Ord 52-30 X AN 0RDINANgE PR0¥IDIz~G FOE ~E RZGULA%~ION Y~'D INSTALLATIoz~~ O'F ELECTRICAL l~OI~ AND E~UIP~ENTS IN THE CITY OF DELi{~"~ Bh~ACH, FLORIDA. SEOTION I. The ~ity electrician, or in the abmenee of a eit~' eleetrieian, '~ue ~,hie£ oi~ fire department, is hereby authorized, empowered ~nd directed to regulate and determine the placing of electric ~ires or other applianees for electric lights, heat or po~cr in the ~,iBy of Delray Beaeh, ~o~ud to cause all such ~'rires or appliances to be so placed, eonstrueted and guarder aa not to cause fires or ae~,ldents, endangering life or property. SEGTI0~,~ £. The ~it~~ eleetri~i~n, or in the' absence of the. city electrician, the Ci~ief of Fire Deparment, ah'all have the right in the disehorge of ~is duties to enter any building, m~nhole or subway, or to climb any pole, for the purpose of examining and testing the eleetrieal appliances herein or thereon ~.ontaine~. ~nd foz· that p~rpose he s~all be give~ prompt access to all buildings, p~blie and private, and to all manholes, snbways or 'poles, on application to the individual or eompany owning or i~ charge ~f ssme. l~,~enever an eleetri~ wire or applianee shall be defective throu~j~ improper or inso_Tfieient installation, om £or an~' other reasons,he s~ll at on~.e cause thc ~emoval of such defect or defects at the e~penae of the ov~ners of sueh wires or applianeea. SECTION Z. No alteration shall be made in the wirin~ of any building for light, heat or po'.wer, or increase in 'the load es. rried by such wires, nor shall any building be wired for electric lights, ~'~otors or heati~.~g deviecs without a vr~itten permit therefor from the city elee.trieian, or in tho absence of ~ city electrician, the 0bier of ~ire Dep~rtmen t. SEGTION 4. Upon the completimm of the wiring of any building for light, heat or poWer, it shall be the duty. of the company, firm or individual doing the same to notify the city electrician, or in the absence of a city electrician, the ~hief of Fire Department, v~o shall at once inspect such wiring and appliances, and if approved by him, he shall issue a ~ertificate o~ satisfactory inspection, which shall contain the dateof such inspection and an outline of the result of his examination; but no such certificate shall be issued unless such eleetrie wiring and appliances be in a~triet con- formity to the rules a~nd regulations prescribed or required by these ordinances, nor shall ~urrent be turned on such in- stallation until such certificate be issued, SEOTION 5. All electric construction, all material and all appliances used in connection wi~t~h electrical work, and the operatimm of all electrical apparatus, within the Cil~ of Delray Beach shall conform to the "Rules and Requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters" for the install- ation of wiring and apparatus for electrical purposes as they are now established or may hereafter be amended, and the said rules and regulations are hereby adopted ~md approved as a part of this ordinance. SEGTION 6. Every person, firm, or corp, o~'atiQn desiring to engaSe in th~ bum~ness of electrical construction and of the installation of wiring amd apparatus for electric light, heat or power in the City of Delray Beach shall, before doing so, obtain a license therefor, the fee for which shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00), which shall be paid into the treasury of the city before such license shall become effective. Said license shall be issued by the ei~ clerk after the payment of the fee above-~entioned. Any person, firm or corporation fouled doing electrical work in the City of Delray Beach without sUCh license shall be subject to a fine of one hundre~ dollars or imprisonment for thirty days, or b~th. S~ION ?. It shall be the duty of the city eleetriei- an, or in the absenee of the city eleetrieian, the Chief of Fire Department, to soldireet the placing of poles and wires in the streets, alleys and public plaees of the eity that the same shall eause as little obstruetion as ppssible, either to public travel on sueh thoroughfares or to ~e private mss a~d e~$~t~ of ad~aeent property. It shall also be his' duty, and he shall:have authority, to eomPel the removal of u~safe or superfluous poles, SECTION 8, A~y person or eompany owning and using any sueh poles who shall fail or refuse, after five days' notiee from the eity eleetrieiau, or in the absenee of a eleetriela~, the Chief of Fire Department, to remove any pole or poles deemed bY him unsuitable, unsafe or improperly lo~ated, or the loeation of ~hieh he shall require to be ehanged, shall, upon conviction, be fined no~ less than fi~e nor more than twenty dollars. And the ereetion or uae of poles re jested or eondemned by the city eleetrieian, or in She absenee of a city sleetrieisn, the Chief of Tire Depart- ment, shall subJeet the offender, upon eonvietion, to a like penalty. SECTION 9. The eity eleetrieian, or in the ab- sense of a eity eleetrieian, the Chief of Fire Departme~, shall cause all wires,, except telephone wires, that have not been used for thirt[ days, and whieh are known as dead wires, te be removed at~:onee at the expense of the owners of sueh wires. All dead wires of telephone ecmpanies shall b& detached fram the buildings with ~i~h they have bee~ SF~TION 10. ~ any pole of any eleetrie light, power, street railway, telephone or ~elegraph eompany used Jointly by two or more Such eompanies, each e~mpany shall be allotted a spaeial zone, and shall confine its wires to that zone, Spaees shall be measured from the tops cf poles downward, and a suitable zone on every pole akall ~t all times be reserved for the free' use of the city in stringing its fire alarm or ~Oliee telegraph wires. SE~TION II. ~he city eleetrieian, or in the absence of a eity eleetrieAan, the Ohief of Fire Department, shall keep a full and eomplete daily reeord of all work done, permits ~nd lieenses issued,, examinations made, and other' official work Derformed, as required bY this ordinanee, and shall make a re- port thereof to the CoUncil on or before the ~Oth daY o~ September o f each year, SECTION lP.. ~Whenever builders or persons engaged in repairing, painting~ ete. find it necessary to remove wires fr~m buildings in prosecuting their work, the owner of such building or the eontraeto,r engaged thereon shall serve the City eleotrioiau, or in ~the absence of a city electrician, the Chief of Fire Department', with written notice twenty-four hours before sueh contemplated work is begun, and said city electrician, or in the absence of a city electrician, the Chief of Fire Department, shall have authority in his discretion to direct the o~aers of' Such wires to remove the same. SECTION lJ. Any person, firm or corporation ~ho shall fmi to correct any defect or defects in his w~rk, after having bee~ duly notified for ten the days by city ele ~tri~ian, or in the absence of a airy eleetrieian, the Chief el Fire Dep~rtment, shall not receive any further perml~ until s~ah defeat or defeats have been corrected; an~ any ~ase in which any person shall eontinue~to or persistently violate t~e ord- inanee of the ~ity in regard to eleetrioal affairs c~ the ~rders of the, airy electrician, or in the absenae of a city ~leotriaian, the Ohief of. Fire Departmmm~, touching the same, the license of~ sueh person shall be forfeite~. SEOTION l&. In any ~ase of failure to aomply v~$h ~his ~ dinanoe, the city 'eleotriaian, or in the absence of a ~ity electrician, the Chief of Fire Department shall ~ave au- ~hority, after due notice, to ~ut out lights or aurrent in s~y ~oaality concerned and to enforae ~saontinuanae o~ the sss ~ mtl~ said reQuirom~nts are aomplied wil~h. SEGTION 15. Any pe~on, firm or company who shall violate any of the provisions of tAzis ~apter, for v~zich no~ spe~ifi~ penalty has been provided, or shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any order of the city electrieian,~r in the absence of al city electrician, the Ohief ol Fire Depart- 'men~; given in pursuance of and by the authority of this ordinance and the rules embraced thereLu, shall upon eonviction~ be fined not less than five dollars nor more than ~wen~Y-five dollars for each offense, or confined in etty prison or worked upon the streets of the city not exeeedirg, sixty d~ys, either or all, in t~ discretion of the recorder. SEOTION 16. All ordinanoes or parts of ordinances in e~nflict with the prowisions oi thi~ chapter are hereby SEOTION 17. This ordinance shall take effect from -'a~nd a~ter its passage. PASSED on second aud final reading January l~, 19~0. ATTEST: President of the Council. City Clerk. APPROVED this l~th lay of January, A. D. 19Z0.