Ord 191-37 ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE PROVIDING ~ONS FOR TSE INSTALLATION ~D USE ~IL PIPES; CONSTRU~ION 0F ~IC T~KS; P~IT F~S FOR CON- T S; 0F ~0 BUILDINGS; ~D INSTALLATION OF ~OR D~INS TO BE PLACED IN P~LIC B~LDINGS, ~D PROVIDING FOR A P~TY ~R ~E VIOLATION OF T~ BE IX $1~#ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF D~ BEA~, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That all iron soil pipe used in plumbing w~rk within new buildings, or used in connecting any plumb- lag w~rk leading from any building to a septic tank, sewerage lime er sewerage disposal system, must be caulked with lead and oakum° SECTION 2. All septic tanks to be constructed, after the passage of this ordinance, shall be not less than 6'6" lo~g, by 4' wide and 4' deep. SECTION 3. That all new septic tanks constructed in the City, must be constructed under the supervision of a i~aster Plumber who shall first obtain a septic tank permit, which permit shall cost $~.00; and that all septic tanks so eonstructed must be inspected and approved by the City Plumb- lng Inspector before the same are put in use. SECTION 4. All grease traps which are installed in any building within the City, after the passage of this o~ee, shall be not less than 18"x18" and 2' deep~- thim ~~ement applying only in oases where spptio tanks are $~XgN 5. That after the passage of this ordinance all ~ water lines leading into houses or other buildings shall have a stop cock placed on said water main or line at some eonv®ni®nt place near the house or building. . S~ION 6. That all public buildings installing floor drains shall use 4" deep seal trap and 4" iron pipe ~aims, properly vented. $~CTION 7. That any person, firm or corporation viola$i~g any provision of this ordinance, shall, upon con- vie~ion thereof, be punished by fine not less than $~$~00 u, nor mere than $500.00, or imprisoned not exceeding 30 days, er ~t~a sueh fine and imprisonment. SECTION 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances ineonsim~ent with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect imme- diately upon its passage by the Council and after due publica- tion thereof.' PASSED by the Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, this ~ ~ day of ~~, A. D. 1937. Attested: pr~ident of the COunCil'- City Clerk. Approved: .... · ,, l Yor. ORD!NANC£ ' ~ermit ~ fgr Co~on of ~p- Water Mains L~di~ i~ Buildinl~; lnd in.IliUM ~ FIOQr Q~ns to ~ p~ed in Publio flul~jn~ ~nd p~ v~ding for · penalty f~r t~ Viol~ion -~- of the ~ ~e a~e Ordi~e~ is pubUsh~ b~ c~lon. 9~..: ~e ~s ~ by ~ ' ~C9~ a! ~Ular m~t~g ~ W.C~, City CI~