Ord 12-Council SalariesLiI C2Di!{~'it[CE CF Tile CiTY COUi[CiL OP THE CIg~ OF D2L~LY, 2LORIDA, ~z._I~,G THE~...._~:~.-~'-n'~ m~cil TO en ......... Pi_TD ~{r,~ !LiYOR, ~,_u~.u_~.~'~ LiD ~,~. .... cF ~:~s L-~RIu.~,,a COLi. i!TT~E~.~ OF THE Ol~ u~t =~Cll. ': .~.-~ OIDY OF }~LRJfZ, FLOIID2. 3E !T CRD~.IiiD NY TI{E CI~ CCUI:CiL OF THE CITY CF I:!~LY, ?LORIDL: ~CT!C:. I. That the compensation to be paid the llayor shall be. ~eventy-flve (4}75.00) Dollars per month, and the compen- sation to he paid each of the'-Uit~y Cou~.cilmen of the City of Delray, P!orida, shall be Fifty (~50.00) Dollars per month, to be raid by voucher issued by the City Clerk i~ 'the ~ame m;}~ner as other vouchers~ and dravrn on the ~.:enera.! £u_uds of the City Treas- urer on the first day o£ each and eveFy month. · ~.~._<.~: II. That there shall he paid ~-~ ~ ~' (""~5.00)~, Dollars to the chairman of each comm~ittee duly av~ointed~ ~ by ~he Nayor or Co~_cil, said Twenty-five (:[:~5.00) Dollars to be paid ~y voucher as is provided in the foregoing paragraph. Only the chairmen of the re,:aD, ar standinc con~ittees shall be paid said comvensation as is provided herein, ~22CTI0'~ ~I! That in the event t'_ae ~- -- ...... · ._%yor or any Cou:?.cii man, for any ?eason wha%soever, shsll be al. sent from any meetin~'~' o£ the City Council, then in that event, the sum of Five (:j:5.00) Dollars shall be deducted b.i.' the City C!er!'~ from the amoun~ to be raid said ilayor or Com._cm!~.~z. for L~i~ services l':Cn ~' ....IV. '!n the: event ..... o_ any Council-man sh be abse' fop tv~o consecutive reg~l~._ me ~: ~-n e~ings l~'~ any °~e "?~mI(-.'l~V. n, ...... ~,:.__~ et[fec~ on the f!z'st Tuesday after 'the first i loxday in October of 1926, and all ordinances and ',parts of ordinances in co~tfiict w~%h %~',~.~ ord~.t~ance are he- '~ .... ~e ..... ed.