Ord 09-28 AN ORDINANCE BY THE C!T¥ COUNCIL OF ~}~ CITY O~ DELR~Y · -- BEA~, FLORID~IN ~LAR 0~o~. *~ ~.'rio~d~. ;hat o ~o~l~ ~~-t~-.aL1 ~ici~s .practicing ~ithin the Ci~y o~ Delray Beach, Flori~, who, when'called u~ any i~ectious or contagious desease shall a~ once file with the Clerk a reoort.directed to ~he Board of Health of s~id, ~ity, reporZing such i~ecZious sr co~_tagiou~' de~'~Se, givi~ brieff desc~iotion o~ zhe house or locstion in said Oity in . w~ich Such pa~t~ or ~tients are. domlcile~,' refusi~ to comely with t~ordinance shal~ be ~ilty misdemeanor and punishable as such. ' A. D. 1928. Passed on second reading th~s ~he // ~ty Clerk' .