Ord 135-35 0RDINAN~E NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING AN ORDINANCE PASSED ON THE 24Tti DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 19E?, "FIXING OCCUPATION- AL TAx~.S AND LICENSES TO BE CwA~GED THE VARIOUS PERSONS, FIRMS OR CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN 0R MANAGING ANY BUSINESS, PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION IN TILE CITY OF DELRAY, FLORIDA? BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY UOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELt~Y BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1, ~_h~t.an Ordinance passed on the ~4th day of January, i9a7, =Fixing Occupational Taxes and Licenses to be Charged the Var£ous Persons, Firms or Corporations Engaging in or Managing any Business, Profession or Occupation in the City of Delray, Florida" be, and the same is hereby amended as follows SECTION 2. That Section 4 of said 0rdkuance is hereby ames tied to read as follows: SSeot£on 4 Automobile agencies or persons, firms or corporations engaged in the sale of automobiles, or automobile trucks, or automobile e~xipment or fixtures, shall pay a license tax of $15.00 for every place of business; that all persons who have taken out a regular automobile garage license shall not be required to take out an additional license for automobile agencies.= SECTION 3, That Section 6 of said Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 'Section 6. Automobile garages for keeping, storing, oaring for, repairing automobiles or other horse-less carriages, or for the sale of gasoline and oil at retail in connection with said garage shall pay a license tax of $1§.00; that all persons who have taken out a regular automobile agency license shall not be required to take out an additional license for an automobile garage" SECTI~ 4. That Section 18 of said O~inanoe is hereby amended to read as follows: ns,orion 18' Owners or ~anagers of temporary shops shall pay a iioense tax of $50.00 for each of ~s~ees for each day.e SECTION 5. That Section ~:6 of said Ordinance is hereb~ to read as follows: "Sect£on ~6 Before any person, fire or corporatlc~ · shall sell or be engage~ in the bus~ness of selling goods, wares, merchandise or other personal property, such sales being sdvertised as bankrupt, insolvent, insurance, ass~nee, trustee, auction, syndicate, railroad or other wreck, wholesale or manufacturer's or Closing out sale,, or as goods damaged,by s~oke, fire, water or otherwise, such person, firm or oration shall file an application with the City ouncil, which application s~all he.passed on by the City Council, and a license tax of ~50.00 be paid before any license shall be granted to said applicant for the carrying on of the bus£neSs or businesses hereinabove mentioned or pr0vided.= SECTION 6. That lection 30 of said Ordinance is hereby a~ended t o read as follows: eS,orion 30. Persons, firms or corporations conduct- ing billiard or pool tables, or billiard or pool rooms, kept for.public use or profit, sh~ll pay a license tax of ~25.00 for every place of bus,ness.~ SECTION 7. That ~ection 31 of said 0rdinanee is hereby, a~ended by adding Section 31-A, to read as follows, to-wit: nS,ct, ion 31-A. All tourist camps which provide cottages. tents, or which provide parking space for tourists to ca~p, the owner or ~anager of such tourist c~nps or parking grou~s, shall pay a license tax of $25.00.= :. SECTION 8. That Section 107 of said 0rdXnance is hereby · i( amended to read as follows: "Section 107 M~tslc boxes: owners or managers of, when operated for profit, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 on each box.~ SECTI0~ ~. ~h~t Sect£~n 13~ of said Ord~.u~z]ee is hereby a~ended to ~ad ~s "Section 130. ~1 railro~ or railroad companies, automobile buses or bus lines, or bus complies, or aut~ob~e t~cks for the ~uli~ of e~ress or freight, doi~ bus,ness ~ the City,~ ~v~g a ~asse~er, frei~t or e~ress de~ot or off~e located wit~n sa~d City, sha~ pay a lice~e t~ 'of ~5.~.~ SECTIOH 1G. T~t ~ection ~8 of ~ O~[~ce ia hereb2 ~end~ to re~ aa force: "Section Z8. Baggage wagons, ~rays or trUcks. taxi-c~bs and automobiles for ~bllc hl~, ~y a license t~ ~ ~.00 for each ~ha~e ~on, dray, t~ck, t~i-ea~, o~ ~uto~o~le.~ ~CTI~ll. T~t Section 14 of sa~ O~~e is hereb~ to m~ aa follows: "Section 14. ~ohiteots a~ll pay a license t~ of $10. O0." SECTION I2. That Section 101 of said O~~oe ls hereby "Section lO1. ~erch~te. ~ists ~d storekeepers, s~ll pay a license tax as fo~o~: For the first one th~sa~ dollars, or fr~ction of one thous~ doll.s of stock, of merch~d~se For ~ch addi~onal th~asa~ doll.s or fracti~ thereof, $2.50; ~t de~era in merch~ise at w~ole- sale only. sh~ pay a license-~ of $~.50 for each one thouS~d dollars of their S~ of mercha~lse: Provide, that the wo~s mm'took of merCh~dise' be held to mean the cash walue of march, isa or go~s on h~d a~ not the ~o~t of capital stock inwested in the ~s~ess: ~rovided ~rther, That e merch~t keepins aewinS machines i~ stock for in the same ~nne~ as other meroh~ise S~T~ON 1~. ~I o~~oe8 or parts of o~~ee8 ~n herewith are repealS. Th~s o~anoe shall become effective ~~te~ upon ~d ~p~ro~ of the ~or, or upon ~ts t~e of the ~y~. ~B~ by the City C~c~ of t~ ~ity of ~el~ay, ~re8 "' ~ ....... ·" ' ~ned ~ ~pproved this [/ day of ~ch. A.