Ord 53-30 ORDINANCE REGULA2ING TI~.~ ~¥iANUFAG~V0ttE, STORAGE, SA!.F. AI~D DISTRIBUTING OF MATCifSS. Be It Ordained by the Council of the City of Delray Beaeh, . Florida, as follows:' SEOTION I. It shall be unlawful for any porsu~, assoei~tion or eorpor~.tion to manufaetume, store, offer forsale~ sell, or otherwise dispose of, or distribute ~k~ite phosphorus, si~4sle,-dipped, strike-anywhere matches of tl~ type popularly knovm as "Parlor matches". , nor manufacture, store, sell,~ffer for sale or otherwise dispose of, or distribute v.~hite phos- phorus, double-dipped, strike-~nywhere matches, or any other type of double-dipped mat~.hes, unless the bulb or first dip of such mateh is composed of a so-called safety or inert composition, non-ignitible on ~y~, ~ abrasive surface, nor man- ufae~ure, store, sell, offer for sale, or otherwise dispose of, or distribute matches which when p~eked in ~ carton of five hundred approximate eap~oity ~nd placed in an o~en ~'~ai~,'~tained ~t a constant temmperature of E00-degree Fahrenheit, will ignite in eight hours; nor ~,~n~faetu~e, store, offer for sale, sell, or other/dispose of, o~ distribute Blazer, or so-called wind matches, whether of the so'-~all~d s~..fety or strike-anywhere type. SEGTION E, No person, firm or ~orpo~ation shell sell or otherwise distribute for use, ~-.,ny m~,t~,hes, unless the box or container in which su~h matches are packed bears plainly, marked on the outside thereof, the name of the manufaeturer, and the brand or traee-mark under whieh sueh mate~hes hre sold or distributed. SEGTION ~. Not more than one oase of each brand matches of any type or manufacture shall be open at any time in any store or warehouse in the City of Delray Beach, and no loose boxes or paper' .wrapped packages of.matches shall be kept on shelves or stored loose a in such stores ~ ware- houses at a height exceeding five feet from the ~loor. SF~I~ ~. ~t~he's when stored must be kept only in sound case and not Piled to a height exceeding ten feet from the floor. No matches shall be stored within a hori- zontal distance of ten feet from any heating apparatus such as boiler, furnace, stove, etc., nor within a horizontal distance of twenty-five feet from any explosive ma terial stored on the same floor. SEGTIoN 5. Natehes shall be packed in boxes or able packages containing not more than seven hundred matches in any box or package, provided, however, ~bat whan more than three hundred matches are~pa~ked in 'any os box~ or package, the said matches shall be arranged in two nearly equal portions, the heads of the matches in the %pper portion point- ing in the opposite dire.~tion from the heads of the matches in the lower portion. All boxes containing tAree hundred and fifty or more matches shall have placed therein a e. ent~r holding or protecting strip, made of chip board, not less tha~ ~ 1/4 inches wide; said strip shall be plated on the top of She matches in the box aU.d be flanged down on each end to ~old the matches in position when the box is nested in the ~hmek or w%thdrama~from it. SE~TION $, All'match boxes or packages a~all be .aeked in strong shipping containers or eases, which shall omply in full with the rmgulations of the Interstate Oommeree ~ommission. SEOTION ?. Any person, firm or eorporation violating ny of the provisions in this c~dinanee shall be fined not less tha~ five ($5.00) Dolla~ nor more than twenty-five ($25°00) Dollars for each offense. ~.~ i'n. 'force after its Passage. ......... P~SED on second ~d final ~ad~g Y~ua~ 13th, President of the Council. ' ,"',~,.'; ~PPROVED this 14th day of January, A. D. ~930.