Ord 15-License Real EstateII ~ 0RDI]~ANCE A~E~DING THAT CERTAI~ ORDIi[JGTCE ~RELATI!TG T0 T~ DICE~ ING, ~G~TING ~ ~GIS~RII~G 0E ~AL ESTATE BR0~RS Ai~ ~ ES-~ TATE SA~S~ INSOF~ AS TI~ LICEI~SE TO BE PAID BY ~$L ESTA~ BRO~RS ~ ~AL ESTA~ ~.~SI~ IS CO!tCER~D. S~D ORDIII~CE TO BE ~~D :~ PASSED BY T~ CI~ C0~CIL 01~ T~ E8TH DAY 0F SEPTE~ BER, 1925. BE IT 0RDAII'~D BY T~ CITY C0~CIL 0F T~ CITY 0F DELRAY, FL0~DA: SECTION I. That the ordin~ce adopted at the regular meet-~ ing of the City Co~cil of the City of Delray, Florida, on the 28th day of September, 1925, providing for the license fee to be paid by real estate brokers ~d salesmen shall be amended so that the nual fee or license to be charged for real estate brokers' license shall be Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars and the fee or license for real estate salesmen shall be Fifteen (~15.00) Dollars per year. SECTION 2. That as aforesaid, said ordin~ce shall be amended so as to reduce the real estate brokers license ~ty of ~5,--.~ from Two H~dred (~$200.00) Dollars per year to that of Twenty-five (~25.00) Dollars per year, and further that the li- cense to be charged for real estate salesmeShall be reduced from Twenty-five (~25.00) Dollars per year to Fifteen ($15.~0) Dollars per year. SECTION 3. This ordin~ce is hereby declared to be ~endatory ordin~ce ~d is not intended to repeal any of the sec- tions or provisions of the above described ordin~ce or m~y other ordin~ce or ordin~ces now in effect~only in so f~ as the foregoi:~g ~en~ent~ apply~. SECTION 4. This ordin~ce shall take effect in~ediately ~upon its passage and approve. Examined and approved by me this ~ day of A. D. 19£6. (,.,L?,, 1,~fayor.