Ord 43-30 ~i · Be It 0rdai'hed by the Council of the. Oity of Delray ~e~h, Florida, a~ follows: SEGTION I. FIRE LI~[[TS - There shall be ~ d t2~ere is here~oy established an inner fi re limit~ and outer fire limits. Tko inner fire limits sh~.ll in~lkde all the territory in the eongestad valu~ distri~,t, to-wit: All of ~locks 68, 76 "an~.8~, 'South l~0' of~ Block Sg, South l~0' oF Block 100, also. Lots ? and 8; South l~0' of Block 108, also Lots ~, 8 and ?; Lots l, ~, ~ Block ll~; North l~0' oF Block 109; North l~O' of Block 101; North l~0' of Block 9~; North l~0' of Block 8~, North 1~0' of Block ??, North 1~0' of Block 69. '~" ,, 'The outer fire limits shall include all t~t territory ir~ed, iately s~ro~ding'or bordering on the inner fire limits, to-wit: ~l oF t~t territory bonded on t~ Moth by North Second Street, on the South by South Second Street,, on ,~. the East by the Florida Coast Li~ C~al ~d on ~i~e First Avenue West, and North ~lf of Blocks l~l, 1~9 and 15~, South ~lf. of Blocks l~0, 1~8, 158 ~d 16~, all of 0ce~ ~ach Lots. one ~o thirty-two ~clusive, including ~y ~d all sub- divisions~of said lots, also ~l of Shore ~cres Subdivision %~thin the 0i~ Limits. '~n~ve~ She ,$erm "fire limits" is .used in thi~ ordinance, Lt ~hail be '~e~'stood to refer to all territory in either inner or outer fire limits, provided that in s~ll be ~onstr~ed to prohibi~ the erection or re~airs of fr~e,building~ outdo of inner bus within outer fire limits, when such buildi~ is ~ed exclusively and ~ontdnuo~sl$ fo~ dwelling p~pose~; all such dwellings to be eovere~ with i~eombustible roofing. t ~ ~ ~ enlarged or buil~ or o~_r the~,eo= ~halz hereafter be built, altered ~til a plan of the proposed work, together ~,d. th a st.:~ent of the materials to be used, sha_,l have been submitted to tim chief of the fire department or other designated offi,~ial, who s~ll, if in a~o~dan~e with the provisions h~rein ~ontained, ~d subject to the a~proval or disapproval of the ~zty Council, issue a permit for th~ proposed construction. Structures hereafter sreeted wi~-~,ut 2ermit, or not in ~nformity with this ordinsnee, shall be removed upon order of Council. ~'~ ~zzdz~; sha~ be moved ~til a ~rmit na~ be~ obtaine~ from the ~ief...~ of' :ire depar~ent or other desi~;nated _ o~iel~ s~ll not issue suah oermit if in his ju~ment tl~e proposed ~w loc~*''~ ,~n of the building v~ou. xd seriously increase the fire hazard of the s~ro~ding buildings. No ehi~ey, flue, f~ee, boiler or other heating aoparatus s~ll be installed, repaired or _.l~ered ¥~thout first ob~ - ~ .... ~a~nzno a ~ermit from the ~ief of fire depar~nt or other designated official, who shall i~sue such ~ ~it only when the proposed absnge or installation is in s~,~rdau~e vAth the v~sious of this ordinance. ..~.,D ROOFS erected or enlarged ,,~ltl~' ti're ~ lire l. imit~ shall be enclosed on all sides w~th walls ~onstruste~ wholly of stone, well ~rned briekSerra eotta, concrete or other equivslent '~' materials, ~d sh~l h~ve the roof, top and sides of all roof struet~es, in~ludino dormer ~i~:~dows, ~o~erod with incombustible material. All cornices shall be of znaombuo~ole material. Si~O~ION ~, ]P~R~ISSIBLE '~iOoDi~{ $~RUG'~Uii~$ ~ FIRE LI~ITS -.~o frame or woo~sn stru~t~e sh~.li he~ea, fter be built within the-~ f~e .limits =as gzv=l n=~in, or within ~' ~o .~a~,er e~taolished e~ept '~he foiio~ing; ~.. fiz'e iimi~ ~ ~+ ~ ~Ii roofs pi~ed upon ouch buil~%ings or struet~es shall ]?ye an i naombustible coy ering; (a) Temporary one-story frame buildings for use of :~uilders. }b) One-story studs n%t over 15 feet h~.gh, open on t~ long side, wi~h sides covered v~th incombustible materi~, and with an area not exceeding 500 square feet. wooden fence shall not be used to form the back or side of such sheds. (e) Wooden fe~es not o~er l0 feet hi~. ' (d) ~iazzas or balconies not exceeding 10 feet in v~dth, nor extending more than 3 feet above the second story floor bes~ns. ~o s'~h struet~e sh~l extend beyond the lot li~, or be joined to any similar struet~e or another building. (e) Bay wiSdows ~en covered with incombustible material. (f) Small outhouses not ex~eedi~ 150 square feot iz~ area ~d 8 feet in heist. Wooden sheds or outhou~ ~1i not be lo~ated :' within 5 feet of ~y lot line, nor less than ~0 feet from any ~ other building ove~' one story high, nor within l0 feet of a one-story building or each other. (g) Grain elevators, coal pockets, or ice houses, as usu~.ily constructed. No fr~e building shall be moved from wi~out to within the fire limits. SECTION 5. ~=AIRI~= FR~iE BUI~INGS ',:~I~N FI~ ~LII~.iITS - ~y existing fr~e building within the :~'Jre limits, ~w~,~..n may hereafter be dams, ged by f~e, decay or otherwise to amount greate= $h~ one-~lf of its oresent vgue, exclusive of the foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed. SECTION 6 . BUILDI~GS ~A¥IN~ ~ROHI?SITED 0C~U~AECI~o \~iTi~ili!' ~IRE LILITS - No building shall be used ~or a planing mill, dry cleaning and/or dry dyeing establishma~t within the fire limits, unless it be of fire-proof construction. ~I0.~ 7. LI~ITS OF HEI,~HT AND AREA ~ Except SEC ~ "' ~' as specified in section El, no buildi~ hereafter erected within the corporate limits, l~?.vi~g walls oil hollow terra 9otta or concrete blocks, shall e~.~ceed three stories, or ~0 feet in height; and no building hereafter erected or altered shall ex- ceed four stories or 55 feet in height, unless it be of fire- resistive construction. The floor are~ between fire-v~alls ~nd buildings of other than fire-resistive construction sLall not exceed the following: When fronting on one street, 5,000 square feet; ~'~en fronting on two ~treets, 6,000 square feet; ?nd when fronting on three streets, ?,$00 square feet. ~'hese area limits may be in, teased under the followings conditions, ~s indicated: For buildings of other tt~.n fire-resistive, fully equipped w~ith approved automatic sprinklers, 1G0 per cent. SECTI0~? 8. ~'~ALLS - All exterior or division w~lls of buildings here~fter erected shs. ll b~ of sufficient thickness to support the load to be carried, but in no ease shall a brick, stone, ~,onerete or hollow block ~all be less than 8 inches thick. Bearing walls, excepting p_rty ~.nd fire-walls, for sll buildings of Other than the dwellin~ hous~ class, not exceeding fi~o stories or 65 feet in height, sh~.ll ho~e the +¥'~ ihcreasing 4 upper two stories not les~ than 1E inches ....... , inches in thic~cuess for each two stories or fraction thereof below. For such buildings in excess of five stor~s, but not exceeding ten stories or 1£5 fe~t in height, the top story ah. all be not less than la inches thick, increasing ~ in~h~s in thicknes~ for each tv~o stories or fraction thereof below. No two-story i~erement shal± e~eeed ~0 .~e~ in height. ~'or all ~.=l~s~ ~ of 'buildings of the dwel~n~ ~' ' '~-~ouse class, the upper three stories shs:!l be not less 'tb.~n 12 inches thi~k, in~'~asing ~ i~hes in tkieiJless for ~se~ three or ~s. etion hereof below, i~o thr~story in~rement shall ex~eed 45 feet in hei~t. Enclosure or curtain wails ir~ skeleton ion shall be of bri~k, bri~k-tiie, atone or stone ~on~rete. They~ shall be supported by girders, and pilasters at each story, shall be laid in Porti~nd ~ement mortar, and shall be ~ot ths~-~ 8 inches thi~k. Ex~ept for fire-w~lls, reinforced stone or gravel ~on~rete walls, wi~h the steel rei~for~ement r~ing both horizontally and vertically and woighi~ not less th~ one-half po~d per square foot of wall, may ha~e a thi~ess ~ inches less than that ?resaribed for briok ¥~l!s. Stone or ~ement ~oioex~ w~ils o~z ~ ~ i be & inches thi~ker ~Ohan re~luired for bri~k w~a!!s. The foundation ~alls of all buildings o~er two stories in height shall be ~ inches thi~ker from footing to grade than required for the remainder of the v~all. ~ollow bioeks of ~onorete ~en used for bearing walls .~hall have not more than ~0 per ~ent of ~ell~sr spa~e. Portland ~ement only shall bo used in the m~ufaeture of ~on- ~rete blocks and the ~o~se aggrogate s?~ail be of suitable material graded in size. Con~rete blocks shall not be used in ~onstru~tion ~til they have attained the age of E8 days, or dew-eloped the strength required in this se~tion. All bui~i~ blocks shall be l~id in Portland ~ement mortar. T~rra blocks or tile shall be of usual standard load-beari~ type. The compressive strength of building biock:s s~ll in all cases be es. leulated upon the gross area of thc bedding faces, no s~e~o~uut being taken of tke cellular spaces. She aver- s. ge ,ultimate aompressive strength for terra ~otta blocks laid with cells vertical shall be not less than 1,200 pounds per square inch; the average for concrete blocks laid with cells Yertieal shall be not less tha.n 800 pounds per square inch. Conc~ete blocks shall be not less than 36 days old when tested. The aver~.ge strength of the blocks as here given shall be ob- tained by testing ten blocks off avers, ge quality. The allowable working stress of hollow building blocks shall not exceed 120 pounds per square inch of gross .. area for terra eotta blocks, or 80 pounds per square inch of gross area for concrete blocks. If a wall be built of blocks · ~ with the cells horizontal, the allowable working stress si~all not exceed 30 pou~uds per square inch of gross area. All partitions in schools, hospits, ls and places of public assemblage over one story high~ , and all walls ~d partitions in theatres, shall hereafter 0e built of brick, stone, hollow or solid blocks, or met,?.l lath smd ~ortl,~nd cement pl~.ster on metal studding, or other equivalent ineombustib'le eor~struction. PARTY AND FIt~E-W'ALLS - In all buildings, except dwellings, fr~_.~me buildings, and skeleton construction, party walls and fire-walls which serve as bearing walls on both sides, shall be not less than 16 inches thick in ~he up[~er two stories or upper 30 feet, increasing 4 inches in thickness for each two storiem ~.ior fraction thereof below. All other fire-walls shall be not ~ ss than 16 inches thick iz~ the upper four stories or uppor 50 feet, iincreasing 4 inches in thickness for each two sto~es or fraction !thereof below. No two-story increment shall e~:ceed 30 feet in m~height. Portland cement mortar only shall b e used in such walls. i Fire-ws~lls shall be constructed of baird burned !brick or reinforced concrete snd s~o~,,~l be continuous from foundation i~o O feet above roof level, s~nd be coped. PARAPET '~'ALLS - All exterior or party walls ow~ 20 feet high, e~,ept where su~,h walls ~re finished as ~rniees, gutters or ero~ mo~dings, excepting also the walls of detaehed dwelli~s, with peaked or hipped roofs, ~all be f~nished ~ith parapets. Parapet walls shall be the full thie~ess of the top story walls. All parapet walls ~hall be coped with approved durable material. SECTION 9. CO~CRETE CONS~RUCTIoN - Concrete for r~inforeed concrete construction shall consist of a wet minture o~ one part of Portl~d cement to not more th~ six pzrts of aggregate, fi~e and ~oarse, in such proportio~ as to produce the greatest d~sity. '~he quality of the materials, the desi~, and the ~onstru~tion, skall be in ~ord~ee with the best engineeri~ pra~ti~e. 0~ 10. PR0~~, ~DS ~ '~t00~ SEOTI~ ~ ~'~"~'~"~ OF ...... ' '~ - The ~nds of ell floor, ~eili~ or roof be~s, enterin6 a party or fire-wall from ogposite sides, shall b e separated by ~t 6 in~h~s of solid m~so~y, ou.~h separation may bo obtained by ~orbeling the wall~ or stag&er~ the bo~ns, or the beams rosy be suoportod, by steel wall hangers, but no wall shall be corbeled moro ths~ t inches on ~a~n ~ide o= v:ali for pos~. i~he ends eT a!i wooden beams v~ieh enter walls ~hsli be ~ut to ~ bevel to make ~ self-releasing. o~ z~C~I~ u~ ~ OPENING -Eo openi~ ~n an interior masonry ¥;all shall exceed 80 square feet in area. ~If the opening be in a party or fire-wall, it sh~l have a ~ standard '~ au~om~tie fire-door on each side of the wall. If ~n ~opening in a fire-wall is made to serve as an emergency exit, it shall not exceed 48 square feet in area, and a self-~losing fire-door shall be substitu~e~.~ for one of thc automatic ~re- doors. The total width oi' openings in a fire-wal~ sh~ll not exceed £5 per cent of the linear length of the wall. o~TIOH 12. STAI?',~AY ~ND~ ........ :~.~''~.~ ¢~?~S - in build~u~s hereafte-~ erected, whSeh are used above the first floor for busines~ p~poses or for publi~ a~semblage, or for eny purpose v~at.ever i~ o~er three stories hi~, except private dwel2ings, ~e stair shafb~ ~h~.ii be separately ~nd ~ntinu- ously eneiosed by incombustible partitions. Elevator shafts in all buildin~Ss hereafter erected sh~il be enclosed in the s~e manner. The partitions shall be constructed of brick or other fire-resistive material approved b> ti'e ghief of Fire : Departm~t or other designated offi,ial, and all mortar in tke eonstr~ctio~; s~li be cement mortar. ~o s~h hollow ~ partition shall be less than 6 inches thi~k, no ~rick partition ~ loaa than 8 inehea ghiek, ~nd no otker aolid part~on lesa t~an ~ 4 inches thick. ~xeep~ as Lerein ~a~ed, the stair', elevator or hoistway skafts in all existing buildings over' tvo s~ ries kigh, of ~e class described in this ~eetion, ahall be separately enclosed by incombustible partitions as above specified; shafts, may be enclosed by approved hollow or solid partition blocks not less tt~ ~ inches thick, set in ~:ortland cement ]mortar; or by ~-ineh stud partitions, ~o~ered on each side ~. ~with not less than ~/4-~nch of Portland cement plaster on metal ,,,, ~]l~th; or by ~-ineh s~lid metal lath ~d Portl~d cement plaster partition~ The metal fr~ework of s~h p~titions shall be se- ~eurely iaatened to ~oth floo~TM :-~nd ceiling. 2&l 2ath u~ed for ~such partitions ~hail be of ~al ~u~zed steel, wei~ing not less ~hsn 5~ o~ees per sqaare yard. ~'ire lsth shall be not ~ ss ; ~h~ No. ~0 ga~e, and ~heet metal lath not less th~ No.84 ~ga~e. ~1 s~ch p~titions erected in existing buildings shall ~e fire-stopped with incombustible mZterial the f~l dep~ he floor betas at each floor level. All door openings in stair and elevator enclosu~es shall be protected by fire-doors mounted ~Tith vJrought iron or steel hardware, and shall be securely attached to the wall or p~rtition, or to substantial incombustible frames anchored thereto. If glass p~.nels bc used in ~ueh doors, they sh~ll be of vAre~ glass not to exceed ~0 square inches in area. Interior shaft windo¥~s shall not b~ Permitted ~less s~e are constructed of wired ~ass in m~tal f~.~mes. Doors opening into stairway sn~t~ shall s~ing i~ ~e direction of exit travel, shall be self-~losin~, ~nd shall be at least ~6 in~hes wide. The enclosure walls for all elevator shafts shall extend at le~ 5 feet above the roof, and ~t least ~ee- fo~rths of the area shall be eove~'~ed with a skylight constructed as specified in Section 1Z. If in the opinion of t~ Chief of Fire Departm~t, or ot~r desi~.~nated crucial, it is necessary to prcserv~ an open elevator or hoistway in existing building, ~he floor openi~s thro~ which they pass shall be e~ipped with automatically ~losing trap doors not less than i ~- i~hes ~iek, made of two thie~esses of matched boards, ~o~ered on the ~der ~ide with tin; the trap doors when ~losed ~all extend beyond +~e openings on ~l sides. 3u~h trap doors ~ll be protected by ~ which ~n~ll be kept closed at a substantial g~rd or g~e, , all times ex~e~?t when in aet~l use. o~TI~, 13. SK~I~S OVER STAIR~,~JAYS .~i~D ~EVATOR SH~TS - bhere a stairw~, elevator or d~b-waiter ~a~t ex- t~ds tP~o~h ~he roof ~.d is ~overed by a skyline, the sky- light shall be constructed with in~mbustible frame and sash, glazed ~'~ith ordinary thin glass, and shall be p~teeted by a galvanized steel wire screen, with a mesh not exceeding one 'inch and ~ske wire not smaller than No. l~ ga~e. '2he screen shall have metal supports and be placed not less th~ 6 inches above the skylight. Instead of e. skylight, a w~dow may be ~h,~t above ~e roof, which ~ placed in the side of the ~ -~ farthest removed from tbs ~operty line. .~,ne v;i~-~dow sh~.li P. ave incombustible ~ . · ~me ~nd sash, ~nd be glazed wi~ thin slass. ~ ~IOl~ 1{. FLOOR ...... ~I~.~o - Except in dv;ellinss, all opa~xin~.ls h~sreafter made in floors for edge tr~nsmi~sion of li~t to floors below shsll bo cowered witho_~s'~ set met,-~- ~ fr~mes &.nd .... o~.~-. Jh~a 61ass~ shall not oe ~.,~s th~ inch in thickness, and iT any glass meas~'~s more ~%n 16 ~ = ~%d wire mesh either i~ square inches ,~h~re shall be a r' ~' in every ~l~.ng .~re&fter ere~tei or altered, except fr~e buildings, ~ll u~lls or p~r~itions i'ormi~ i~terior li~'~t sLa~s ~aiz be built in a~ ,~,~rd.~n~e~, ' ith t~m roauire-_ m~nts for stair ~d elevator shafts in new buiidLn~s as specified in 3e~'tion. . 12. ~}'te wg].is o~ d~.~b-wate:~' ~'"~'~'.'~,~,,~, ~,~oo~ in dwell~::::~ ~';k~ e:ti:en~ only one ~uary ti'~ b.asement or ~el!ar, :shall be of fire-r~si~_ve-~ ~u.~tru~ti-~ ...... and shall be not less ...... ,~ha~, 3 Lng" ke-s t'~~'~. if ~o:~st~u,~ted ...... brick, hollow or solid partition block-s, oP of steel studding ~: and metal lsth with S/4-ineh of_ ~ortl~,nd.~ $em:-~nt plsster on ~ ea,n side; or ~ 2-inch solid metal lath and zor" ~:-:~.~d"~- ~-ement, ~ plaste::, wall may be :2,:rm~t~e~. if se '~ '~ specified for stai-r and elevator ~afts in existing in :e~tion 12. I~ frame bmil~:~s outsidd the ffire limits, the unclot- he partition:s of all s~eh -:~ ...... t,-~ may be ~o,tstruated as provided in .Section 1L for stair and elevator shafts in exis~ng buildings bhere a d~b-waiter s?mft ~oes not extend throu~ the .:roof, the top ol the shaft s' ~ ] ~.l_ be of fire-resistive construct- ion of the szme thze~eo~ as the walls of the shaft. q]- II Ail openin~u's in dumb-waiter shafts sb~ll be protested by fiz'e-doors mounted in in~,ombustible frames securely anchored to the walls. The walls of all ti~-ght sad vent .shafts he]~'eafter ~r~ .yea si~li extend not less thsn Z feet above roof level, ex~ept that when a shaft is covered by ~ in~,ombustible wentilating sky-li~t the walls need not extend more than £ feet above t~ roof, or ex~,ept when roof .~u~d roof supports ~re non-~ombustible,walls need not extend above roof. Kasonry walls shall be properly coped. ~,~nen metal louvres are used for v~Ltilating purposes, the louvres or slats shall be riweted to metal f ,~,~me. r~ Section 16. ROOF COVERII~GS - {1) All buildings, exaept as given below, shall Lave roof ~overiugs of approved standard quality, such as bri~k, concrete, tile or slate; or highest grade of tin roofing; or of asbestos shinglss; or of built-up roofing felt, with gravel or slag smface; or built- up asbestos roofing, or other roofi~s of like grade which would rank as Class "A" of Class "B" u_u~er the Test Speci- fications of National Board of Fire Underwriters. EX~EPTI ONS: (a) Dwellir~s (B) Frame Buildings Buildings not exceeding two stories or Z0 feet in height snd £,b00 square feet in area, and not used for factories, warehouses or mer~,antiie purposes. (~) The quality of roofing for all dwellings and other buildings ezempted in paragraph i shall be as therein specified; or may be of a grade not lower than that indicated in the dei'inition of approved fire-resistive roofing, as follows: The roofing shall at lca~t withstand tile attiek of burning fire brands for ,five minutes with a wind pressure of five miles per hour without ignition of the clear dry vZzite pine decking beneath it, and shpll n~t crack and expose the deaking; i~,~or slip badly; nor ~onvey or ~ommuni~ate f~ re badly; nai~produ~e a s~rious flying brand hazard when thus exposed. The test shall bo made with a sample at a maximum a~igle of ii~alination advocated iii prae~'~ . ~ ~z~.e The brands squall ~onsist of at least l0 s~ips of seasoned i'lard maple £ inehes square ~ d ~ feet long, formed into a frame or grid, with a i Z/~-in~h space between tilem. Tile ~omplete grid sl~all be thoroughly ignited and burning before application of the roof s~ple, which latter shall extend on all sides at least 18 inches be- yond the edges of the grid; or of a grade which would rank not lower than Class ~ under the ~i'o~t Specifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. ($) A lsyer oT deadening felt at least 1-16-inch thi~k shall be pla~ed between the metal roofing and the support- lng woodwork. (~) The top snd sides of dormer windows shall be ~overed same as the roof, or with other m~terial h~ving equiva- lent fire-resistive properties. (~) If a wood shingle roof is damaged by a fire more than EO per ~ent, tile entire roof shall be repla~ed '~'~'ith material specified in paragraphs i and £ of t~iis section. (6) If a wood shingle roof is to be repaired more · than i0 per cent in any o~'~e year, the same shall be .~ntirely replaced with materials spe~,ified in paragraphs i snd 2 of this section, ex~,ept as specified in ~oaragraph 1 of ~uh~s~ se~,tion. (7) The Chief of Fire Department, subject to appro- val or disapproval oi' the City Coun~il,shall have power to condemn and haYe removed any wood shingle roof ~hat in his opinion is in sue~h a deteriorated eo~:dition as to be excess- ively inflanm~able. S~'~PTO-'~ 17 SKY-~,IGi~S All openii~s in roofs for the admission o]: Ii,iht, oti~er than those ~::rovide for in S ~'ons ~a~n glazed i5 ~d 15, s~il have incombustible frames and ~ ~.'ith wired glass; or ordinary glass r~:ay be used, if protected aoove ~d below by galvanized steel wire screens wi~ a mesh ~h::.~ not e::~eeding ,~ne inch, ~nd tbs wiro no~ smaller ga~e. ~'be top s~reen s~.~l be installed as 3pe~ified in : ,3e~tion 1~. SECTION 18. ~S ~QUI~D - The te~ floor area as used i:~ tLis section st'aail mean th~ ~ntire floor space between ~ exvorior walls and/or fire-walls. In every building horoafter erected, ex~ept private d~elli~s, e~-':~ floor ares. above the second shall be provided wish at least two m~-~s of e~ress remote from each :~ other, one of which shall be an en~iosed stairway as provided by :3e~'Sio~: i~ or a doarv/ay in a ~re-wal] leadi~ to anoth~ floor ares. separately provided vi th ade~matc stairs or ~thor independent means ~ exit. Such doorway serving as an emergency exit in a fire-wall shall be prote~ted by ~ auto- marie and self-ezos~.ng fi:re-door as specified in ~e~t:on 11. No portion of ~y floor ar~a sL~:~.l bc ~:~ore th~ 100 f~et from a place of egress. Elevators shall not be ~o~sider~. as a mesns of egress as specified in this section. Except in dwellings, no r~q~red stairway less than ~ inches wide, and the tot~ width of exit door- ways leading therefrom .... .':~ le .... ~,~:~z ...... ~o~ be equal to ~h~ tot~ width of ~'. ~ ' ~:~e s~alrway wi:ioh they serve. ~he total width of stairw~', interior and e:.:terior, provided for the ~upan~y of each floor ~d thos~ above, shall be '~ ~ ~.~ less tn~ ~ inches for the first ~0 person~s, inches for caeh additional ~0 persons to be aceo~odated thereby. The stair treads shall be not less tl~n 9~ inches wide, and the risers not more th~ ? O/~ inehes hi~. ~Jinders in required stairways are pmohibited. Every school, hospital and theatre over one story high st~ll h~-.ve at least two stair¥~ys co~atrueted ~ltirely of ineombustib!e m~terial, loaated remote from each other and ~ontinuous from grade line to the topmost story. Ail exit doors in sehools, hospitals, theatres and other places of pubiie assemblage shall open outward. SESTI~N 19. - FIRE STOPS - At each floor le~el in all buildings hereafter erected, all stud walls, partitions, furrings and spa~es between joists where they rest on division wall or partitions, shall be fire-stopped with not less than a E-inch pl~nk in a manner to completsly ~ut off co~nuni~ation b~ fire through co~cealed spaces. Stair ~arriages shall be fire-stopped at least once in t~ middle portion of each ru~. S£CTIO~ £0. ~A~AY - All areaways shall be guarded with suitable railings, or be prote~ted by incombustible covers or ~ratings! If gratings be used, they ~all ~ave a wire screen of not more th~n 1/2-inch mesh securely attached to the under side. SECTION 21. FRA~E BUILDINGS -No frame buildi~ hereafter erected ~r altered shall e::ceed two stories or 30 feet in height, exaept that private dwellings may be three stories or 35 feet high. This provision does not apply to grain or coal elevators. No frame building hereafter erected for any occupancy other than grain elevators, coal elevators and pockeSs, ice houses and e~.~ibition buildi~gs not over ~0 feet in height, shall ~over a ground area ex~eeding the following: One story building, ~,~00 square feet; two-story building ~,000 square feet. In no case shall a frame building be erected within ~ feet of the side or rear lot line, nor within 10 feet of another building, unless the sp~ce between t~ studs ~m such side be filled solidly with not less than £~ inches of brick work or other equivalent incombustible material. Buildings with wooden framework clad with sheet metal, or veneered with brick, sl~ll b,~ classed as frame buildin,i;s. Outside ~ fire limits, when ~y buildir~ is to be erected of bri~k, stone, hollow block, or ~on~rete, tlat ~o~d ~der ~ '~ ~,~zs ordinance be eonstr~eted of wood, tt~ Chief of ~'~i~ Department or other designated official is hereby ~thor~zed ~d directed to allow reasonable modifications of tkis ordinance relati~ to brick buildings, in consider- ation off the use of inaomb~tible material instead of wood. Sm~h modifications, however, ~all not ~it variations from the requirements of '~eetions 12, 18 and 24 of this ordinance. SZCTI0~ 22. E~CTRIC~ INSTA~ATIoi~S - All electrical installations ~hall be i~ ~ord~ee wi_~h the ~ational Electrical 9ode and no in~tallatio~ of cl~etrieal equipment sh~il b~ made, e::~e~[:t in ~o~formity thereto. ~h~,~,[~ ~o, FLUES ~,~ ~'~IR~',~PLAC~" - ~x~ept 8s her~in ::rovided, ~l ~ ...... : ~ ~nz~,,~o in every buildin~ hereafter ~reeted, ond all chimneys hereafter a~ d rebuilt, ~all be ~onstru~te~ of brick, ~ or r~z~fo~ .ed ~m'~erete. m?~soi~ry ~mney ...... ll hav~ ~-/alls less znan 8 in~s d~iek, lc~s it be lined on. ~,~ in~M e ~'~'~'~ ~.¥ell-burned t~rra eotta ~'~.~ ,~lay ~himney tile set in ~:ortlsmd cement mortar, ~r~se the wall :~H~?ii be not ~ ~ '~'~ 4 iinin~: :su~]~ be ~o~t!nuous froa~ th~ bot2om of ~ .... flue to its =~.~reme heigkt. ~a~.= be ~orbeled out more ~an 8 from +'~ .... '~ail, 'u~ ~uek eorbelin:: ~hall consist of at Eriek s~t on edge .... not be permit~ in ~"'' 'y ~.iso th~ smoke flue.~ for bakers' ovens, i r~ eookir~ iarse ism~dry stove~, and all flues uspci for simii~,r purposes, shall be at least $ inches in ~'"' ,himney tile set in Z'ortiand ~ement mortar. AI~. such --,a' v;~ tk terra ~otta, ~.o.~.~, ~,. in a flue, ~f uuzlu o~. "~one re~nforee- concrete !nene~ ~i~e~, ~d the inside 4 inches of ~'s}h ,.;'all i~ai! of ~e brick, laid in -~' .... ~ ~l~'cmor~a~ for a~ dist~n~c~ o~. ~.~ ieast . ~c.~ from ~ _ooint '~l~.31:.e tko .3moke ~onne~tisn.~ of boiler enters the flee. Portland cement, mortar only s?~ii be used in i~o ahi~mley in :_%n~' b' ' ~ o~ any kir~. 3up_oPts skail be ineomous~iLle, ~.P~ shall rest upon the grot~d or ~ne uada~ on. All chimneys or flue4 .... ~n~eh~, ir~ tko oL~,inion, of the Ck,_of o= Fire Dep~rtm~t and '3 ity Co~eil are from any ~ause considered dangerous or ~-~ shall be rep~'- d ~l~ e and made ~m~e or take~ dow~. ~etal smoke ~. ~aeks may be permit~e~ for boilers~ ferns, cos and similar apparatus, i~.ovided they have a fron'l all combustible material of not ~ss tha~ one-half She dia~er of the stack, b~t not less th~ 9 inches, bhere such a stack passes thresh a roof, it shall be guarded either by ~% metal hood not less than 6 inches above roof, for v~- tilation, or by a galvanized iron v~l~tzno thimble ex- tending at least 9 inches below the ~der side of the ~ling or roof be~s, to at least 9 inches above the roof, md the diluter of the ventilating thimble shall be not less 24 inches greater th~ that of ~.e smokestack. Eetai smoke staeks shall not be pe~itted to pass throu~ floors. The firebaok of every fire~laee hereafter erected shall be not less th~.n 8 inches in thi~.kness of solid brick- work, nor less than 1£ ine. hes of stone lined with fire bri~. ~tove flues ~l~ll b~ ~o~stru~ted of hard ~rned bri~k, laid flat in cement mortar, ~nd shall be not ~ ~s than 16 inches ~quare, and lined from b~se to top with fire ~lay piping, in ~eetiorz not le~s th~ E4 inches long. Flues not built from greed up shall be h~g on iro~ stirrups of new iron not less than one-fourth of an inch by one ~'nd three- fo~ths inches, bent to ~ome ~t l~ast S inches below lower s~faee of ceiling or on other approved metal supports con- forming to these r~quirem~ts. ~ECTIOi! ~4. WOODEN BE~,fS SEP~AT~D Fi{~ L.~SOi~RY CHIZ. iNEY-~o wooden beams or joists shall be pla~ed within g i~ehes of the o~tside faoe of a ~himney or flue. No woodwork shall be within 4 inehss of firebaek of any fire-laee. All spaces betv~een the chimney and the wood~ be~s shall be solidly filled with mortar, mineral wool or other in- combustible material. The header be~ carrying the tail be~s of a floor, and supporting the trimmer areh in front of a ~replaee, shall be not less than 20 inehes fro~ t~ chimney breast. No wood~ furring or studding shall be placed ~?inst s.ny ehimney; the pl~stering shall be directly on the ~m sonry, or on the total lathi~g. WOodwork fastened to plaster wi~i~ is a6ai~t ~e masonry of a chimney shs.ll have a layer of asbestos board s.t least i 1/8 inches thick, placed betwem t~ woodwork and the plaster. SECTI0~ 25. 5~i'0KE PIPES -[~o ~oke pipes ~all be within 9 inches of any woodwork or any ~'moden la~ ~ plaster partition or ceiling. ~%ere smoke pip~m' pass through a wooden lath and pls, stez~ partitions, they sh,~.il be juarded by gslvm~ized iron v~ntilated thimbles at least 1S inches larger in di~cter the pipes, or by galvanized iron thi~bies built in at least 8 ]~n~hes of brickwork or other in~o~nbustible m~te~ial. No smoke pipe shall p~ thro~h any floor or ~ombustible roof o.T s.n~.? building. 5ECTI0~;' 26. iiO2 Aii~ PIPES ~2~D R~ISTZR~ - heater pipes fro~ hot air f~na~es v~here ~oassi~ throu~ eom. bustible partitions or floors, must be doubled Sin pipes, with at least 1-insh air space betwe~ them. Horizontal hot air pipes leadi!~ from ~rna~e shall be r~t less 6 inches from any ~,~oodv~ork, ~less the v;oodv~ork be eo~ered :ith loose fitti~-~g tin, or tLe pip~ bs ~ov~:~red .... .~oL s.t lsazt i/2-ir~ek of ~orrugated asbestos, J.~ v/...i, ek latter eases tim distance from th,~ woodv~ork may be redused to not ~ss than Z iaehes, No hot air pipe shall be plaeed in a. ~;oodcn stud partition or any ~ooden enclosure ~le~s it bo ,~t least S feet horizontal distance from tho f~naes. P, ot sir pipes contained in ~ombustible partitions ~all be placed insid~ another pipe arranged to maintain 1/2-inch air space between th~ two on all sides, or be seaurely eove::ed with 1/2-inch of sorrier<ted as- bestos. ~.fei~"-'~r.~., thc outer pi;.j, esn. or the ~overi. ng she. I. be ,~.~:~n I zn ~: of wooden ~tudd ~:,~.~, a~d no ~vooden loth ab~.ll be used to eove~ th~= portion of the ~.rtition in .... ¥,~.~n.' tho ~ir pipe is lo~ated, i[ot s. iz- pip=s in slosets ~;hail be do,~ble wi~ s_ space of at least i inch betwe~ them oz~ ~,ll Every hot ~r furnace shaZk ~ ~ _ without valve or louvres, A registe'~· loeate~ over a bri~k furnace sh~2~l be supported by a bri~.k sh.'ft built up fro~. tLe cover of the Lot air eh~tmber; said gc?.ft shall be lined with :~ metal z. zpe, and no wood~.ork s~'-,~ll ..... b~ ~,~_t~. O inches of the outer ~ee'~ of She shaft. A register box, pla~ed in the floor eve-a portable fu'~'naee shall have an open sp~t. ee around it of not less than ~ inches on all sides, ~.nd be su'ppo~e~ by an incombustible berrie!'. Hot air registers placed in any v;oodwork or combust- ible floors shall be surzo~ded with borders of incombustible material, not less than g inches wide, see~"ely set in pla~e. 'stet bones :~hall be of metal, ~nd be ~o~ole; the distance betv'e~n the two ~hall be not i~ss ti~ I inch; or ~ney may be single if ~overcd with asbestos not less th~ 1/8-inch in thie~es~, and if all woodwork within 2 inches be covered with tin. o-d air duets for i~ot air ~naees shall be made of incombustible material. SECTION 27 S~ .... . ~i ~D KO:~ ~¥ATER PIPES - No ste~ or hot water pipe shall oe within i insh ~ any woodwork. ~vsry stes~ or hot water pipe passing thresh combustible floors or eeiling or wooden lath and plaster ~,o. rtitions shall be protected by a metal tube i inch 1,~rger in di~er than the pipes, and be provided ~,~ith a ~rforated metal cap. All wooden boxes or easing enelosinj ste~, or hot w~ter heati~ pipes or wooden covers to recesses in walls in ste~ or hot water heating pipes are placed, zhall be lined wi~ metal. o~C~ION 28. DRY R00~S - Ho ~ombustible material sh~:~.i be permitted in the aonstruetion of any dry room here- afterereeted, in whiah a temperature of 125 degrees F~r~- heir or over may exist. If a temperaturo ~der 125 degrees Fahrenheit is to be used, the dry room may be constructed of wood, but it shall be lined throughout v~,ith 1/8-inch asbestos, ~.overed with sheet metal. ~l~s or ~eilings of dry If windows are piaeed in ~ ~ ~ rooms, they shall be of wired glass set in fixed incombustible sash and frames. R~ - ~o kitchen range or stove in any buildins sh~ll be pla~ed less than ~ feet from ~ny woodwork or wooden lath an~t plaster p~titiOn, ~less tt~e woodwork or partition is properly protected by metal ~ields, in wLiah ease the distance shall be not ~ss than 18 inehes~ Eet~l shields shall be loosely attached, thus preservi~ an air spondee behind th~ Hotel and restaurant ranges shall be prowided with a metal hood, pla~ed at least 9 inches below ~y wood~ lath a~d plaster or wooden ceiling, and have an individual pipe Combustible floors ~der ~oa~ r~ges snd similar appliances ~ithomt l~gs, s~h as mcn~ioned in Section O0, in ~'~i~h hot fires are maintained, shall be protected by a ~eet of metal, or a 1/8-inch layer of asbestos building l~ber, whieh shallbe ~overed with not less th~ ~ inehes of maso~ry set in ~ement mortar. S~h ~asonry may ~onsist of one of 4-inch hollow terra ~otta, or of two ~o~ses of brick or terra ~otta, at least one of whi~ shall be hollow .~nd be laid to ~reserve a free ~ir~ulation of air ~roughout the whole ~se. Concrete may be substituted for a ~ourse of solid bri~k if desired. 2he masonry work shall be ~over~od by sheet metal of not ~as~ than No. ~6 ga~e so arranged as not to obstruct the v~ntilating passages beneath. ~u~h he~ths ~hall extend at least ~4 inches in front and 1E i~hes on the sides and back el the r~ge or similar he~ing appliance. Ail ~oa!. stoves o~: r'e.:~,..~s, _ ..... '~" which x&:!~ll ~. ten& at laas~ i2 in&~es woodwork, woo&en lath ~n~ pl:~ter p:rtition or' ~eiiir~ wig. in h~atir~ boiler, '~ ~ bakery oven, .__ , beStos to a heighto.,.'"= at least 5 feet above the floor. 2. his ao~ri'n~._ sh~.ll =~,~-~=:.,e.~,~-~'~ th~ -~ali~ length of ~ boiler, f~aee ..... of or hc~:tin5 s. pp!L~ee, and , - ~ .... h.~,~ t asbestos or 5 feet ir; '' ~', or ~t-,=~ heati~ appliance shall be placed against a wall furred with wood. Heating boilers should be encased on ~des ~=zd Vop by an incombustible protective aoveri:~ not less th~ 1 1/2 in~hes thick. S~O'fi~N Zi. O~EN~'-'H~a~" ~"~:~""" D~Io~"'~' .... ~ '" - ~-~'' sas, u~ ~seed on iron stands 8, t least 6 inches above eom- bustibie supp ...... m~lsss uh,v burr, ers are a.t !aast 5 in~hes abo~e the base, with metal guard plates ~ inches below the burners. No open fl~ne heating or lighting deviee shall be used in any room vfnere gasoline or other vol-tile ~n~amuable fl~ds are stored or handled. ~'~ " ~ao connections to o~TI0i~ Z£. ~Ao CONNECTIONS - stovos and similar he~ti~.~ d~viees shall be made by rigid metal pipes. For small portable gas heating devices, fle~{ible ,,~-'~+~ ~_ or rutbor tubing:._ m~.y bc ~scd v~nen there is no vr~ive or o~n=r shut-off on tl~e devi~e. SECTION ~0. ~Ei~T FLUES -Vent flue~ or duets for the removal ol fo~ or ~itia~ed ~ir, in which tho ~empora- ture of the air e~ not exceed th~t of the rooms, shall - be constructed of metal or other incombustible material, ~:.nd shall not be placed ne~er, tt~ i inch to ~y v~oodwork and no =ue~. flue shall be used for any other p~pose. o~CTION 34.~,~ PIF~o - In all buil~ngs t~ee stories i~ heist there shall be installed one, or at th~ iireetion of the CLief of the Yi~ Department, more than one 4-ineh or larger ~mtallie sts~'~d pipe, which shall be eo~ceted with city v~'ate~, mains throu~ 4-inch or ~rger ~etere~f connection, ~nd eq~pped with a 2~-ineh hose ~onneetion on e~:~eh floor ~:~,,nd a 2~--_neh siamese eo~ etion, enee~ valve ~ut~ide at street or~de. Threads on i~ose aonne~ti~ns ii~ide b~ildin~ ,:~.nd on zi~:~mose aonn- detion outside of building ~ll be of ~me size ~:md ~ype ~s th:~t used by fire dep~rtment. Siamese eo~eti~n out- side baildi~:; sh~ll be inszalled not less tt~n six inches nor more th~ twenty-fo~ (24) inches above o~.I0_, 35 o~Y O~~ DESIGN - Ail Far~s of every ~:~ signed to s~f~? aarr~~ t'zm loaRs to b~ imposed oLer~on, and skai! in all o'ti~er r~spe~ts to good e~in~ering practice. o~,~TIOiI 36. Du~o ~' E.~'f'O ~Cl~a "~'~' ~IC~ - Eke ~n~ef of l:ire Department o~ other designated o~,lal hez~eby ~t~;~orized ~nd empov~erod - First'. To enfcre~:~ all ordz:.:~n.eo' ~ ~ -~ _.~'.~i~:~.~ ~ ~.~, "to '"~..~ ~c'nst~u. etio. n, equipment, msn?jement and condition ~ pro!~erty within 3aid town or viil~.;e. Joaond: 1~ o supervise the ~o,~strueti~.n or re- , buzzdz ng~. ~onstrueti~..n of ?!i .... Zhird. '~Uo rapport monthly to ~<ze ?ity 3ouzaeil regarding the ~ondition of the town on all ~ .... ~ ),_~Iol~ g7 Z:EifALTY FCR ~IOLATI~N - J~y and ~i pa?sons who shall violate any of the provision.~ of ~is ordinance or f~il to ~omply therewith, or ~d~c~ ~:d.~,]~ violate or fail to ~omp]y with any oz'der or z~e~sulavi~:~ ~?~.d~ there- under', or ~io ,:~]za.ii b~ld in violation of an~ detailed statem,~nt of spe~iii~ ~' ,a~ons ~' plans :~ubmitted ,:~nd eoproved bhe:re~zder, oz' s.z'[ ~1 certificate or p~z~mit ~ sued therem~der, ~nali severally for e~ek ~ every ~' ~uen violation and non- compliance respectively forfeit end pay a penalty n~t to exceed tb~ s~ of twenty-five dollars. ~,'...e imposition of one ~ena!ty. ~,_o~. ~..,:~ ..... vzolatio n' o-~ this o z. dine~e. ~ ~:~ .... ~ not e~c~zse the violation o-r ?ermit it to ~' ~o~,~in~e; and ali persons shall be required to correct or zeme,~y .~u~ ~ioiation~ speeified, eaek ten days tk~:~ ?~.oazokted aonditions ~re o~,~z~ aonstit,ate a oepara.~ offense. maintained, -~ .... - ' _ '~ ~ ~ke apoii.~.'tior~ of the above pen~l~, ~1_~ no~ be keld to [~revent tk~ enforced remora! of prolzibited condi- tions, s.s ?rovided in oe,~tion S o'~' ordina~aes and .... of ~' .... ~az~s ordinances ineon~o,~n~ horewi~ are kereby repealed. S~CTION 39. DATE ~ ~C- - Tkis ordinance shall t~e effe.t and be in for~e from ~d ~=~_ oer its ~¢assage.