Ord 61-30 AN ORDI_NAF'~E REGULATI~G Tt~E S.~T,F, AIJD DISTR!BUT_T. ON OF WATER ~-RNISHED, AI~ SERVICE RENDERED TO 0WN~S A~ND-CONSU~RS BY THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA; REGULATING FOR, P~ALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF;, CREATION OF LIENS 'FOR PAST A~ U~TPAID ACCOUNTS; AND REI3EALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINA~?CES IN CONFLICT ltEREW!TH. B~E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BE. ACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Beginning October 1st, 1930, and each year hereafter on same date, there shall be an annual m~intenance charge of Three Dollars (~3.00) for each tap now dnstalled or that rosy hereafter be installed, inGluding private fire line taps, which shall be due and payable in advance~.each year thereafter as follows; October ls~ $1.00 November 1st 1.00 December 1st 1.00 and no adjustment or refund shall be allowed during the time water may be turned off or not bei'ng used. ~uy consumer or owner asking that water be turned on during the year at a tap not previously in use shall be reeui~ed t.o pay in- stallments ~ maintenance charge then due, and if at or after December first shall pay entire Three Dollars before water is turned on. When new taps are installed a~ any time during the year (and for the p~rpose of this ordinance the year shall ~e and is hereby desig~ted as from October 1st up to and including September`· 30th of the following year) maintenance charge shall be made for the proportionate balance of the y~ar. Any owner who gives notice on or before October first that he wishes water turned off perman- ently will not ~"re,uired to l~ay mm~ntenance charges for the coming year, but if he or any consumer wishes laser to have water service ~aintenance charge must be,~aid for the entire year in ..~.~hich appli- cation is made. ertY line of '~he lot~,~ be supplied wi th v~~ervice, incl~:~g setting the ~et~ varying as the size 4 l- Tap - $15,00 1~" Tap - 17'50 2" Tap - 22.50 For the larger sized tap the charges shall be for all material and labor, including street and sidewalk repairs, necessary to complete the work, and the Water Department shall make an estimate of all costs of said laMor and material, and re- pairs for the Job, and shall reouire of the applicant, before the work is started, a deposit in that sum~ plus 10% as a guarantee of payment. Tapping charges to contractors and other persnns requir- ing water for temporary use only, shall be charged to cover labor in installing and removal and fbr eauipment damaged while on the Job; and a reasonable deposit shall be made to cover such labor, and damage in addition to the deposit insuring payment for water consumed, as hereafter set forth. Fire Hydrants shall not be used for obtaining water under any circumstances, except by consent of the Fire Chief, and under his regulation and control or some employee of the Water Depart- sent under the direction of the Chief of Fire. SECTION 3. A monthly minimum charge will be ~ade, payable monthly, varying according to the size of the meter; and allowing a fixed amount of water without excess charge for the different sized meters, as set forth in the following schedule: SIZE OF ~,iETER MINIMUM CHARGE AI~T. OF WATER ALLOWED PER M~NTH PER ~0NTH ~" $1.50 ,5,000 Gals. 2~" '4.?5 18,000 " The rates fc~ sale of water shall be: For the first five thousand gallons over the minimum per month, Twenty Cents per Thousand. For all in excess of five thousand gallons over the minimum per month, Ten Cents per thousand. SECTION 4. A ~uarantee of payment deposit~ for all bills, # including maintenance charge; shall be made by each consumer or owner, varying according to the size of the meter in use, as follows: ~" Meter - $ 5'00 1" Meter - 10.00 1~" Meter - 25,00 ~, Meter - 30.00 ~" ~,~eter - 50. O0 4" Meter - 100.00 Beginning October 1st, 1950 and calculated from and after that date interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum will be paid on water deposits, payable annually, October 1st, and credited on water bill, but no interest will be paid on deposits remaining with '~Vater Department during the time water is turned off at the request of Consumer. Any consumer, may upon request, have the meter at his r~sidence or place of business exchanged for one of lesser or larger size upon payment of One Dollar and Fifty Cents $$1.50), and his deposit and minimum charge per month shall be adjusted as per amounts set forth above. ~Themever in any month the water bill of any consumer amounts to as great or greater sum than the amount' of his deposit he shall be required to make a deposit in double the amount of such bill. SE. CTI0~ 5. Upon application for water service, and payment of deposit as reauired by this ordinance, water will be turned on as soon as practical. Ail bills for water shall become due and payable on the first day of each month and if paid in full the 10th day of the month a reduction of Twenty-five Cents (2~5¢) will be allowed on each minimum charge, and if not paid on or before the 20th of the month water shall be cut off without notice. Water will be cut off at any time reouested by consumer and guarantee of payment deposit refunded upon settlement of all bacl~ charges. Meters. shall be removed by the Water Department without delay whenever water is cut off, eithfr by request of the somsumer or by the Water Department for nonpayment of charges or other reason, and a charge of One Dollar (.~1.00) shall be paid before the mater shall be again installed. SECTION 6. It shall be un~Awful for any person other than a water works employee to tap any water main of the City, or to connect water with property or premises with separate ownership, or for reconnecting water with City mains after same has been dis- connected by said Water Department. Any person found 'guilty of any of these acts shall be fined not less than Ten Dollers (~10.00) or more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days or both fined and risoned. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from its passage as provided by law. All ordiuances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Delr~y Beach, Florida, in regular adjourned session sitting this the 12th day of September, A. D. 1930.. PASSED On second and final reading this the 22nd day of .~T~e~Dtember, A. D. 1930. Pr~'~i~ent o~f ~t-he Counoll.- ATT'~ TEI~:_~ EXAMINED AND APPROVED by me th is~~day of September, A. D. 1930.