Ord 186-37 OROIN CE NO. / ? ~N ORDIN~3ICE OF THE CITY OF DELHAY BEACH, IN PAL~ BELCH COUNTY, FLOHID.,~, /3~ENDING THE OCC~ATION~ LICENSE ORDINANCE OY TSE CITY: ~2.~D _.LSO ~ODI~ING ~ND .9~[~NDING ~N O!!DIN~NCU C~[:.~TING ~.~ CO~f:~ISSION ON PLUMBING AND LLE~RIC~ JIltING; .~ND FIXING Ti-iA LICENSE FEE TO BE CHARGED PERSONS, FIF~S Oil COHPO~TIONS Ei~;~GED AS :[LZCT'~IC~L CONSTRACTORS IN THE ~?Ii~ING aN~ ~PPLI~d'~CES; M;D P?.OVI:,l;qO FO~ PZEA~ITS TO BE IOSUJD LLECTLIC~L CONT.~: CTC?~$ 7Ok'..~ JOURNEY-~.,iAN TO WOP~ UNDEL S~Ib CONT~-u. CTO~'S' LIC~2~5~.; M~D PRESCf~iBiNO THE CONDITIONS BE IT OZD~:INED ~!' Till CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF DELR~Y B~n, Section 1. That the occu~.~:.tional license ordinance is hereby amended, insofar as the license fees under and pursuant to this ordinance ~re concerned, ant: as hereinafter set ,out~ .:~nc the or~iin,:',n¢,~ cr,:;,tln~, 3. Commission on Pl~binc and* Electrical ~iring in*.tne City' of Delray Be.~.c is hereby modi~ieu :~.n~a ~ended c-,s herela,~zt~r provided: ,. Section 2. Po' p~rson,firm or corpor,,tion shall c:ngage as electrical contr ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ Z alter- in~, oz' rep~ir[~ ¢-lectr~'~l ,irinS for ~my ~;~ir :ose whatever~ or in the tr~:de or b~.~sinebs of electrical construction, in the City of Delray Beac~~' without havin~j procured a license., therefor as herein pro?~ide~ Section Z. Licenses shall only' be issued to persons, ~'irms or corporations ~¥r,o c~n furnish m~ti~l.~t r~ evidenc~ as to their qualifications tc engage in electrical contracting, ~nd h=ve an e st~blished place of business; and ~ho shall execute ~ bon~ p~yable to t?~e City of Delray Beac~ Florida~ in the sum of Five H~dred Dollars (,~00.00), with responsible surety accept:~ble to t~e Cit~~ Co~.ncii conditioned to ~rotect said city a~jaiast ,~1'[ loss or d,:.~a~e ccc, sa~na;J ~':~ t~e negligence of the principa~ therei~ !~:~ ~'.i'li:~:_~ ,~,~ prop~~'~ .~,: ~ ~ .,.;~. ex~cute and ~rotect all wor'~ done by ~im or ~i~: ..... ~_oy~: or ~muder his mirection or supervisiou~ ~'~ct. is act c~, .... ~ b'~ '" negligence of s,~id City or its ~gents or employes; c~nd~.ttoned~ further~ teat tee princi:~l thereia '~.ili kee~ and observe all ordin- ances at aay time en,.~cted ~ s~i~ ~it~.' relati~ in any way' to electrical work, or the install,::tion of ~lectrical appliances. Section 4. The initi~,l fee for sach license to engag~ in,the O~asii~ess of inst~llinb ~l.~ctr.,c~l wiring, ~lectrical material, ant all elect?ical construction~ sl~all be One H~dred Fifty Dollars (,~%150.00) for ti~e first years licens~ to engase in said electrical contr~cting business~ ~nd the licens~ fee for eaci~ )ee. rz) renewal, az herein pro- vided, ,shall be Fifty Dollars (~.:~:~50.00) per y~ar, aft,~r the firs~t years license i~as been issued to s~id contractors. ~.' ....such license shall expire on the bOth ~ay of September of each year following the~ date of issuance, an~ no ~alf year license sh~ll be iss~e~ to any applicant. Section 5. Al! licenses gr~.nted ~er the provisions of this Ordinance, may be revoked by the City Council upon ? / reco~endation of the El~c~rical Inspector ~ if the license violat~ S~ any ordinance or law relating to the installation of electrical wiring, electric~l m~terial or electrical construction, or is responsible for any instal- lation which is a naz~r~ to life or property. Section 6. No licensed electrical contractor sl~all knowinEly ~llo~ or p~rmit, directly or indirectly, the use of his name by any person, firm or corporation for the pur?ose of oOtaining a permit to install any electrical wiring~ elec- trical materi~l, electrtc.~l devices, or do ~ny electric~l con- '~ licensed <~lectrical str~ctio:~, ~de~· t,~ l~.~ns.~ of ~c~ contractor, except, howew~ ta~t Journey-m~n electricians m~y be employed witch, in tke ~' ~ ~].t/ o~' Delray Be.=c~ ~(ier a per- ~lectrical contr~ctpr; t~at journey-i~an electricians'permlt s~l,~li be issued upon applica~tion of licensed electrical con- tractor~.~, ~or ~ fee of Five boll~rs ([~5.<~.) pei~ year, or p~rt tnereo~, $~id per'mit to D-c c~ncclled upon written notice ~l~ctrlu=~ contractor ~t ~ne Journey-man has been discharged. Jection 7. ~ny firm, person or corpor,~ion who snali f.~il ~o comply %~-itn the provisions of tnls ord~n~ce upon conviction O~ p~isned by ~ fiae o~' no% less tnan~Fi~e,. Doll~rs (~.b.0O) nor ~oro bnan One H~dred Dollars (cl00~0~ together ~.iSn t~ costs of prosecution, ~na in dcf~uit of', p~y~aent the_eot, by imprisonment for nov less than One day Section 8. ~11 Ord!n~nces or parts of ordinances conflicting wit~ the proVi~ions of this ordinance ~re hereby repealed. Section 9. That all persons, firms or corporations now holding electric~l cor~tractor~s lice~se~ who maintain a place of business in tn.* ~'~*,~- of Delray Beac~ Si'~ll be con- strued as having obt~ined the first years license herein pro- vide~, and t?,ere si~all b~ charged such contradictors Fifty Dollars ('$,50.~,0) as a license fee for the renewal of license ~en tn~ same is renewed~ s~id licenses issued here~der are not transferrable, nor assignable. ~DOPTED tais aay of J~e, ~. D. 19~. Presi~ient of t~e ~it~ Co.~cil. ~,ttest: City Clerk. ..... pproved: ~ayor.