Ord 165-36 AN 0RD~IANCE BY TH~: CITY C0~CIL OF ~!E CITY OF DEIR AY BEACH, FLORIDA, FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE CITY 0FFI- CIALS OF DELRAY BEACH, AND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELPAY BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. That the salari es of the City officials shall be fixed as follows: The Mayor of sa id City s~ LI draw a salary of Twe~l~ ($20.00) Dollars per month for hi s services as Mayor. The Municipal Judge shall draw a s~lary of Twenty ($20.00) Dollsrs per monlh for hi s services as Municipal ~udg e. The Councilmen of said Ci ~ shall each draw a salaryof T--w~nty ($20.00) Dollars per month for their servi ces. The combined offices of Ci1~ Clerk, Tax Collector, Clerk of the Municipal Court, City Treasurer and Tax Assessor shall draw a salary of One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars per m~th. The City Audil~r shall dr aw a salary of Fifty ($§0.0O) Dollars permonth forhis services as City Audi tor. The City Attorney shall draw a salary of Thirty ($30.00) Dollars per mc~th for hi s services as City Atl~ rney. The Chi e~ of Police of said City ahall draw a salary c~ One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars per month. The Supt. of Public Works shall draw a salary of One H, mdred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars per month. The Fire Chi e~ shall d~aw a salary of One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars per month as Fi~ Chief. He shall receive in additl~a thereto, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dolla rs per month for his services as Buildin~ and Electric- al Inspector. 2. The pzovisions of this ordinance to become e~ective as of October 1st, 1966. 3.~ All ordinances or parts of ~rdinances in con- flict herewilh are hereby ~epealed. 4. ~n emerge~ is hereby ~eclared to exist, and this ordinance is therefore de~m&ared to be an emergency o rd!~I1 ce. PASSED by the City Couno il of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, this 261~ day of 0ctob~, A.D. 1936. ~r~Si dent o f gh e Coum ilo ~ttest: