Ord 77-32 AN 0ItDINA~GE BY THE MAYOR GITY COUNGIL OP T~E CITY IT ~A~ T0 ~A0~, SE~, ~SSESS ~ TR~SPOHT I~OXIC~ING LIQU~8, P~SCEIB~G ~ FI~ FOR ~OLATIGNS THieF. BE IT ORDAINED By the authorit~ aforesaid, in re$ular seesion sitting, that,that one oertain or~l~oe passed ami approve~ D2 the authorit~ afo~mal~ on the 14th ~ay of 3ept~ber, 19E5, be ~d the 8~e Is hereby ~e~e~, so t~t Seotion ~$ thee- of will read aB follows, to-wit: Seotion ~, ~ person fo~ g~lty of wiolat~ a~ of ~e fo~goi~ 8eet~ns ~all be flne~ not mo~ ~an Two H~e~ ($200.00) Doll~ a~ ~p~iso~ for not mo~ than sixty (~) ~ays, ~r both fine an~ ~priao~ent within.the ~iseretion the m~ioipal PASS~ By t~ authority arousalS, in ~gular session PASS$ By the authority aforeeai~, in regular session eittin6, on eeoon~ rea~ing, this the lq£h~ay of Maroh, A. D, 1932.