Ord 10-Speed LimitsdiC recuest th~ Florida
~ Coas~ Railway to place sui~ab!e sate-
ty devices at vile public crossing of ~o_~tmc Lve:~ae and
axe! roi'use& t0 'q~ ' '" ' ' '
p_~.oe ss.~d safety devices a~ requossee
Council, and
.....,~;~'"'~"~', the Cx~y Council aid ..:~ass s~._~ ordi:'~ance recuir-_
inC said 2!orida East Coast Ra~lwa2 %o '.place a ,~aocxh;=n
~a~. Coast la~
· pul~lic crossiz~{.':, aN_d said Florida "~ .... ~ has ne{{iect
ed and refused to '.~lace said ~a.tc~u~. at ss~ii orossinci, and
nu.~ bee~ Cesi{;na~ed by an ordi-
nance of ~:~e City Co,moil ~o be a ~oi~ crossing; at which school
childrem "os. ss over the %~.o;~s of said ram!road~ and
..~,~, %he Florida ": ..... ~ .~.i!,7~
a[:en~s and eNcineers cause its trains and locomotives to travel
a rate of sioee~ over an& across sai~ crossinf~, f:reater .......
allowed by the laws of the 3rate of Florida a::d the ordinazzces of
the u~tu of ~e~rc~ r. locomotives and e~y:ines
~ ~ Fate of "! ....
o.Jee& Of i'rom ~vzen'By-:five (25) %0 3-;'-~;' (60} miles
tile lives al!{ !)roper$y of %he i]~abitants of %he City of De!z.ay,
q'V~E Ci'ZY CP '.".,T :) ,r :'T-,'~ D.L.
tio~ of ~o~ lives of school ch~!iren~ axdo~'oner citizens of %he
~'tv Of Dc!-''''-~'r 'bo recuire "~ ~,~.-. o
c~...~ U2 8.1Z!s ~=:C1 les ~ loo OllO%ive~ or
cars o_. _~L, ed by the P!oPi~a ~ast Coast Razlwayov~,-.,, an& across
Ordin~ic e ' -2-
'the pu_b!ie crossiii~r~ at the intersection of Atlantic Lvenue and sai~
~" o~o~ befo~ na~sinC said cross-~
rai!v~ay's tracks,co come to a full ~'~ ! -
caps operated on and across tho public crossinf; of tile Plorida
East Coas~ ""''"'~ ._ _ _ , .......
~,~TIC;7 III. ~nat the watchman placed at the
cro.ssmn£; by the Ci%r of ~,~*-ay, is ~e~eby instz~.cted, authorized
~d co:.:iuanded to *~ .... s~q %
~-~c~ rains of the Florida .......
vmy Com~:D~:y and notify them that said ..... '
,~. ui~lliS are to come to
uo2 izi c~lpliance vzith tiiis ordinance before crossing sazd public
c_~'oo~z~i~'~'o ....... ~at ariy other ~-~o!ice officer of the C~= oy of Delray
~x~.~ have )civet to fla{j ~-~
necessary, in. o:~der that the some may come to a f-~i stop before
crossin¢: said '~zbqio crozsinE.
o~CT~u.~; IV ..... ~,, vi o!ati o::! of this ordinance b,y sazd
or cars to a full stop before crossing said -o~.~olzc" ' c,'~ooomzias"-',
be deumee {-;uilty of a violation of this ordinance and ~n~,.t for a
.,~o';~l'::':'~ ; .... 'e.:.':-,,-k-.c: ~o o'be~ -5~io pz'ovioions of tkis ordinance
be s-~Jject to l'ine and imprisoimuent, said fzne/to exceed Five
or imprisozm~ext for not more tksf~ Ci:irt~
m~,s in tke Clty jail.
SiiCTIOi[ V. This ordinaz~eo.~_~<-~ be deemed an emez. f<enoy
ordins~uce and fop the public safety of the ir~zsbitants of the Cit~
of Dolray, Plorida, and skali take effect i:t~:uediate~ upon its
passage and approve.