Ord 49-30 VII Be It Ordained by the Council of thc city of Delray Florida, as follows: S£O~Io~. I' It si'~il b~ ~lawf~l to store or l~ep ~.n~ dynamite, nitro-glycerin, gis. nt p~wder or other e~plosi~es, without first obtaining a permit, in any storeroom, watercom, or on any pr~mises v~ithin ti~ ~ity limits. SEOTIo~ E. If :~hall be ~lawf~ to store or ~ep any e~.plosives in ex~ess of one po~d i~ ~.ny storeroom, room, b~l~ng, or on any premises ~i'~in thc city, except a magazine detaehed ~t leaot thre~ h~dred (~00) foot from b~ilding, a~ then only by special ~ermis~ion of mayor and ~o~eil; providing, however, that not more than five {~) ponds of ~powder may be kept in ~losed metal eanisters inca stye or wareroom away fro~,~ artificial heat or light, ~d providing f~th~r theft not more th~n fifty (50} pop, dm of g~powder may be kept if in a magazin~ made of fire-proof material or of wood covered with aheet iro~ and mop, ted on vd~eel~, kept securely looked, e~eept whon necessarily opened for ~e by ~.uthorized p~rsons, and not more th~ 1,O00 bls.~tin6 in a similar, but separate, magazine. Said ~gazine stroll be eonspie~ously labeled in red lettors at least fo~ (4} inches hi~h "~LOSIV~S" and located within the b~l~ nM, on thc floor nearest ~e street level and within ten (lO} feet of ~e ~treet Nothi~, in tlds ordinance ~all apply to bhe ord- inary keeping ~nd ~ale of small arms ~m~itiom as prmetieed in hardware and sporti~ goods houses. SEGTION ~. ~y person, fi~ or corporation whD shall sell or store g~powder shall obt~n a permit from the Chief of the Fire Departm~t, who sh~ll inspect tls place where same is kept, and the ~dealer shall fully disclose to said 0hief where same is kept both in the day and nighs time. SECTION 4. Ne person, firm or cerporatim ,without procuring a permit or license therefor, ahall Within the eorp0rate limits.0f thee ~ity of Delray Beach Store, manu- facture, keep for sale, or keep for use in any art, trade or manufacture, any carbide that will free an inflammable gas by contact with water or moisture, or any chemical element that will free an inflammable gas by contact with was er, A permit may be issued for the storage or keepizE for s.a, le of calcium carbide in water-tight metal csns having a capacity of not exceeding one hundred pounds each, and aggregate guantity not to exceed six hundred pounds, pro- vialed that much cans of .carbide be stored in a dry, water- proof, well ventilated Dlace, and not more than one .broken package kept on the premises at any one time, excepting, however, ~hat permit for the storage of carbide in carload .lots or unbroken paekagem ~gLll be iasu when i s kept in a building detached at least thirty feet from any other building, and~ is used only for storage of Carbide.. In su,,h buildi~gs no art'ifieial light or ffi re other than incandescent ~lectric shall be permit, ted. SECTION 8. Any person, firm or corporatimm violating any oi' the provisions of this ordinance shall be fine,d not less than five dollars (~5.00) nor more than tw~ty-five -dO~iars ($E5.00) for each offense, and each and every day that any of tB~ terms, conditions ~ provisions of this ord- inance arm not complied with, shall be e~nsidered a separate offense. SEOTION $. All.ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed. SEOTION ?. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and af~ter its p~sage