY 7l Z a i t ',1111Y~r .'11,;J t!p'. tl'7 ^J .i ( '[t V''e j{.~ i7 tx1-', e'?1'i--. . t. Fxi .}xa._p.i ~l•, 1;i,7T` r0~ iR btt'J; Cl ~J v"-C2 L ~F9Ct7 ,t"1 j?1'Hal'~. :k,t°.. a I : f .2.FI. r Y1.•" .rF ';i Ol''i Jt i 1:a, ! e -^--. Ytl ~ 'K s~, :: ' -.~ j "~`i19 tt,y 1, u_~. !,Ty JCf t Cr v # l ,-.. y t)03S'y ~k!llt ~.y L.t tA.. ~ly ' ';~ 'fly ~'1~X`t Sy k?Fl~i E~F'' C"` Y. ;:i - ~$ ~', +C ~: j, x7 TT C~ Li?`L'y }~.ITi.7 7'i7% J<yfl +:"t"k5~ Iiir r'~7"t."ts sl:~^ x~~;., 11ey~„. ~3.BT1C:y k+t~,'^~^. C)X Utt18r X'ATJb37.i .klu.TiCk C•'" 7~lUp0rt~ ^+~ '~71 m ;/1'[ ;^f t ('}Tfiy fyt IxT e;~' (l(`T1t ~"(`iy i^ .~.y iAl 1. rY 'f:'fl:l.i0 tt5 ,.. r'T170^7 i~ i~:N ^+ * til'~'c' iil :-1X i3.~t7 .i ftCy x„iV1Tlt 1'~ °~: T. t7 i'CZe TBCl ~:~ T <'L, : G!? '~h8 w J A ''. r .... ~ E. ':,, to<'. t)t r ~.T:~,4. {`T fits: ~, t. T',. :~1` ~~. ~'.~ el lYefl .7.+7t s^ r t ~Y. !~ 1 i.21F* . "t F"Tl tl.iJl l., 1. T"S, Y' ;T~lil tti.'i?t' A:iiy !3Y fis; 2litr t, t'.7a' rY :~72';y L1t •]:. ._ ~~yg -_~. r? ~j fl j; l" ? .. .'rt "J'. 1_'.1,. _TfT":~ : OT".'ri ji_, ~ 'A ~~ r .. z ~. - n+^ 1.1 ~:.r 1 p i7•i.T,} , ~_• 'rout '~(, e. ?sct ~. "~^'.. r. S3 j3 /'] u'y tl T'~i Z:^lii~ fj, T i.Ta ~~; 1.r'i '. CA U'%T '^- Y,3a~ .. ,T,x':'.'' YgFk'~c,~w Z ~. v .. : , ~ .d ,~ ;P tLA Ttr tT. I:C',Cn ~u~T"~ .i..l fTE;'ni t7'x i?_e S~:'t°E8t {?T 'PT Si ~'3 j. i1 'rT"Ca7a` _..<~.1 ter..}~.'i'Y Ys T' 77 i~'1i i , t•V P.. (~y c{ r + f1 a x~' thF rr?nT t~lF?Tf',f1F, 1):!"!"~ l ~r~~ ~.~} '. nft oVCS 0711 ~. .~ ,yn ixt' ''..~CI'r?t, vvfl.l ?~ Crr c1..~,Py `0 USed ~i (T TY@ iT10e. ~Yl s'Tt E' t'"P Pir ~.." ~ Or fl~7E4 3`~ rV Cb'°ta V.t',t+'t'~y i to • 11~3.i }:t :' P t~":14J~ Oi '.; i7 tD o-*wt T, /T T. T] i aS 7l.,Ra71Ct r` t}]t?TT. ''k"],t tl 8'2"'Qia ~6ii "/'t^^,_ fTsF 7d i';+ t"k tTL 1. .x '~%i h8 ~o.:' 't,ux f°i'q Fv t•J !'.^1758 ` y . , .. i " t2't t'~ C7 ~'llj t(t 4[ ~1~3't!.!y! vT}.i~ v; °C ZiT.ti iT7f &} < •tt„S7 F11! (t- l T. «'b,`' t7 titi:a., c fi :L']: a Tt rST.n tl-•. r+t ti; >T.31--2'1 N; C)'.^.. s'cl M.}'7 i]~..~), ~ ~:a rL`l ~.. ie :... ;^. `t} f":`dT t.;t 1GT1 1. t3 ?. Cif(: VBit« JaTt' u3:CSG7"l 4'IGZf; 1;',1, 71F,r fTt jr t,-1:'U'4- 7 ] t+kJ ~s ~ +}„j, ~ ,r*r t:~ ! I ~~, 1 b< 'p' +t t b.e~ a Pir ~ ~-f' ~- , , r no c~C~ Y c ~''-Tl ! :"l 'C ~.~ Artrl,c T'3y S1 't r.~.'7l1 CHIC Tr"~. ..1 J't' ~XC:_ ei7. Tip' t1~Y#~7 .r yCy +,1 }'i ~! bn t}: :: ti(4i'i '7.. T7! r.'~ 7Ylu r'T c; CI (']t f.T.7:t. LL .+ ., ... 27. riT7T .7 'ru 0X1 4V.hC Sfi% ' 1. t. l.±> OX` rv'3 t t. i' k? 's^ r aT r - '.' N T L' & f f J.Y.. `i.~T rvJ i:i.:t"'ih., E'S '"r r~'1., ~I:~L•+v :Y .~t K.y :~r_l t]i' i~2` Ct}'x tT Iri i'~°:X'7r l ~1. t:P7i J~.l".;: ~S'i t::l'IS F:t, I.fz.17=3 L]-' a i.{:V CS 7' S7ii{` S~'3.-'.'!.Z "k~- ns. ., v C'f3.r +Tiy Yi;Oleuw COY.' at ;'::l:l.r~.-r. fi71s%' jj_ri.P-vva~k 'i.rl a.t'~i3 to '/7 '~•.' tt. r i. , ,..a 1, ... i/,3.1. t. SiTTe (~. ~tC'~t• 9;?:i9- Jib. Yt`; AC.re1L a`r5 1'ivri r5 i~fl.r~, Or 3tfi,rS 071etz T1Ct ('.,?C!t?0'.'t iltt- ''1't:T°. 4:y-. ~i2'Je r;.~,,y8, 0>' S1'i?3. ). ]. bF' 4?Jtl"i Sii i ~71r:;..-~. u.T7!Z '?T'apT.~. k30T1E~.. n.. -t°.28 +'llv7 'y_r:. 1`.`.i C!T1, 7+~x!! :~f1Z'1 0.l"1'J t? !l l:" :L`iile ft ~ orst? f}Ti i' `a~'S'C' i .'4. it. e'x'y `~tl fF~3r.I.~ ~,ll:tt.'Y'TI1v3 T"'' 07." tl?rE;7.' .'a ~', T'?. tl fi't' 4J?.tC.l tl;.`Ti a Gv~i.,a. 'y ~~1' 4v i',.0 .3'!i `~.'.~,i .i~a.Ce .114 'YJB:t'd Yt "I_E, C!ri ;? 31~C'-.'r'?C:f. r: (1 `. k: ~.;CC!t C2:'C), AF'. 8Ytit r:'..'.~t?S*u~'7 C1* Sul]'Y is fl TF^i1tL_T1 ?;.i1cZ'!`y E!i:OEAt .,.f ~~r X11.' ~uxa;t7 !7j j~~tA,=1.t 7'LlG Or 1.1I1~,tlaC~.'_-TT~T S'I,xCP Ti F?Yi.3.U.l..e y ' °i~.'.'. }.19 i)in.Y11 `T11ao (S 7Y'e;. rv f•c',.!S.`. ~:i P_p. 7.T1 ~.ST.' '}:i b'r Y.P(" .?')L '.'t C`.L14i :^,.o . ylrj T/'i.i 017 1`' V7. Yk~ °arT il,4r {, 'Y lit~P GL UtAHT k. (td~ ~ Ritr'. >^t r (_, P,ll ~ t~if; A7*i t'Iir_ ~Sy ti! f12 S t~..xa+ ~ ?znhl tC'°i8 tl , 1TLf`:Y:1. ! ~ •.; trf Ot y FTF.'{'.<~It v i!Jt OT' .,.y riT`',;~ T Z.Pt.*; V71.tI1~T1 t 81. t7 , C v;. 71 {! ':'i'~y '~T`. 2 t; 71 ~1j, ^_.. nTit e?X'x+.tU:~'fi.:i"E i:0 ~)rt?'/C'. Tit th.t? @.9,C8 L•!? i?l°. .ti:i. <`.Tt".3Tfa1. ''YYErt''°rUI1~, f) i ~ G.';'v ~)1~ Sll.Ci1 hC97.' ! , 7)71i~.e O'Y' O tf'i8T r.:nama.i }li~r•hec? ox tied to a~:,~r sY.ad=; tree ar nhrub, shr-_7.i 3,•-, ~?.T18{7 7'~.Crt morf t%1.~.71 teTi i1. s}]_,'y ~.rS, OT" _M~:l'i>tOT18u YiOt Y.'r6l'v^- ':~"luTi '„ez1 iiray:>, nr brtil c f3ne{? ~~r,.~ iriu~:'isored. 5+~~=.30. hr~y pi; x•er t.s"i~~,t~_?.7i~y rtut:ilfting or et3,FxVvose: ;nGrar-" ~1":?>,'vY' U18rT':".?~; a7`i;;f `"ihFr~.e-i. r('(', :')1;?°'!.tv, j, ~. .rat OC i. 7_C•14'°Z' ~2"3:J-~ .~: _;;, sjn;t :; t,a'F~pt, pa.rz;., rare, a11sy oi^ !:ther ov.blir rou)•i in t''i' S '4 C,","T., flr ~/).]O :t'Sl EtJ.i t. i~. fr „- f;. r.~y r3rtliC:Fl '1.`. '.-. ~.:- i_'.TAStOn,Y' ti:~ OtL.t~;:t°t=,l ~~0 t10 YTI~' S'L';.r.)ii `1."11,]li~f,jry ..F,.~.~ b~; i'l,P:Y:i~ li0t IIiOrC ~i1Y111 '~~ r7 Tkt<. 7C3~'&:"'S 6Y' 'IT Y51. iSC'?yPai_ v2 rl i' e },r ;,nil:? ta;ieh ty ~Cy. 3I' M1'ul !.1.. SO '1r:":'I. 'i22CL l':i! + „3'JTie C4 0 2 I --~, 71>>vys31• 1{. _ 1: 4,Lif1 ~ •i'11 ~. n'1(`lt 1Ff ~~~~Y tj, ~ it _f".` ~.. .. I ~ ' {. )- ' J t° , ', w i71% ~ •._ .. V ~ t ", ' ,.. L L O L., v Y`4a. i.-rl ri ~.. ~' St,Ic:B± .~ _'c}. rl tt T°t~.i`r.^.r; :~" ~{~i~:!r, :>:^r, t,_. S_ , , nP ..,, :., c ,a` r,~i ~: x~e: c x r:+f'Y ,.}_; ' _',' ~ 3 l e , y . „ ,. _ . A ., X ~S ~n~J ''_ E d..~ %'.O S'." Wit? 1~ anb c. ~£Y^}li Cx [ 'sAi7 }L''L- „ „t~ i~+-,11c, ~:} , fir.::°~,un vic 1,a4:ia„T ~r,,r p~ll,b 3,c ~ tr .. YFt.tion -}..... '. .:;i.,r,-.1. 'x'~ ~' r_rYe rift e~,c,..; ,•+rr- t `, '. L,^i"i-.r 71iL1=Z'.{~ f:0'.. EI! j'.:1.1.)iy ~. r, ~.. ,. 7d~y C't? LT, 't,ti`, it, ..-!.C?' t .[ ,-' ~ rn ar..~ uY~;:;r ;ar`. r 3G'~ rt~r .,~°.€, a. "E '[,p;a',_t7 cr ~, r Tk:'T<i.,I ";e~.32. ~rt~r ~< ~ I,r-tia.3 _ r..ri; 3 ~ , .. y Icr*, =>,Yn 'R_,,f r ';. #:-r ,ir clt'.~e2~ l_tZr .i7:'%li~l.? ., a„ ±:,; ~t t '' ~ ,f, Y. .1 + iT, Jf,Y`i C'{`y x c 'r:77y .~f ( t`r G~}UI Z211'- @ 'S 'k ' 1'(l S .. 11 = i~ , Cii:"'.°.~ Z~~i y i 1 ;~i r f i kix! n ZiOt i ("+, r- ti ~"R.n „~,i P.,.t~~~°'-`}.a.?+, ±''1., _'- .!. ,I:1-^):~. U221i', pr *% E.__, t: ~tZ71AF '. ..,:'tt'T .. 'y ~.:Ul '6._ Y } i;. '~'}, : ~" r r1Pi. -l'14 1;A}l' J 3G21P rl :. C n i L 3Z1 "iN.'d' y K Z',. ,74 L`r?.' e.x?,:i ~...`; ',JG. I:i .+'L'a Cl„} G.~ wllf 0()7.17... ~1y .UT:o d~1`lx r,.` .°.. y [t ,R '~: 1ri i ,' '~ w 1s ` li , T, ~' ~' Oe'i~ iY! ~.. c; i'l"}1111 f~. 'i 1 .33. ~a~ n=! ~olru i~l;ct _ 1~ ~(v7+!^a , : ti't5u3. ~~ ant l z _por ~Iny s. _ -. ~0. '~:.[ .Tr-- u. Lrsh. w,4 . „~.. 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E'~,.7ir..#;~ '7i .`s <^.1.(L ~',' "7:1". ~~a'•!.^..41 +?~7,. ~ r:;Ui"w i dCx° .~~,~x ;~Y' ~':.-:'T',Z. ~TIG 7al)ti, r~;t' i7i ~ rw~ti: Sid??'C i C f.OYta' w ~. f-t ,~ i:'.?l~ r Li!i It+i~:: fi(% ~.T thf, YS.. r,?Bt ! :3"r~i7pll 2 .{ ._ ,; r a rl' Y r ,w,Yi f[ i(7 .:.1~r1 nu:T r Ylr°~' f on.Li • w iA Z"i?tiit , _i.l e,Y r7 !'.l riu de tl .C'.'_. Y?1£tl 'LO a.,a'. +. ~: ~21F'f! tl~t5?t1'; ^7.57 i•0'4tiT,. r i FYl?_ ,,r' .1::i71 'it iii??" I?G~ a' tiir; t r; ; A T d~? _~Af9yJ(7'I' lt-lA.i"± ~i'tA :; ~1 t:.C3 ¢.: .i ;?•f~• ' }....,Ix tE=, r}.. ~ `; x ,..' 2 "rt} >;0 `'1.Ia c. d_ : Ad .ir1pT r. .;iAB+! . ;:, 42 , „® .. ~.. :iil 2;:!..i Cif' w3l. t'' d...i: ~' f,'.r t:1 `v` In2~!=°^'~r e.~. t17 ,.:'is -yl ' Oi'. ). C!s?I. ,=~ iJ"° L, - `r?Fa'H'i. 1 c) iF"irA C.iti Y'RE' C? fllZ, RI n, }l. °tCfz l= _Cl? tai ~ 't7.Tir'i:'i l:,.` >.1 ~: 1 A t t"(- 1`77 i.}:,'~.Y'i the tf_rV~l~^ y d.:l'7. tt? t'3'1 E'+ J t;!> LP4 'i''r'~.P YfAi'0- ... " _ ~~.i!?r,, a)?13'i.? flPir3 ,vfi 1.1 '. t' i=t:1d it4?C}i t}'i r33'13iI7e If .ci r'..' (L T~.`OC~ 7.S rtt fe ar; ~,+}.J. ;J7. t;T:i.Y iiV"e df1JSx t1S }'CHTQI.T£!i'tR~" ~TCS S'1~1 Fad, 7.t ^p X31 ~ F the ,at~t*r n i:he maI'61ic~1, to Belt E;xi^fi .tot'}r .,t nu?;13c fs71'I%CT~ . ~l Crt1 .?.~.. :=~tLi.t7.YtF` th8 ti2'S8 Fi..At7. YilE.CO 0 r S',it'.ti' u""•ss1F? r)Yi(7 z?-L'7.Tlt? ~~r. r~t?i YJp u7.f?7i !;r~i:rFt St+'tCi?' S}7t3.]. J. iJg p{ii tE; rl. ~~7 t}1 ~; 7TI~;.Y'~ 57181 iYi `,7z rrl .? t~wi T;;}pi(!IlO1iS p21,C8S i.Ti `}?@ tOtiw'Yl~ r0 a' °i Y° !}. £t~'B p~in2• to t}le sra.lp, '^re proct?eds GY.said sele ;;hA?.11 be '7z'st z}7)lied tc ;;r~;~n~' ~r/e c;c?;~7;s at' iYtlprtlyd7_Yle the stoc;}c 3I1r", srll.- 'I.p;' tn8 FilYwCx fill 11 fTAJ r3Xt:BS;> ths't Yfl&~ 512:1 Je, }it `ETA ret, 6'i~"ed r?~BPT•r „ ., t}`!f' ;,.(jctg .~Z_h!~.. 7)E;' Y°rtR:CP-g Y3.. t0 i. ne'*„ C.`~F62Y°T 0Y' p8Y'dOri Y. e'Jipp, IIU Ci .. is F4^u.~. po: S''7r):i is Yi ti.t ';}?? tiYt1P, S<lri?:` t;i&S SrA})t)"di}tr'Cnc?., zl:,y c: Fa.Se r 17 S•lit:il j7.?;CSOYi C.2l.I?. 7)t? 017AU.. l'Ji tll'~Il OYle ;fF^£it ~ SIxC}'t P.'. -. c:.S £{I].Ft.Zl 7)8 C'CVP.:C f3 t3. 7. T_°}: C' tha `YGF; lit"z; o:` 7:h.e i,;ty'd7:n f;.S Z2 Ngrr.,ii 7; ~. e"1 t?~^e4J• 7't (37;2i~.1 718 t7'!~. Ql<t'_.' 0'O BYE;2^ 0¢ i x' ti ° £'`~?Ck' .~: p&.'OY:1. t7`.8n i. L. i'Yie pI'eCr('t1Aa' SeCt7:,0Y1x a-0 Sir"FF' f1~114t- !. ' 1;.p Oll Tn l~Lf' OvJY1B:Y iil' N~?"CnOA }1r161I7 ~' }18!3_ 1P€+., F-.~ 7?i. S'S?? ~: 7.QY! 47f `•T77.. C7: StCt,?'IZ. Flt ~"71t? i .'ti' Sf3.2Tle 'YJ£,::3 lIItp.O1.7I1d.edx 'i {' t?d1C it u'io Yt F.'L" np pBTSOh Cir. 57 <' 'c.C[T"7::;.7.3^F'dx `+`a.Ft1Yl P' tiic`tt C'?T u`iIi ='t6^.7( {~l~ ~- f' ,.^_ric's~ l.FIS }'G9A ~.OU.Tid. Y°I:ATiiY:.~' &t I[;'a~t ~~~ si 7. tt t. `;.ae l 1.il l'LB 4'f tOtw YA, i%}"i N'f °^; if.}. 'f. C?C3L: 'tl£i$ ~JeBII i}7ilift?7I'S ~ifii c'l i. 1S j.Yl thn rnlblie pntt+n of ts.a tt.GJ21; trot s~.id '- - r _ ~ FVs`l s',ock n_7 bn xt.1 d i)d77! t'2f 3]st~Ul.1t ~' C7r n r;:t~ t}1C YT FCCTlled; SAS3 ti.€it ~. 1: SPli':7 (.' ig not xel.eFSed • tpa7n rive d~1ys said. stack hriil b¢t ea? 3 ~;~ >/rov~ id.Gd iA '(.}17. T?'T`r',-i:[;.%i$^.G'e•`:''i'l t? T;i f!T';OTi 0Y.' fiY'w710T }-i.'1V'1I7~_'. }';f1rt '°~G:iBB$ ?OYl Oi "}ild St01 it 2.f: '`}lv tlmE' Sa_d utOf}> tiFt" iT7t'F''Ox1Y?+ta tx *:iL';;7 8t tTi~T 7: i.Titf pT7-C?'x' '1.C ~}2E ~'~.P ~',~. 7't?Oj'x J.eIIt"l, ,-~. 't'I ]. sll 7A y1?E' T'?t~tJ_ o Y'' i n0''r.r vlai lif iiAt.St70r 0~ f'.],(-',~ 3G}le i%:C1GT R£t1~ F+fi l7 C.'}r ?r'-. T?71- i7i1f?' ft ].S ='r•"P +7;hil: t}Ie '~t+:iA J. 7. lRi7;.;; T:Lt. t}'t8 t71TiP °.c ;i 4f,i`:_*.ti. 1 t21 t:^-.ii.BA ii'i r?7.`;,Y°t?'8 ~~ '.:he Ol7. f!i>Y'. ~~i''71 t? ITI£~Of 1}~^j.. i i~}1e z n , ¢it. ba )L;. t. •i'2s TS(7. r„r„n%J g'1' Cf Ti .: fi; l.i.^; t}'lt? tT<^:i U'-. ,..',a' •..'~^-, c i't?. 'i`~:; 7. X) w5±f1 .`?T fU-,r":E. I1' c. < t, a. . .. ...~t t th r=ou.'r.a h<..l_r , ,f:-.,~ x ,> •712 t 1 I I Y1 ILA ' 1~4 V [ P ^~• 'I ~~' 1,` r4f } lt.,-r x1,11 t4 9'I t ^ a .. fl i r + .. h: r t , n '!; ~ , t iSt x ' L: , i.:1'.'t +` I ' 6 7 s, _ . _ , _ u t"i n 1 t E ?=+ , .~:, c, ?. 4t+ r:=.e1 + r;. l by the torn. 44 _, ,, • , Sec. ~ ~ +_ , ' r;+.YA c ~° 'r ~t4 t.rx j (. ~I '. 'nn P: ._ .- .,, ~r.-. 7G+t' `4h ~~. u'"... :1Y.' ttlg "t'!:^a '3'':]t~ ~ ".~l"~ ~..1'J~ t.> ~~.. f 'r") i nJ+• p' i rl^~ '~~. jrnl't ;r".;f 12~'.. ~ ~ t 1 Y't7 -i. R t '.,C IyC. '~ . :1 t. „ !l y`.,j1~' t !~ 'Cr n i .~ ` a «,~. J ,. ~' a 4v • .x. !5$ i_ .~, r. it r '", '' .~.~ e i. It _Y~ j. `. 1. r c ,' , pc ¢. A 4. .. (1 a ... i . .._.. ... ._.ua ... UL li_L'n Y' .~,ti ~ v _L ` .. _ ,any ., 1 rst, 7,. r I v vj } ~' e t r .,j 9 _: s ;n,!['d.1Tt f.1 L''e. }' 7. tii + ls`t`~VT?:~ G s 7F ts~ ~ ,o +~i rJ + s iv .. :. 1 _. ~17.L'il. fiP .'`. ~l i gFl C j~iF P 1 -; p'e PGr.: i .~. 2 t ~„C , '1'i ~ ° .,t i ~a 3~111Y '"c` rl."~'.. r ~ Y t? , Ix' . .r'.t i a,?.1 + i;.... ; L1P ~.. r,~+~ f ~Q.ti r F " 1 ~! F :Qx L ltti I f ?. '4 !')~l _u. .per, _. ~ ., °: CA ~ .` v'=!1 is[".."l 1. tl "'° 8 +1 -'"_t,Tx°xi :° L:'• >£'Cr`a4~• Kati T: t f. >_ '. ~. ~.. :fit t~i7 ~!. 3C: ^_t)Y.{i- ,7y l , Inc 1:7s 4. '. s r ~ ~ z ~ !1_.:4.. 1 C:". C7 u t^. r,~.YC. `-;,~.`~~ ~ i ,~ -.. ,~ ~1 + A't T:i. , ~?1,i C01111tP„1:'tE Lt, ~:. #'ss ~. Q?" ; r7 ;~ ~g car .€.GG ~1$:;r rr •i,.:iEG n" 1.~1f a°7. ~! .i" b-V t 7 [t1"CZ j. la? „7~ ~ £:h 1] j: ' ~7. TIet~ S1 C't e.2:t °'!~?nF/ 'Y e7'1.':; '~+'9 i aGla. S:'T`t: CJ :Y' iTtsl"'a t'OnBrj 1147-t. i '~/'~"CL iis` t4yr1,1^t~,.. ra - r^. ;Y,~ +.. s.. k.~7..,ri ~ i'i.nc+; ~,n~ ,r~tsriso><a~.. ~.,nr 47 +<i!.ETI 2...~ -Ci gc~ .r <:? 72n 171):1: a.(w@!ly ~1 ce ..U.i.":,.1~~ ~-=1;-i~.~ 2Y0'~.:it_°'; ''2T"~t 1 y :. ~ ~ +;%Jr ~t. :~+ 7T7 a-a tj"1Q, 6iTMlr .T° .?~7 i a.n j-~< rG~PV L 1_" iY ~i ::.a A rir"td jhr 'L'~ C.. P; dim #.3c ?'i .~"9YL6 a~l2 t, ~.f'~G'~"1.r~ ~YiC~ , flYiP' 1Y'2 ~'77.ty ~1~%C t,t 4~i._ rr1Y" tre '_E e~iL~ Gr jNr rtl]3T?y0 ]. :r0r t..'C}"1 ¢<iP~..lf~y'-'rOb[;i:' !1.(}yJ r.°,y G?' :~TBCti On t ~'Y'e6 i, r..h~.t i;~+s': ~;:: t~ ig 2k Qlr Ji;1';l;.~,A a + L iAl`:t 'rt r,.:., qr. :. ' 1 ...u n}7 C`t. Cl u"". rY:3 ~'rd trlj,iY:1_Y! 1r~LL. i7<r~ t+t,>.'hv ~'1 {,l;a•,., a-iln n;y_7 >>a. _M:` ' f~a , y. c. .l r: J h~l._ put }.., log' .tp Fa_ ,,_ e t ,.,>1713c *~ .. a2r1 Y` ii s) r'On:~-D;cs S4.Cti,y jJlr Ct? 1' 1. (Yf'.' j: tY 7L1. Yi, Clt7 ~-, r~l? iYIF c,.~:'p7£° tG R(1 ?!1.{~1L'.bt D'7 rClt'1.'• nF'"" ti;) 'hJ ~T' Ft: E'•C Ilu .'y"311 ~Et~fl 111 trE''Yl t',y f]l'"E? ?antb EL (i. Sly S07" tilt? t1Cz1cr Y'31'j,), ~Yi~i j?1.rI1 tj I)al, inC'. `' .°'Sr6:Y` S+J i~'flE: ar~a'J 11@r is bl°H 17 ~' 2?:7iU1Vl:y ,^, t'~}^L'iut~ a'ktn c.~- f CA.i 1.. 4re~ X :.iCl 1.ntQ tY'/? +.`. 1. j:;y treFSit.ry. e1 •..:~. P!]ti, :!!O 2' !]. BLit. b~ C~l;.t;.i.i] :~ O7° fat'.' SL C-FT j-h e 7+7p C ri il?l r '1 a 9 ~. - 1 hall. sorthr7it! :e*neced ..r }c;.l~ %u :'s48. tin OT.L. 'ki':7_ fit:' 1. Y'_~r L't CGd7'y O.Y.y LYll ~.y ?]C 7":te, leil -' 0?' ~."v 111 ta,,.l?r e _t?_l q l i .e= e ~ b_ aerE3~- lity cent;. ,, eay rer ke~:,ing .;s!e : Le, { tt }.if'Yl ter-'7.'s''e r'^-.n't` ,. C'la,y X01'" it°8p1 n~ yPtw C'': t:F..C c 1111IlF1 'S ...Y'G;1T70.~(j, ifi F.c COrr4 r+llr. i? girl, i'1 t-}'i:iS GI'C'~"L nt nCe• lgCs49• %`t3 y)S'OU.~=. '!)i. ~; ;3'7 fi'.'i st71 b2 2'.114wJ8 C~ t0 rA?'t ~. j- ln, r.rn GY. SYlE tret't8y `2.~t:t¢•.2'e5, ~7~i.'ic5, ,7 -. t'7nt '16t8 C't' Oti?er public r:13e t~S ,1it31i.ri 5£ii~ Ci tJ. ,f1V 71 ~?_"S On hS.t 1n~" i;l°ie Ct1Fir~D, t'..;1:: tCo rl'y" C. ~•~• r~olatrol r.r. r-.ry siler btt„n a_?nd nerr.;ittin~ her tc rl;n ~r. I.:~Y.r^~ ~+1 t-. ~`.'`d.M't),i +~,° thil: sC'C~t:1 (ir ul': L31i e ~. Tjl j- rr]t1T ~? t~hq.rj. t'.?Yi ;'i (i 1.~ a. l,.u t%.'?" J.iP. JY f''' '~1~1'Si Yr` °"° i j -~'7_. t 1 -t7 f.'P, Ft1 tf. ~t-t'-? d ;~ti~;y . r b-t31. n8C .+ .. .JO• Ln _L t k2{ L 1tFi~ 111F•T ~1"A~ JJ' ~1 r" StSfa 1C; r '~7 h2?rt)v y a 'F. . 9 ,_~ , a ,... < _.l, o C ~1 °,,. thQ y ..,e i111 e, i2;. !~ U1" ?..:, :3Q vd7 ''t;...Yi .. a!Z ,i'y t;Tl :r _:x!.'i rl itT+'. .4.It`, C lSd''„` L. :1: _. .. 1: ~P4.. L7':'( yr;4 <L e e7 ^v...'f,i)~ 4_14 I_., JII. Ai.-'.icy ti .,:-, ~': i,Hr3, ..i _..... .4 ~ ._ ?f'd. ~ ~...t _ _ , ~ i ~ i !g 1 1)1. l ~'.[ r ~ ~ I q l ~1 ~~ }iY i l~ Y s I f, V R 1 f ~ y _ 1 . , iJ 1 x: !d~ I ,~.~rfi,~fl iCl~< !' l]'~ ~YL'lI t'L^~Uf}.r 1 ` :'ll y .~ • ur ; . , 1 LL, ~, u ~~~ t: ~ Gi ~`s I • .1l `1. 1 llf''r~ a I ., i'. "'?"~,'- 'CS ic.~ .1.:3. ~i)- l)~ ii0'V F:Y(!1)E3T4 a~• .f~.. 71?~... ,. _. ..J_.~.._..._ i '~ ~z~1~ ,,- , :. 21,) ,. 4 s7 . r)x, y c f ,~, r,1 PQ G~ 7 ,7 y _' _.'~1Tiel y `., ~'. 7:~ n. !' ~.2n£~~ C f:£. 'C,,~ •1sUj;J'L<<! 7: r: f Pql~_~, L.rri Fd« ., ., e i~)G rfi. P, ?ge, .~ldn C:srn Y~~a. ^srri~~d ??r~ani~z;,<)t?ra7.q. i-:iG `Ted J_?2"iC?. ;iOC: CinC~E: ~~. ~'fl<`)f; lil1C'. C~. !'T' 'yJ (' 37'i9tr?2('t P. CI. t:G ncti.f;;T Ilse°shr,.l trT ~.=~tifd +31 y,rrsons Gr fix°~us, snb;ject 'to t.~,t<npat;'oz^, teixy ,ea 'Tr:?;>" 'n'r '-h>ix• licenses ~~.# Gnce, ^~rri r iO Jt?t~. ti.3Al~ zfaC G77,p,.ed i~G Fl t'li)1?.?'n 1xTtil iil0~_°1~~.71~~, CP ~TnT.r.v..'t•. ;i cat 1 - ~o P. , C<ar * '.est. PdGVema)~x 6tYT. , l°1l. S _'id~CU'r•r,,ed ri@r')i;i:i~t _r_1.;..2(` tG Grd°r' Ft 1-:%7 :,.cRae. e.oi?. Gall di;<;-,~;x',t ~d r~s-: t'ti. ':ux'tutes r~~,~~. "i,ve,~. .via. tieccn@ed x11:11 the t7in?:.t~s ~'- l4,id O TF'3 77'.ltll t.'~ ~ ?~?1.17}3 ~8et1nF." 1GT £{l~?%TGT7st l.• ~.^.TT•1 ~.'.e ~Gn?t:'_i ~,; tE~B RepGTtB , none. R~rGrt: of Gf.'icaTl's; ~rsl~r~ ~7alkFr ae;irs fc)r in 'r?,.c'i s to ~lo~ir_,r- rG;•~ . c,z; u, rtn>x,~. Ia1:FGrmia2 disc?;:~;s3cxt. ,?GPed. anti. <,8C 62`ra 8d. `Sl r ` ~ `~1 jCr'urn. Cearx'i.e3< 0 tn7:p~-rs,>prl ~ itC'art~,~,="` 1~~?1.y Ei. :1, zc~~7. pT'~S?~'~i:>7. IOtV?t ~i)li:11'~12.._. a :a ~~ J I_ iii J U ~~~_~~:.