Ord 01-MosquitosAN ORDINANO]~ FROVIDI~G 20R ~ODB 02 ~~ 02
L~Y ~ ~. ~ ~~IN~ A 2~AL~ P0R VIOL~I0~
O~ T~ ~DI~OE.
BE IT ~AI~ by the Oit~ Oo~cil of the Oit~ of
Del~y, ~lori~a:
Section 1: It ~all be ~w~l to ~ve, keep, ~i~in,
ca~e or pe~it, ~in the inco~o~te l~tts of the 0ity
of Del~y, ~lori~, ~y collection of s~~g or ~owing
~ter in which mosyuitoes bree~ or are likely to bree~
~ess smch collection of water is trea~e~ so as t0 effectively
prey,ut such bree~g.
Sect~n 2: ~e collections of wa~r c~si~ere~ bF
3ecttcn I of this ~i~nce ~all be hel~ to be those con-
taine~ in ~itches, pon~s, ~ools, e~avati~ns, holes,
· epressions, o~n cesspools, ~i~ vaults, skiffs ~r other
open boats, fox.ins, ciste~s, ~n~e. shallow wells,
b~rels, troughs, (except horse troughs in ~equent use)
~s. c~s, boxes, bottles, tubs, buckets, ~efective house-
roof ~tters, ~$ of ~sh closets, or ot~r simil~
~t~ co~ta~ers.
Sec~on 5: ~e ~tho~ of treatment of ~y collec~ons
of water that ~e ~peciffea in Section 2. airectea towara the
prevention of bree~g of mosquitoes, ~all be ap~ve~ by
the Boar~ of Health, ~ ~y be ~y o~ of ~e following:
(a) Sereeni~ wi~ wire ~tting of at least 16 meshes
to the i~h each W~. or ~y other ~terial which will
effectively prevent the in.ess ~r e~ess of mesq~tees.
(b) Using a ~ici~e app~ve~ ~ applie~ ~er the
~irection of the Boars of Health.
{c) 0overing co~letely t~ ~rface of the water with
kerosene, petrole~ or pa~ffine oil once eve~ seven ~s.
(a) 01e~ing ~ keying sufficiently free of vege~ble
~h ~ oth~ obst~ctions ~ stoc~ng wi~ mosguit~--
· estroying fi~; ~se~e of ~lf-~ mos~ito ~ae to be
evi~e~e of cool.nee wi~ m~s~.
(e) Pill~g or ~ining to the satisfaction of the
Boar~ of Health.
(f) ~oper aisposal of tin sans, tin boxes, broken or
empty bottles, ~ simil~ ~ticles lilly to hol~ ~ter.
Sect ion 4: ~e ~t~ presence of mosguito la~ae in
st~i~ or ~i~ ~ter shall be evtaence that mosquitoes
are breeai~ ~ere, ~a faille t~ prevent such breeaing
within t~ee ~ys aft~ notice by the Boa~ of Health ~1
be ~eeme~ a violation of this or~i~ee.
Section 5: ~e Boars of Health or person or persons
aoti~ ~er its ~th~rit2 ~y at all remson~le times enter
in an~ upon ~y premises ~thin ~e ci~, ~d ~ person '
or p~sons ch~ge~ wi~ ~ of the auties ~osea by this
~- ordinance failing after twenty-four hours' written notice
/" from the Board of Health to comply with such ordinance
in the particular or particulars set forth in said notice
shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and
for each day after the expiration of said twenty-four hours
.~/ that the said person fails to cc~rply with this ordinance
,~-~ he shall be deemed g~ilty of a separate violation of this
ordinate · ·
Section 6: ~he per. on held u~er this ordinance to be
responsible for the correction of conditions on premises
givimg rise to or lik®ly to give r~se to breeding mosqui~oes,
shall be the ow~e~, and in his absence the agemt of the
owner of said premises; provided, a~y tenant causing or
permitting said conditions without the consent of the owner
or agent shall be held responsible· Where & trespasser or
other person is ~nown to cause or to have caused said
conditions without the consent of owner, ~gent or tea~t,
then such. person shall be held responsible.
Section ?: Azly person who shall violate a~y provision
of this ordinance shall, on each o~nviction, be subject
to a fine of not more tha~l Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or be
imprisoned for not more than thirty (ZOI d~ys, or both
so fine~ and imprisoned, in the discretion of the Ma~or.
, All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with
, this ordinance are hereby repealed.
PASSED by the City 0ouncil of the 0ity of Delray,
~lorid~, this /~ ~ day of ~ebruar~, A.D 19~
Cit-~ Clerk.
~ PO~TED February /~ , A.D. 1923.