Ord 79-32 kN ORDIiL~{GE OF Ti~:.~ oi?Y OF DELRAY bEACH, FLORIDA, EST~LIS!iI N UP01~ ~L 2ROPERTY Ii~l 2~iE CI~BY 0F D~LRAY BEAGil, F~t{I~t, F01t THE 0PERATIOi~ OF SAI~ CITY 0F DZLRAY BEACH DURING BSWINNIi{G OCTODZE l, A. D. 19CE and ENDING SEPTEI~ER DO, A. ~. 196b, .~D ~BO LEVYI2tG A T~ UPON ~E T~{~LE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY VfHICH IS ~CATE~ <tTHIN ~E LIMITS 0F 0F PA~EG IE~RE~T,COI.~IN~ DUE DURING THE FISC~ ~ 19gE- 19b$, 0N B0~S 0F SAID F0~:~ER CITY 0F DELRkY, ~D ~SO LEVYIitG A TAX UPON T}~ ~AX~{ ~°ROPERTY ~JITE. IN ~AI~ CITY LOC.AT~ FOI~fCR TOWN OF Di-]LilAY ~AGi~ FOR Tt~ PU~0SE OF SAID F~ER WHEREAS, In accordance with the provisions of Section 36 of the City Charter of said Gity of Delray Beach, Florida, the City Coumcil nas agreed ~0n a bud~et%of expenses for the ensui~ year ~ich commences on October l, 19~ and en~s Septe~oer 30, 1953, whict~ budget s~ows th~ estimate~ expenditu~ of said city for the ensuing year; and ~Ao, In and by said bu~t it is fo~d an~ &ete~ine& that it is necesssry to raise for the operati~ expense~ of said. city during said fiscal year by t~ation the ~1.~ ~s~ of ~ and also to raise by taxation ~he s~ of '~. ~, ~/,~ $~o~ in%e~as% uDon se~i~ bon~s of s~i~ fo~me~ Gi~z oommi~ee co-poss.'of A. ~. i~i%~n~o~f, ~. R. Eas%on an& A. S. H~ok; an~ Pa~ Bsach OomDan~, a corporationi ~n~ G. ~ Gom~,~Z, a co.Dol.%ion; an~ also ~o ~ai~e b~ ~a%ion s~ of ~~ fo~ in~e~s~ upon an~ p~inoipal Oi%y God, oil of th~ ~i~ of ~elmal Beaoh, Florida: Section 1: That there shall ce an~ is hereby levie~ and assesse~ a tax of twenty-one (El) mills upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of thc taxable property, real and personal, ~s shown oy the tax a~essment roll prepare& by the Tax Assessor o£ said City and adopted and a~oproved by the City Council of s~id City of Delray Be~ch, after equalization thereof, for the purpose of payi~ items of operating e~penses of general govern~ent for the fiscal year beginning Octo0er l, .~. D. 19Z£, and endi~'~ Septem~oer O0, ~. D. 190Z, as shown by s~id budget of s~id city agree~ upon and approve& oy the City Co~cil by re~olution ~ate~ the E~th day of October, &. ~. 19~. Section E: In addition to the tax set forth, levies and assessed in Section i of tkis ordin~nce there shall 0~e and i~ hereby levied, assess, ed and estaoii~hed a tax of fifteen (1~) mills upon each ~ollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property, real ~nd personal, as shown by the tax assessment roll approve~ ~y t~e City Co~ucil of said City of Delray Be~ch, after equalization thereof, w~ich is locate~ wire,in the limits of the for~er City of Delray, for the purpose of paying the several appropriations for interest ~pon bonds owned or held oy Bondholders Protective As~ci~tion, a com~ittee composed of i. C. ~ittendorf, J, R. Easton and A. ~. Huyck; Pal~ Beach Company, a corporation; and C. A. Allen and Company, a corpora- tion; as set forth in said budget and agree~ up~ by resolution of said City Council on the Egth ~ay of October, A. D. 19ZE, and the City Treasurer is hereby ~irected to segregate and set apa~t from ~ll collections ~ade upon s~id tax the pro rata part ~ereof applicaole to intero~t upon each separate bond issue of said former City of Delray, and ~id City Treasurer shall pay 0~t the same pro r~ta only, for interest upon the respective 0on~ issues as such interest on each bond issue respectively bears to the total amount collected for oond interest hereunder. E - Section Z: In addition to the tax set forth, levied m:l~ a~sessed in Section.~ 1 and ~ of thi~ ordinance, there .~hall be an~ is hereby ie~ieu, assesse~ ~.nd ~stab~iS~e~ a tax of mean (?) mills upon eaoh ~ollar of the assessed valuation of t~al~le property as shown oy the tax assessment roll prepare& 1;y the Tax Assessor of sai~ city aha amopted and ap~roved 0y ~he City Council of said city, after equalization thereof, which is locate~ within the limits of the former Town of Delray ~ch, for the purpose of paying the ~ppropriation for interest and principal upon outstanding bon~s of said former Town of ~y Beach s~t forth in said budget agreed upon and adopted bY said City Council on the Egth may of Octooer, ~,~. o, 19JY. Section 4: This ordinance shall ~ecome effective upon its passage an~ adoption. PASSED An~ adopte~ by the authority aforesaid on first r~addng, in regular session sitting, on this the 17th · ay of October, 1932. PASSED, ADOPTED And approve~ 0y the City Council of Delray Beach, Florida, in regular adjourned session sitting, on'Second and final reading, ~thi~ the 29th cay of Octouer, 1932. Pre sident il. Atteste~ ~xem~e~ anc~ ~ppro~e~ b7 me, c~a7 of CITY ()F I)ELRAY BEACH JOHH W. HALL ARTHUR BARTON J~ C.'JOHNSON CHI[FOF witNou.~ my .qLp~ov.~.~thou. qh ~ do r~ot coz'~eur La '-~e veto might out,,,ci~4~__ ~n:..'_. ?ood. '-,,o be. ',~co:.:l !~.~. , _h~,d :.3~.- a vote Co..u~.t,_~t~o~._~ o~ ,.)c t-.z roll h(vc aire:~¢y been c~.el,...jea be_:ond t:~(. d~'tc on which tho p~v~mc:at of 1~~:''' ' r~su. it i)~ e~,-..uraa, tiou oi' ? .......... nh~ntic ao~<.~+'.,-,],,,n i~-.~ tb o~ia~;' oJ thc t._~:: colic.: tot. ~ha Oou~;~aJk has ha~T t}.c m:.:.t~or o:::' sctti'n~; u!. ~ for thc ye~-.r ol 1c''''' ' ~rc,-iuc~:'t :OUZ;;Z!0T,.L 0f %he Couz'.:cl! ]z:...~ boc:~, he. Id, tho 0mdizv'~o< '~K~'.' f ..... ~o~'z~o8 beih~' thc ~,',-~ re:zv.!t ../~, deliberations. Thf~ or¢insnc~ ;ocs not moot my :~T}:rov?l for ~n the first pl~ce it b::.!el7 sets u~, a procecdure which on its ~-,ce is '~i~:c ........ n .... 0.L:. , :. ~-' ..... O~:'i~h0~~ C " gron'.p oz' ¢'z'ou~ o.; ];,z'{ ~'~::':*o& .... '" . .. "'~-~ ~_lt:7 .... ~n thc ~i:~tr~"-~ ~.u.~.on o~ thc ~ov;7 Z~S f01' ~.,..Z'~_.O for 10she ccrv2oo certd, fn ffz'o~ps named, ~,i-:i. lo :~t the sene time it ,~ -." ~.. ' .. c~.~!cs p,.,rt~ ti;_", ~ tho .- hu~z~rorl,.: of o,;'-ncrs o: ,';~-~.~lc._ l:,ond~s ov :¢m~ll bIoc~_~'-*- of bo~zczs. Wt undertake~ ~- '!',z'oratc, thc oono levy ~y anc~ 'not by inoiv~c,u~.. ])oncl~, '' ' , .~ . · I .... o" -' ' - ,,z~o a,~sent I;o the plan of di~tritutio~'~ ~h:~.ll ~:~.z'tici?:,:~.te iu. thc Thc ~et-u:[, i~':~ tko c)dina~:.~ce pl:~ces iu~ thc k:::~ds oi tho ...... Bond.hold. era ?rotective Association an clfcctive for ~-oreing otkcr bond o~%aers to doi;os~t with ~3~oc]c. tion their L. oid!~'Lg~, '.~'_~.lC~.. ?'. ~e~:n ...... thc. y woulO have to contrib~to to tko opcrnt~'n,'~' co~ of tho o7' ;?.:a i za t ion. ~ am o?¢?o;~0/: to tko city, by lcgislo, tio~:, or o'thorv~it~o, :'- pr~rity. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Ill&TM& MONICII~&L JUl3G~' ])]~I.RAY BE,XCH, FLORID,~ ARTHUR BARTON Jg~ C. JOHNSON Thc o' nors oi ouJ: ~::ecuritie::, scattered all over world, knov bj this time that the ~y o~n never to tho ~'acc el thc bon~. ~cutu?~l!:,:7 aomc ag~ustmcnt '"~"'""' must be effecte? b~,~c m':onth~ ~, ~ .... ': . bi:Lit of thc ta~pe;7- ers to !:':~Y. At the :Oz'~scnt tier, c: thv. t ~O~uatmc. nt can- not be brouo:bt about. Tn tho meantime ~t f_s' the solemn duty el the c~t" to dc~! ~,mt~ every in i'airncss. ~ am compe!le(~ to ~](:uy my ap'?rov~t to any that aoe,_ ~.~ot undo:crake t'~ treat ever7 o~ucr el bo'ads ~ith equs1 justice. The ordtns~.~cc under oo~crv.~tion unde~takea ~:o levy a tax upon all'p~r.~o,~- ~ ¥~,~1 proper[~y ~s~.~<~'~--a~, .... by thc a~sessmout roll for heR.:~ servScc. ~avin? herctoi'orc e~,~.rc~se0 ~rc~ views in detail o~.~ th~, phase of thc icvy ~ c~'c~ ~'~.,I::' ',:a~; ~nat W ~:'?;e h,~]1 Re occasion to -' a~n .... ~ou~l~. for thc: Inasmuch as thc Council retell '~ ~' ~'~ ' <' ? final passage oi this oriinancc, I ~,m impelled to reco~ize the futility of a veto thereby causing delay in the ordorl2/ oper{~tion el the city goverN- merit. {JOhn ~. Hull) Yovembor 8 ~h,