Ord 211-38 ;:ersons 'A,;lo :.o about besgi~g~ o~noli g~.~o~I~ use jug;lli~ig~ oP ~lawfui 6~mes or fiddlers, oo~mon dr~lk~ra~, co:'fmion ~iii'~lt ,,~.q~r's~ tnieves~ e .. ',~'~-"'fO'~ ~ii t xilferers, ~r~.~:rs in stolen ,.~ro~.,erty~ lev:'a, civioes ~.';iu brat:lets, persons ¥,no'i~e2%ect their oaiiing or employ:i-,nt~ "~lC.o~:t~ en{1 ~:'no nave flor %uf~cieilt 2FO..eFty tO sustain them, .~n~ _::isspena v..nat tr~: e&~Pi'l ?:it~out Nrovi~in.5 fOP tneu~s~Ives or t!~e support of their famii_ies~ i}ersoils v,'~f~e:P.~ .... o~7 strol~- in:f ~r ~. ~t~ce to :~iace :.itnoat any l~wfal purpose or ooject, nabit~l loafers, iaie aha ~iisoreeriy ~)efs:M~s~ CFS'D~is fl~ :iect- ~" ~nti~g houses of ill~ ~, +' .... ' ~" tip- ..li;.~ s~io~s, ;,ersons a~le to .~.ork but naOit~:.ai!~ livf_~l upon t:~e e~rnincs of t;.~eir '.:~ive~, or :nirlor c:~ilarea, ..ha all bodied m.=le oersons over the ax:e., of eilntee:n year's t,'no are ~',]_t:io~t xieans of support ~na remain in i.ileness sn~ll Oe w~grants. oZ~C~ION ~. T~at tl~e soliciting of alms, verb-ally, Oy lettered s.i~;~s, or ~i~nb snou~ or t[~e acce~i~g of aims~ u~/~on ~ublic or yriv~te ~.r~ert~' ~,~it~in the cor~,orate limits of t~e C~ty of ~elra~, be~cn, rlor'~,a~, s~ll De ~leeme~ vagr~ncy 'viol~tion of ~' ~ [/o~ozlON o. Tn~t on ~,rmt~=~ comolai~t of ~ny ~o~lice officer or any ~priv~te citizens u~der o~tn, a mm~icipai ~arrant o~azi issue for t~e ~rrsst of a~y person %~er~in ~-~amea or des- cribea, who is c~r~]eG t~erein ~,~it~-~ oei~L a vagr..~% any of the 0rovisio~s of t~is u .... ~ ~ ~u suc~ ~arm.~'~t Se issa~a si a~y .~oiice officer of t~e Sity. b~t any 0olice- ~ ._ t~out man zlay arr~0s~ any v~graI~t aescribed in t~is Or~iuance ~. v~arra~t l~l case aela~,- in .~roc~r]~_~ o~:~e .,.~,~ probably suc~ va~zra~t to esc~[oe arrest. ~.~ny oerson so arrested by virtue of ~ .-arra,.~t, or v, it~oat a ~'~arrant~ s~ be given trial, a~'~a ag, on conviction sna.L1 oe finem ~ot exceedin~ or i~n~risonem not exceeaiz~ ~i~ty r'noOED ~y t~e City :~ouncil, o[' t~e City of L,~mra~ Florida, i~ r',.;~l~r' sess]o~ sitb]~j, t~is ~ (lay · ~tt~st: [~ Preside~t of t~e Council. ~ o~ oA second a;-~a fi~a. 2 reaai~, t~is / aay of ~ ttest: I~m ~;resi~e;~l of t~'ie ~ouncii. City Cler~.