BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Delrmy,
1st. It shall be unlawful for any.owner of any lot,
parcel or tract of land, or any person as agent for the ~ner
of any let, parcel or tract of land, or any tenant Upon
az~y lot, parcel or tract of lan~, acting without antho rlty
from the o~mer thereof or the agent of the owner, within
the limits of the City of Delray, Florida, to permit the
same to grow up in weeds, grass, bushes or underbrush, to
a height 'exceeding six (6) inches, except in the case~of
trees, plants, hedges, shrubbery and flowers kept or grown
for ornament or use, when said trees, plants, hedges, shrubbery-
and flowers are so cared for and pruned th_at such excepted
growths shall not form' dense masses of vegetation and shall
have their lowest branches at least four (4) inches from the
ground, and with the flxrther exception to the ~bove described
requirements of vegetables grown for food when said vegetables
are cultivated and cared for in the usual manner.
2d. It shall be unlawful for any owner of any lot,
parcel or tract of land, or any person as agent for the owner
any lot, P~arcel or tract of land, o~ a~y~ tenant upon any
lot, tract Or parcel of lan~, acting without authority from
the owner 'thereof or the agent of the o~n-er, within the
limits o~ the City of Delray, Florida, to. permit the
accummlatiOn on such l~t, parcel er tract of land of trash,
rubbish, ;garbage, animal or vegetable matter; tin cans;
bottles; discarded or abandoned furniture, automobiles
or parts thereof including tires; waste paper; barrels;
boxes of whatsoever material; rotting wood or lumber ;
coconuts or the fronds or branches of coconut trees, or
refuse of whatsoever character, the same being hereby
de¢lare~ a menace to the general health of the citizens
of the City.
~1. In case the Board of Health of the City of
Delray shall fin~ that any o~n__er, or agent for any owner,
or tenant acting without authority of the owner or agent
for the owner, of any lot, parcel or tract of land within
the limits of the City of Delxa2 has violated the pro-
visions of the foregoing sections, the said Board of Health
shalI cause written notice of such finding to be served
on such owner, agent or tenant acting without authority
of the owner or agent of the owner, if a resident of the
city at the time of such finding, or by posting a notice
of such finding on the premises if the owner, agent or
ten_an~ is nonresident at such time, directing that the
objectionable condition or conditions be abate~ within a
time specified in such notice.
4th. In the event that the terms of the notice from
the Board of Health are not observe~ an~ the premises put
in satisfactory sanitary c ~ndition, the said Board of Health
shall report the fact to the Council, when the Council may
by resolution carry the ~in~ings of the Boar~ of Health
into effect by ordering the premises olea~ed at the expense
of the City, a~l the City shall have and enforce a lien
against such lot, parcel or tract of lan~ for the amount
expended in this behalf, together with interest from the
date of such expenditure at eight (8) per cent per annum,
and az~y cost that may accrue in connection with such lien.
1st. That any owner of any lot, parcel or tract of
lani within the limits of the City of Delrmy, or agent for
such owner, or tenant acting without authority from the
owner or agent for the owner, who shall permit said lot,
parcel or tract of land to grow up in vegetation, except
as hereinbefore provided, or shall cause or permit the
accumulation upon such lot, parcel or tract of lan~ of
refuse or rubbish of whatsoever nature, as hereinbefore
· esignated, and shall fail to remove or destroy same upon
notice issue~ by the Board of Health, shall be deeme~
guilty of a misdemeanor a~d shall upon conviction be fined
not exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or imprisone~ not
exceeding thirty {30) days, or both so fine~ _a~ imprisoned,
in the ~iscretion of the Maxtor,
2~. Ail ordinances in conflict with the provisions
hereof are hereby repea/e~.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Delr~y, Florida,
, this ~ da~ of February, A. D. 192S.
of the
City 01ez~k.
Febr~ ~, A.D. 1983. )