Ord 57-30 DE .... ~ ...... -
117 AI~ FOR
DE~AY BNACH, FLoriDA, That on and after the passage of this oral-
in, ce, the Clerk of said City shall be and he is hereby oon-
s~i~uted~ ~de ~d appointed 2egistraSion officer for said City.
BE !T ~%-~ ORDA!i~D tha~ all registration lis~s
of said Ci~y of Delray Beach ~a!l e~ire on She 15th day of
Iuly, A. D. 1950, ~d ~ediately ~hePeaf~e2 said Pegis~ratio~
officer shall open a ~egistPa~ion book for ~he Ci~y of Qelray
Beach, Florida, ~he s~ae $o be ~p$ open a~ his office in ~he
City Hall, ~uring office hours on week days other then holidays
provided always tha~ s~d registration books shall be closed
~en days before each general and special election to be held
In said Ci~.
~ IT ~R~ ORDAII,~D Tha~ no person shall be allowed
So vo~e in any general oP special election to be held ~ said
Ci~y who has failed ~o qualify as ~ elector and register as
above described before the closing of said registration books.
BE !T ~T~ ORD;~}~D That ~y person %';ho shall
possess the qualifications meo3isite ~o an elector at general
sSa~e elections and sh~l have paid his poll ~ as provided by
law and as prescribed for state e!eo~ions, and sh. all have re-
sided in the CiSy or To~ fo2 six ~onths nex~ preoeeding She
election ~d shall have been registered in said City as hePe~-
above prescribed, shall be a qualified elector of ~he City of
De!ray Beach a~ such eleoSion.
~!S ordin~oe shall be in fcroe and e~fe~ upon i~s
passage as, provided by law.
~L Ordinano~ ~d parts of ordinances in conTlic~
herewith are hereby repealed.
P_%SSED by ~he City Counoii of the City of Del~y
Beach, Florida, in ~gula2 session si~ting on its firs~ reading
~his the 18~h day of NIay~ A. D. 1950.
PASSED by the authority aforesaid on the second
reading this the 26th day of I,,lay, A D. 19301
President of the Council.
Examined and approved by me this the ~~,~day of
NaY, A. D. 1930.